Military Technology

Chapter 2340 The Age of Space Navigation is Coming

Chapter 2341 The Age of Exploration in the Universe is Coming

In fact, I just want to tell everyone that you should cherish the friendship around you. There are many times when friendship is more important than interests. Many college students basically start their own businesses with their good friends and classmates, and they all have very good relationships.

But, there is often a situation where no matter how good a friendship is, it may deteriorate when interests arise, and some may even break up and fight.

First, let me stand aside and explore who is right and who is wrong here. But, good friendship can last you a lifetime, while monetary benefits are only temporary gains and losses.

Therefore, cherish your friendship, your friends, and even your opponents. They will help promote your growth and serve you for life.

Entrepreneurship requires not only a career, but also a heart!

At this point, Wu Hao stopped, and then looked at the young faces in front of him with a smile. In fact, there were many things he didn't say because it was inappropriate and unnecessary. Who has never been young? He has also come all the way from his student days. Why bother instilling his ideas of success into these people? His ideas may not be suitable for others.

Youth is capital. If you muster up the courage and venture into something, you will realize everything. Now that he just said that, it must be difficult for these people to understand.

"Brother, can you tell us about your aerospace projects and development plans, as well as your support plans for college students to participate in aerospace projects." A student with a student haircut and a pair of black-rimmed glasses said, Some cute girls asked Wu Hao while holding up a voice recorder.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded when he heard this, and then said to everyone: "First of all, regarding our company's development plans in the aerospace field, and my comments on the future development of our company's aerospace field, you can pay attention to the recent broadcast of the Central Taiwan dialogue column.

Yesterday afternoon, I accepted an exclusive interview with the Dialogue column and elaborated on our company's future development plan for you in aerospace, so I won't go into details here and will just briefly talk about it.

The future is definitely the age of spaceflight, which is equivalent to the Age of Discovery. I think the age of spaceflight has begun. If we do not seize the opportunity, we are likely to miss this period of development opportunities just like the Age of Discovery.

At present, various countries and various aerospace giants are actively developing their own aerospace projects. You may have noticed that the number and tonnage of civilian commercial space launches are now far ahead of the official ones. This is an inevitable trend, and in the future The gap will continue to widen.

It should be said that commercial exploration and commercial aerospace projects will be the mainstream of space exploration projects in the future. More and more aerospace companies are no longer satisfied with the current status quo and have begun to explore and advance.

But even so, the entire space era, or the age of great exploration of the universe, will last for many years, thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, even hundreds of thousands of years, hundreds of millions of years are all possible.

Because this universe is really too big, and our earth in the universe is equivalent to a grain of dust in the Sahara Desert.

At that time, the great voyages lasted for two or three centuries before the entire ocean was fully explored and the entire world was integrated into a whole. The universe is much larger than the ocean, so it will last a long time.

Of course, as far as we are concerned now, or in the future, the most important thing is the planets and resources within the solar system. This is the primary target for everyone to compete for.

Only by mastering these resources can we lay the foundation for subsequent exploration out of the solar system and interstellar travel.

If you want to explore the solar system, you cannot avoid the moon, because it is the closest extraterrestrial planet to us and a satellite of our earth. Its location determines that any future exploration mission that goes deep into the solar system or even out of the solar system will pass through it.

Therefore, the moon will be our bridgehead into the universe, our earth's interstellar terminal, and an important transit station, with very high strategic value.

It is also for this reason that basically all countries and aerospace giants are now targeting it. And we are also actively joining this array, and judging from the current situation, we seem to be doing okay. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, the students in front of them all laughed knowingly. How could Wu Hao and his team's current results be so good? They were so good. Wu Hao was being modest and making fun of themselves.

Looking at the laughing people, Wu Hao continued with a smile: "Currently, our Wangshu-1 and Wangshu-2 lunar exploration vehicles have achieved excellent results, and next, we will continue to We are working hard towards the grand goal of building a lunar surface scientific research station.

Next year we will launch a new lunar probe, and by then, we will achieve a return experiment at the end of the month. In other words, when the time comes, we will send this probe to land on the moon, and then transport back more than 500 lunar soil samples from various places on the moon collected by our Wangshu-1 and Wangshu-2, and then have Our scientists conduct research.

Moreover, we will also cooperate with various scientific research institutions to attract more interested teams to come in and conduct research together.

In other words, as long as everyone is interested, they can actually have the opportunity to participate in research work in this area. "

Looking at everyone who was excited after hearing the news, Wu Hao smiled and continued: "At the same time, our support plan for college students to participate in aerospace research projects will continue and will continue to increase. Invest.

For example, with our universal satellite platform, you can conduct space research in related fields based on our universal satellite platform without having to worry about basic satellite technology. This will greatly reduce the cost for everyone involved in aerospace science and technology research. Lowering the threshold will help more people participate.

In addition, we will also squeeze out a certain amount of payload from launch missions every year and give it to major scientific research institutions for free.

This plan is ongoing and everyone should know it. At present, we have also helped major universities to send hundreds of kilograms of payload into space.

Next, we will continue this plan and continue to increase the amount of free payloads, so as to send more experimental payloads from scientific research institutions into space.

Regarding this project, we do not set a threshold and give priority to relevant projects from domestic scientific research institutions. As long as you are interested and have mature projects on hand, you can submit applications through our dedicated website and other channels. Once the application is approved, you will be eligible for this free load.

Moreover, we will also arrange specialized rocket and satellite experts to provide guidance and help everyone complete this project together. "

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