Military Technology

Chapter 2336 Launching Ceremony of College Student Entrepreneurship Plan

Chapter 2337 Launching Ceremony of College Student Entrepreneurship Plan

Although Lin Wei tried her best to persuade, no one would be able to calm down if something like this happened to her. After all, no one wants a man to suddenly show up and deceive her with sweet words.

Although I am very anxious, there is no point in worrying about this matter now. Others are still in the capital. I can only wait until I get back from the capital tomorrow to learn the details before making any plans.

Lin Wei was right, he had to handle this matter carefully. If it was not handled well, it would probably arouse the little girl's rebellious psychology. So when he thought about how to deal with this matter, he couldn't help but feel a headache.

This also caused the originally pleasant night to fall asleep for a long time due to his random thoughts.

So much so that he woke up only after Shen Ning called to wake him up.

After freshening up a little, Wu Hao came to the living room and found that Shen Ning and two entourage were already waiting.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded at several people, then came to sit down at the dining table. The long-awaited hotel service staff and chefs served breakfast.

The hotel prepared a very rich breakfast for him, including Chinese and Western food, and Wu Hao ate some at will. There is nothing wrong with the taste and texture of this breakfast. It is all made by the chef himself, so it naturally tastes good.

As for Shen Ning and the others, they had already started to help pack their luggage. While the other two entourage members were packing their things, Shen Ning walked over with a transparent tablet and said to Wu Hao.

Mr. Wu, your arrangements for today are as follows. At ten o'clock, you will attend the launching ceremony of the college student entrepreneurship plan. The whole process is expected to be completed within forty minutes. Then you will drive directly to the airport. You are expected to arrive at the airport at half past eleven and leave. Board the plane through the VIP channel and take off at 11:55.

There's no problem with time. Wu Hao wiped his mouth with a tissue after hearing this, and then asked Shen Ning.

We've set aside a lot of time, so there won't be any problems. Shen Ning said confidently.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded, then picked up the coffee and drank it. He had less time to sleep last night, so he had to drink some coffee to refresh himself. After all, he would have to participate in such a public event soon, and he had to show his youthful and energetic side. After all, this event was for college students.

After breakfast, he took a short rest. This should be the most pleasant time for him every morning, and it is also a fixed habit. That is, after eating breakfast, you will sit down and rest for a while. On the one hand, you can enjoy the leisure time after the meal. On the other hand, you can also surf the Internet, browse the news, and pay attention to some relevant international, domestic and industry news, etc.

As a business leader, it is very important to keep abreast of the world and social dynamics, which will help him make correct decisions more clearly and lead the company to continue to move forward.

After drinking a full cup of coffee, they set off immediately. The vehicle was already waiting at the entrance of the hotel, and upon learning that they were leaving, the hotel manager personally led people to wait in the lobby to say goodbye to them.

High-quality customers like Wu Hao are also the targets of competition for major hotels. On the one hand, of course, it is because they can bring tangible benefits to the hotel. Just his room and the rooms of his subordinates' entourage, as well as the daily expenses in the past few days, are already very objective. In addition, Wu Hao, a famous person with celebrity effect, can also increase the popularity of the hotel.

Therefore, the hotel was very concerned about this. Basically, there was a dedicated person in charge of contacting Wu Hao during the entire stay, trying to make Wu Hao's stay comfortable enough.

In the car, Wu Hao took over the transparent tablet handed over by Shen Ning. On it were relevant procedures and some brief introductions about the launching ceremony of the college student entrepreneurship plan activity, as well as a speech specially prepared for him.

Although Wu Hao might not necessarily use it, he had to make preparations in case he had to use it. If he didn't have it by then, it would be a dereliction of duty on the part of them as secretaries, and they felt that it wouldn't work.

This event was co-organized by relevant departments and many well-known universities in Beijing, aiming to encourage and support college students and fresh graduates to actively start their own businesses.

Its main purpose is to improve the employment rate of college students, especially graduates. This is a commonplace issue and a social reality.

Another point is that we also hope that through college students' entrepreneurship, we can create more jobs and bring more people into employment. At the same time, if there is a successful project among these college student entrepreneurship projects, then this event and related support policies and funds will not be in vain.

Especially after the emergence of several successful cases of entrepreneurship by Wu Hao and others, this has made relevant departments, major universities, and localities pay even more attention to college student entrepreneurship support projects.

Anxi's local support for Wu Hao's success has made Anxi a technological giant with great influence in the world, which has indirectly and directly contributed to the trillions of GDP in Anxi. You know, before this, the annual GDP of Anxi was about one trillion. The strong rise and rapid development of Haoyu Technology has doubled Anxi's GDP. How come this kind of leapfrog growth doesn’t make all localities jealous.

Therefore, various places have followed suit and launched many entrepreneurial incentive programs in this area. Although most of the investment was wasted, a few rising stars have been cultivated.

Although they are still far behind Wu Hao, they are already very good.

Major universities got involved, mainly because Wu Hao and the others came from the University of Science and Technology of China. Therefore, in the past few years, HKUST has risen strongly with the help of Wu Hao's reputation, as well as Wu Hao's related support and feedback.

This rise is not only reflected in the rising admission scores, but also in the scientific research projects with HKUST. Especially the scientific research cooperation with Haoyu Technology in various aspects has made HKUST really popular in the scientific research circle in recent years.

The growth of scientific research strength has also led to the growth of the overall teaching quality, thereby attracting more outstanding students. The University of Science and Technology has not forgotten its original intention and has begun to increase its support for college students' scientific research and entrepreneurship. In recent years, with the attention of various policies and leaders at all levels, many successful cases have emerged.

For example, there is a junior student of Wu Hao at HKUST who is a fan of Wu Hao, so he bought a lot of their products. He hoped to use their smart VR equipment to play games, but the official related accessories were relatively expensive, so he made a device accessory by himself through open source software.

Later, under the persuasion of his friends, he took the equipment accessory he had made and applied for entrepreneurial fund support. Unexpectedly, he passed it.

As for this junior, with this money and school-related help, he set up a studio to sell parts and components in this area. Later, he received local support from Anxi and has now developed into an annual business. A technology and creative company that has collected over 100 million yuan.

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