Military Technology

Chapter 2338 Starting a business is very simple, a few tables, a few cups of milk tea, and a dream a

Chapter 2338 of the Main Text of Military Science and Technology: Starting a business is very simple. A few tables, a few cups of milk tea, and a dream are enough. After the applause of the crowd gradually faded, Wu Hao smiled and changed his tone: "But, after all, so much has been invested. , if you just give up, then everything you invested before will be thrown into the water.

So we are thinking about what applications such a battery can be used? "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, the audience also started talking. This battery has excellent performance, but it is unsafe and prone to explosion. In what other fields can such a battery that doesn't know when it explodes be used?

Seeing the reaction from the audience, Wu Hao smiled and said: "Not to mention, there are really people who are interested in this battery. For example, the most popular field of drones at present, especially the field of cruising and attacking drones, is There is a lot of interest in this high-performance battery.”

After hearing Wu Hao's words, the people sitting in the audience were stunned for a moment, and then they all laughed. Indeed, this battery is a perfect match for this type of attack drone.

As for Wu Hao, he did not start talking about this aspect. After all, it was not suitable to talk about this aspect in this situation, so he stopped talking about it.

Therefore, there is no perfect path. Don’t give up easily when you encounter difficulties. If you think about it more, you might be able to turn a crisis into an opportunity.

The word "crisis" can be broken down into danger and opportunity. They generally do not exist alone, but coexist. Just like when we start a business, it is both an opportunity and a challenge in your life.

If you succeed, then it's easy to say what it means to become a CEO, win wealth and beauty, and reach the pinnacle of life.

Ha ha ha ha……

The teachers and students in the audience burst into laughter. They were very familiar with this joke. It came from an online drama, and it should be something that many young people have fantasized about.

Of course, this is a fantasy for many people, but it is reality for Wu Hao. Because he has followed such a counterattack path. From an ordinary college student to a successful entrepreneur, he has become the CEO of a well-known technology company. He has also married a beautiful woman like Lin Wei. Now he has embarked on a successful career path. Life turned upside down.

Therefore, what Wu Hao said was not talking about others but himself, which is why it caused so much laughter.

Wu Hao also smiled and continued: "But if it fails, have you ever thought about the consequences?

In fact, the first-round entrepreneurial success rate of college students, or all young people, is very limited. Although there will always be some successful entrepreneurs in each session, these are only a small number of people, which also means that a large number of people may fail to start a business.

Failure should be something you must face after choosing to start a business, and you must take relevant countermeasures. I suggest that students who are preparing to start a business or are starting a business can draw a red line for themselves. Once this red line is exceeded, it means that you can no longer persist. At this time, when it is time to make a decision, you should make a decision quickly. Don't insist on going your own way, and listen to the advice of people around you.

Because at this time, your mind will be confused because of various things, but the people next to you can see the reality more clearly than you. This is what we call the authorities who are confused and the beholder is clear.

Once you make a decision, don't be sloppy and just break it off. You may feel a little painful at the time and reluctant to let go, but you will be glad you made such a decision afterwards.

Although we always advocate and encourage everyone to have perseverance in doing things, and persistence is victory, we have an old saying that everyone is familiar with, that is, if you continue to make mistakes, you will suffer chaos.

So how to grasp this degree in the entrepreneurial stage is what you need to think about most now. This red line should not be your limit, nor your focus. It is just a stop mark in your life stage. Don’t be depressed because of temporary failures and lose confidence in life and the future. In fact, many of our famous entrepreneurs did not start their businesses smoothly. Many people started their businesses several times, or even more than ten times. A little bit of success. "

At this point, Wu Hao paused for a moment, then changed his tone with a smile and said: "I said all this, not to say that I am against everyone starting a business.

In fact, I think as long as you think clearly and make careful choices, then there is no problem at all. What happened to entrepreneurship and what happened to failure? Youth is capital. You can give it a try. Success is good, but failure is not a big deal. You can start over. This is the advantage of college students entrepreneurship. It is far better than that of older people. It’s much easier to start a business with people.

When you are young, you may only have a few computers, a few desks, a few cups of milk tea, and a dream. No salary is required, no venue is required, and no other mundane chores are required.

But when older people start their own businesses, the situation is completely different. These people are under great financial pressure, both from themselves and from their families. Therefore, starting a business is a very serious matter for them. It is something that only allows success and it is difficult to accept failure.

Because they support more things than you, including funds, venues, personnel, channels, resources, etc., all of which need to be organized by them.

As for you, you don’t need this at all, because we have laid the groundwork for you, and you only need to use this fertile soil to your fullest potential.

I very much hope that more outstanding entrepreneurs will emerge from you, and I look forward to cooperating with you in the future.

Revitalizing the country and rejuvenating the nation cannot be achieved with a few slogans. It still requires countless capable people to work together and struggle together. We all work together to achieve this great dream.

I believe there will always be someone among you who can do better than me and be stronger than me. This is inevitable because times are progressing. Only when we become stronger each generation can this country and this nation be revitalized and prosperous.

As a senior who has been ahead of you for several years, I would also like to send my deepest blessings. I hope that everyone's dreams will come true, and I will continue to pay attention to everyone.

I really look forward to seeing you. One day, on some occasion or at a party, you, well-dressed and handsome, can appear in front of me and tell me about this past event. I will definitely be very happy then. , gratified.

Okay, I’ll end my speech with these few words, thank you! "

After Wu Hao finished speaking, he bowed to the audience, then smiled and waved his hands and walked towards the audience, while the teachers, students and leaders in the audience also applauded enthusiastically.

Wu Hao's speech was different from the previous kind of leadership. He did not use official style, nor did he preach. Instead, he gave them some thoughtful words from a senior and a friend. Although there is some suspicion of pouring cold water on it, such words are often the most touching.

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