Military Technology

Chapter 2339 There are many ways to succeed. Being rich does not mean success.

Chapter 2340 There are many ways to succeed. Being rich does not mean success.

The activity is still going on. As everyone touches the crystal ball with their hands, the entire stage is sprayed with colorful ribbons, exciting music sounds, and the big screen behind it also turns red, which also means that this college student entrepreneurship support plan The launching ceremony event officially ended.

Everyone took a group photo together, and then Wu Hao and the others saw off a group of leaders, and then they were about to leave.

But just as he was about to leave, a dozen young people wearing gray vests, carrying cameras and microphones, ran towards Wu Hao panting.

The security personnel and accompanying staff who were following Wu Hao saw this, and immediately showed a look as if they were facing a formidable enemy. One side began to crowd around Wu Hao, protecting him in the middle, and the other side began to call the school and contact the school. Event security was on staff.

Seeing that they were blocked by security personnel and staff, these young people raised their work ID cards and shouted at Wu Hao.

Mr. Wu/Da Wu/senior brother, we are reporters from the school newspaper/school TV station/school radio station. Can we interview you?

Looking at these panting students with hopeful eyes, Wu Hao avoided feeling a little soft-hearted and immediately said, "Okay, let's find an open place."

Mr. Wu, plane. Shen Ning on the side immediately reminded him.

When Wu Hao saw this, he smiled at Shen Ning and said, "It will only take ten minutes. You can make arrangements here and leave after the interview."

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Shen Ning looked embarrassed but nodded, and then called to make arrangements.

This group of excited students, led by Wu Hao, came to an empty open classroom. Wu Hao greeted the students and said with a smile: "I have to catch a flight later and the time is tight, so I only give you ten minutes. You can discuss it and ask only three questions."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, the students couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but seeing that Wu Hao had said so, they could only start discussing.

Hello, senior brother, I am Chu Qingqing, a reporter from the school TV station. You have always been the idol of all of us. I, including many people around me, are your loyal fans. We all look to you as an example and learn from you. What do you have to say to all of us here? A tall, beautiful, fair-skinned girl held the microphone and smiled at him and asked.

Hearing this question, Wu Hao smiled and said to the girl, Chu Qingqing, and the classmates present: "First of all, thank you for your likes. I am very happy that I did not leave any bad impression in everyone's mind. "


After hearing this, a group of classmates immediately started to respond.

Wu Hao said with a smile: "Actually, to be honest, I am not excellent, and I am not as perfect as everyone thinks. So I hope that everyone will not blindly learn from me, and don't deny themselves easily, and blindly learn to accept what others say. success experience.

Let’s not talk about whether other people’s successful experiences are reliable or not. Just talking about the concept of success is difficult to define. What kind of people and what kind of achievements can be considered successful? This is something that we all need to think about.

It's just that in today's materialistic society, people tend to take money very seriously and like to use money to measure everything.

No, that's not the case. It's not just businessmen like us who are successful in this world. Practitioners from all walks of life can be counted as successful as long as they make their own achievements.

We have those highly respected professors who protect the security of our country and appoint soldiers who live a happy life. As well as those police officers who work silently, etc. Aren't these people models of success?

Therefore, I also hope that everyone can have a broader vision and not be limited to one path. Your future is full of infinite possibilities, and these infinite possibilities are countless paths to success. Anyone, any profession, and any field can achieve success.

So I also hope that everyone will not focus on me. There are many outstanding people, especially those heroes who have made outstanding achievements in all walks of life. They are more worthy of everyone's learning and more worthy of our worship.

What I want to say has actually been said to everyone at the conference just now. Here I also hope that everyone can study well, live well, and take good care of themselves.

Don't we have an old saying that the body is the capital of revolution? Without a good body, it is absolutely impossible to succeed. This is a prerequisite.

In addition, I also hope that when you are busy, you will not neglect friendship, let alone love and family affection. In my opinion, they are more precious than the things you are busy focusing on, and they are more worthy of your cherishment. "

Disqualified. Hello, I am Zhou Junhao, a reporter for the school newspaper, and I am also a junior. Many of our classmates like you very much and also like the inspirational entrepreneurial stories of the four of you. They are all eager to start a business like you. Can you share with us your experience when you started your own business, and give some advice to those of us who are about to start a business or have already started one? A tall and lanky young man wearing glasses and with acne on his face asked Wu Hao.

Hearing this question, Wu Hao smiled and said: "Actually, I have already told you all the relevant suggestions at the meeting, so I won't repeat them here.

Regarding the entrepreneurial story of the four of us, not only you, but also me have stopped working on several versions. There are inspirational ones, business wars, and palace battles and love triangles. What I want to say is that these are actually not true.

Because we seem to have never officially talked about this matter on any occasion, how did the outside world know about it. If you want to know the most authentic entrepreneurial story, you should actually read the reports from HKUST. Their reports are closer to the real situation of our entrepreneurship at that time.

The reason was simple: I was about to graduate and didn’t find a job. I submitted hundreds of resumes and interviewed with more than a dozen companies, but I couldn't find a company that suited me.

As for the company I like more, others don't like me. People like me, but they don't like me. Seeing that I was about to graduate, I was so anxious that in the end, since no one wanted me, why not start my own business?

So I was thinking about how to start a business. It happened that when I was in college, I liked to do some things as a hobby, so I wanted to see if I could make a breakthrough in this area.

You will know what happened next. I first found my good friend Zhang Jun, and then contacted my roommate Zou Xiaodong, and their good friend Yang Fan.

In fact, there was another girl, but that girl thought the four of us were fooling around, so after receiving our wages, she refused to go on the voyage with us and got off the bus midway. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, the students present laughed one after another. They had heard this story, and some even searched for this girl. Everyone thinks that this should be the worst decision in this girl's life. If she had followed Wu Hao and the others, her current net worth would probably be in the tens of billions.

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