Military Technology

Chapter 2335 My sister is in love?

Chapter 2336 My sister is in love?


Of course, Wu Hao couldn't guarantee this, otherwise it would be very embarrassing if there was a conflict with their supervisor's arrangements.

Of course, this rarely happens. Because the supervisor will definitely take Wu Hao's face and prestige into consideration, and will give priority to Wu Hao's arrangements if they conflict with his arrangements.

However, this will disrupt the overall work arrangements of departments and supervisors, and affect the normal operation of their departments and related work and projects.

Therefore, although Wu Hao promised these people a ten-day holiday, how to take it had to be arranged by the department head. He is not Chang Kaishen, and he will not interfere in the work of people below him.

Although Wu Hao said this, it did not affect everyone's excitement at all. It can be seen that they are really happy.

When Wu Hao saw this, he stopped talking about work and chatted with these people while eating and drinking.

This is also a way to get closer to employees. Many leaders like to use it and it is very effective. Maybe your inadvertent greeting will be remembered by these employees for a lifetime.

From a conspiracy theory perspective, this is also one of the best ways to win people's hearts.

Finally, in a happy atmosphere, Wu Hao and everyone ended the dinner. Wu Hao, who was a little tipsy, was also relatively happy. After all, it was rare to have such a relaxing time.

Speechless all the way back to the hotel. After sending Shen Ning and the others away, Wu Hao immediately came to the bathroom and began to take a comfortable bath in the hot water.

He didn't like taking baths very much before. He thought it was too time-consuming to do it without getting wet in the rain. But when you are tired enough and want to relax, taking a hot bath will relax your entire body. Especially the jacuzzi, it's really comfortable.

But before we could hang out for a while, Lin Wei's call came in.

Wu Hao lay directly in the bathtub to connect. In the video, Lin Wei was wearing a set of light pink silk pajamas and a facial mask. When she saw Wu Hao soaking in the bathtub, she immediately laughed.

"You are very leisurely and elegant. Why are you taking a bath?"

Hearing Lin Wei's words, Wu Hao smiled and replied: "I went to have a barbecue with Shen Ning and Zhou Yonghui in the evening and drank a little. So when I came back, I wanted to take a hot bath and relax."

"Oh, are you going to the specially marked old Beijing barbecue restaurant?" Lin Wei asked with a smile.

Well, Wu Hao nodded: "This is it, it tastes good. It's a pity that it can't be packaged, otherwise I will take it back for you to try. I can only get off the car and come to the capital to take you to eat."

"Tch, who cares?" Although Lin Wei said this, she still couldn't help but lick the corner of her mouth. This woman is getting more and more greedy now. What she likes most in her free time is studying delicious food.

It seems that this is also a common hobby of girls nowadays.

So although Lin Wei looks like a domineering female CEO in front of the public, but in real life she is a very young woman, and sometimes she is very cute and even a little silly.

"Haha, just be tough." Wu Hao joked with a smile, and then continued: "By the way, I brought you a lot of beef and donkey meat in sauce this time. They are all from old shops. They taste good. very good."

"That's not bad, I forgive you." Lin Wei said with a smile on her face.

Haha, Wu Hao also smiled when he saw this: "What about you, what are you having for dinner?"

"Since you're not here, I can only make do with it. I fry myself a piece of steak and make a vegetable salad." After saying that, Lin Wei stretched and assumed a lazy posture. And this also revealed all of her wonderful figure. It is really thin where it should be thin, full where it should be full, white where it should be white, and tender where it should be tender.

Looking at it, Wu Hao couldn't help but feel a little thirsty, and couldn't help but ask charmingly: "Am I beautiful?"


Seeing this, Wu Hao couldn't help but have black lines on his head, and then looked at Lin Weihuo Da Dao in the video: "Fairy, wait, let's see how I deal with you when I get back."

"I'm afraid of you. I'm waiting. Come back quickly." After saying that, Lin Weiyou posed in a more provocative pose.


Wu Hao took a deep breath, and then changed the subject to Lin Wei in the video: "How are Lin Lei's these days?"

Hearing Wu Hao change the topic, Lin Wei raised the corner of her mouth, then sighed at him and said: "It's still the same, but it's much better than before. Now the whole person has become sunny, and she is not afraid of meeting people. .

The last facial repair surgery was very successful. My parents took him to the hospital for a review the day before yesterday. The repaired area on the face recovered very well. As for the rehabilitation training, I am still persisting. It seems that the amount of training has been relatively heavy recently, and his short legs have developed blood blisters. My mother secretly shed tears several times. "

"This is a process that must be experienced. There is no other way. Please comfort and enlighten Auntie. It's okay. This process will pass faster. Only when he gets used to it can he be able to adapt to this smart bionic electronic prosthetic and be able to use it. Stand up and walk or run." Wu Hao said to Lin Wei.

"Yeah, I know. Xiaolei is also very optimistic about this and doesn't feel hard at all. My mother has gotten better with our persuasion, so don't worry." Lin Wei nodded with a smile, and then said to Wu Hao showed a mysterious smile and said softly: "Let me tell you something. You have to promise me not to get excited first."

"What's going on?" Wu Hao couldn't help but become curious.

Lin Wei hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Wu Tong came back yesterday, and something was not right. I think she seems to be in love."

"What? She's in love. How old is she and who is she with?" Wu Hao sat up when he heard this and then asked Lin Wei anxiously in the video. After all, she was his biological sister. He couldn't help but be a little surprised and anxious when he heard the news.

"I told you not to get excited. Why are you in such a hurry?" Lin Wei tried to persuade her, and then explained to the anxious Wu Hao: "I really don't know who it was with, but I made some insinuations. It seems to be one of her seniors. According to what she said, this senior is very good and handsome."

"Bullshit, how handsome can he be? This is obviously a bad boy cheating on a stupid girl." Wu Hao then cursed.

Poof! How can you say that to people? Lin Wei pursed her lips and smiled, and then said to him: "I asked Xiaotong, she didn't seem to agree yet, but she said that the senior is chasing her crazily now.

Let me tell you, you can’t rush this matter, and don’t force it. Xiaotong is in the rebellious stage now. If you force yourself, it will arouse her rebellious mentality and fight against you.

In addition, Xiaotong is not young anymore. If she can have a good relationship, it will be a good thing for her and it will help her grow. "

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