Military Technology

I’m late, I’ll update Chapter 1 later.

This book will be officially put on the shelves at 24:00 tonight, which is around 0:00 tomorrow morning.

As usual, a testimonial is required. In fact, it is just a few words, and everyone is asking for subscription.

Since publishing the book, there has never been any slack. Even when my cervical vertebra was so painful that I couldn't turn my head, I kept on writing.

For this reason, I stopped all the old books, just to ensure that new books are updated normally.

Now that it is on the shelves in the blink of an eye, I am filled with panic and all kinds of worries arise, doubling my stress.

The so-called listing is actually a big test for us authors. The results really depend on everyone's support.

I feel the same way as everyone is approaching the exam.

There are really too many difficulties about this book, and the sadness in it is hard to explain to others.

It took three months to write the outline, and I revised a total of seven or eight versions before and after. I revised the initial draft more than a dozen times, and in the end even my editing eraser broke.

Fortunately, I still tried my best to persevere, so I got this book. What everyone may not know is that the book encountered an unprecedented storm just after it was published. For safety reasons, the book was revised again when it had nearly 100,000 manuscripts, and some "bad" content was eliminated.

I was really nervous during that time. I would basically check the app page every few hours, fearing that the book would suddenly disappear. I felt very tormented and stressed.

Sometimes I wonder why I still seek abuse. The military-industrial hegemony hasn’t already collapsed, so why continue?

For a dream, this is bullshit.

Just to make ends meet, this is the helpless voice of an older author. There is no way, life is not easy, and as the mainstay of the family, I have to face reality.

That's why I chose such a thankless subject matter. What's even more unfortunate is that it was chosen during such a time period, which is really sad.

I am still very interested in this book because I have a lot of ideas in my mind. Especially Ba Ye finished the book in a hurry, resulting in a lot of things that I didn’t have time to write out later.

This time I just took this opportunity to make up for this regret. In addition, I also wanted to write about my judgment on the direction of future weapons and equipment and technological development.

What will be the weapons and equipment of the future, what form will war evolve into, and how will technology change human life? These are all worthy of our in-depth exploration.

Every passionate man has a dream of the rise of a great country in his heart, but our final journey is the endless sea of ​​stars.

If you have a dream, you must try bravely, otherwise how will you know whether you will succeed.

So I tried it, although I didn’t know whether it was correct or not, and whether it would succeed.

But I want to say that I will still write it. Although this process will be much more difficult, I will still write it down.

Not for anything else, just for you who support me.

Not for anything else, I just hope that the stories I write can accompany you through your boring and lonely time.

If you don’t leave, I will continue!

Finally, thanks to my editor-in-chief. In fact, this book has always been the work of Rubber, and I am really grateful.

Although we have a good relationship and there is no need to be so outspoken, I still want to say thank you to prevent this guy from being heartbroken after seeing that he doesn’t recommend me.

Thank you to all the book friends who have read this book. It is your support that has allowed me to persevere all the way.

Finally, let’s talk about the arrangements after the release. After the release, six or seven updates will be uploaded first to ensure that the update will be released. As for whether there will be more updates, it will depend on your support. I hope you will support it!

Finally, I am shameless again, please collect it! Please subscribe! Please vote!

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