Military Technology

Chapter 2345 The luckiest and most unfortunate people

Chapter 2346 The luckiest and most unfortunate people

Glancing in the direction of the kitchen, Wu Hao said to Wu Tong with a smile on his face: "Your sister-in-law is right, you have grown up and you don't need us to help you make decisions anymore.

Although I am Brother You, I can't influence you, let alone determine your excitement, so you have to make your own choices. No matter what it is, beauty, sweetness, or trap, deception, pain, you need to face these by yourself. We can help you, and I can also take some of the wind and rain for you, but my ability is always limited. I can't bear everything for you. The all-pervasive wind and rain will still contaminate you, and you have to bear it yourself.

Of course, I believe and wish you will be happy.

But life, who knows. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao picked up the teacup and looked at the tea inside, sighed and said: "As my sister, you may be the luckiest person in the world, or you may be the unluckiest person in the world.

First of all, you are lucky because you grew up in such a family and have a brother like me. This is not a stinking beauty. Although I am not outstanding in all aspects, I am a little better than many people in this world. I can provide you with a very superior living environment and basically allow you to eat and drink without worries. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Wu Tong sneered and couldn't help but rolled his eyes. This brother is really so ugly that he can't help but throw it away like that. How embarrassing. What he is not outstanding in all aspects is completely the opposite. If he is not outstanding, then there are still a few outstanding people.

However, she also admitted that her brother was right. Indeed, with such a brother, she could indeed have enough food and clothing. With the generous New Year's money and her brother's sponsorship, she could buy a car during college and travel everywhere. . You can also spend money to invest in a cafe. Of all the advanced digital products on the market, she can have the latest ones anytime she wants. This is also due to the fact that most of these products are developed and produced by her brother's company.

There are also her designer clothes, the dazzling cosmetics given by her sister-in-law, etc. In the eyes of ordinary people, she is just a princess, which is what many people in the outside world say.

But she didn't understand. Why did her brother say that she was the most unfortunate person?

Seeing Wu Tong's confused look, Wu Hao smiled and said: "You are unfortunate because you are my sister. Whether you want it or not, you will never be able to get rid of this identity in your life.

This identity will bring you a lot, but it will also make you lose a lot.

For example, if something happens on my side, your side will definitely be affected.

Because my halo is big enough, I will cover you all in it. No matter how hard you try or how outstanding you are, you may be overshadowed by my light. When others mention you, they will always say that you are my sister, Wu Hao. . Instead of saying I am your brother.

It may also bring you some danger because of my special and sensitive identity, and even involve you in some intrigues and intrigues.

My strong rise will inevitably touch and damage some interests of others. After all, the market is so big, and we have grabbed all the cake. Those who have not grabbed the cake and those who have grabbed less will hate me and try every means to deal with me. But they know that I am difficult to deal with, so they may turn against you or take revenge on you.

Secondly, your brother has made some achievements in scientific research, and many of the projects he has participated in are related to national defense. This has also caused some bad people abroad to dislike me, so they try every means to target me.

As for me, I am usually protected and am not in any danger. But you will probably be used by these crazy bad people to deal with me, and this will bring you great danger.

The third category is those who have plots against us and those who plot against us. They may not be able to plot against me, so they want to plot against me through the people around me, or directly trick you into making me submit.

Finally, there are some people with ulterior motives. After they know your identity, they try to get close to you in various ways, and take advantage of your innocence and immaturity to deceive you, thereby defrauding you of money, or in other words, cheating you. …”

Wu Hao didn't finish what he said, but Wu Tong already knew what he was going to say, and his face turned pale.

Upon seeing this, Wu Hao immediately smiled and comforted him: "But don't worry, you don't have to worry about the above. Your personal safety is guaranteed, and someone will protect you silently, so don't worry.

Besides, it’s not me, I won’t pretend that you are in danger. Do you take the pendant I gave you? "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Wu Tong quickly jumped out of the crystal pendant from his collar and showed it to Wu Hao.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded, then looked at the crystal pendant she held up and said, "When you are in danger, just break this pendant, and I will receive the message and be able to locate you. , and then find you through positioning. So you must wear it at ordinary times, don’t show it, let alone tell anyone about it, just say that it is an ordinary necklace with commemorative significance, remember.”

remember. Wu Tong nodded deeply, then looked at his brother and asked cautiously: "Brother, tell me, is he a liar, with ulterior motives to contact me and win my favor?"

Haha, Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "Don't think people are so bad, but don't believe others easily. When you encounter things and people, it never hurts to be more careful and think more.

As far as the person you have met so far is concerned, you don’t have to rush to agree to him. How could he cheat me out of such a good, beautiful and outstanding sister with just a bouquet of roses?

You can make contact slowly first, get to know him from every aspect of contact, and see what kind of person he is before making a decision.

If he just likes you and has no bad flaws, then you can try to make contact with him. After all, you are so old and at the age of falling in love, you can try everything when you find the right one.

We can't take care of you for the rest of your life, and you can't be single for the rest of your life. "

I want you to control me forever. Wu Tong said coquettishly: "I understand, I will take it seriously. Brother, don't worry, I am not a child, and I will not be cheated away if I give you a few candies."

I am your sister. Although I am not as good as you, I am not bad either. If someone wants to get my attention, there's no way. "

Looking at Wu Tong who was regaining his energy again, Wu Hao smiled, this was his sister.

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