Military Technology

Chapter 2347 Paper Documents

Just like Wu Tong said, as Wu Hao's sister, she won't be any worse. If you were really such a silly novice, you wouldn't have started a business in college and owned a cafe to run it.

It's just that she hasn't officially entered society yet, and she is relatively simple. When encountering such a thing, she panics for a while. When she really calms down, she will definitely handle it properly.

From this aspect, he believed that Wu Tong would handle this matter well.

Besides, in the face of such a thing, Wu Hao couldn't ignore it. Although he would not deliberately interfere with his sister's normal life, he couldn't just watch her have an accident or be deceived.

So since his sister came to Anxi to go to school, Wu Hao has actually arranged special protection for her. And it comes from double protection from two aspects. First of all, it is naturally arranged by Wu Hao. Someone on his side will always pay attention to Wu Tong's situation and give Wu Hao timely feedback. Including some time periods, Wu Tong will be relatively protected, but Wu Tong doesn't know about it.

The other level is from the security department. As a direct relative of Wu Hao, Wu Tong is naturally within the protection scope of the security department. With their attention, Wu Tong will be much safer.

As for who the little Chaos was who provoked Wu Tong, Wu Hao did not deliberately inquire about it. After all, the two parties were still in contact, so he did not give him any feedback below.

Wu Tong was left to stay at home for one night, and Wu Tong returned to school after breakfast the next morning. As for Wu Hao and Lin Wei, they went to work in their own companies separately.

The weather in Anxi is getting colder and colder, and the whole sky is gray and gloomy. The indoor heating has already been turned on, and the entire company is as warm as a village, with various green potted plants full of greenery.

Thanks to the additional functions of the Fluctlight Building's intelligent liquid cooling system, the interiors of all buildings in the entire park, including the lakeside corridor, are maintained at a constant temperature between 24 and 26 degrees. Due to the demand for tropical plants in the corridor around the lake, the temperature may reach more than 30 degrees.

Therefore, the winter in the park is extremely warm, so it is not surprising to see some employees wearing short-sleeves and eating ice cream in the park.

Wu Hao smiled and said hello to the passing employees, and then took the exclusive elevator to his office. The entire office is always spotless. This is not only due to the cleaning of the intelligent cleaning robot, but also to the hard work of the staff in the Secretariat Office.

After sitting down, he picked up the water glass, which contained freshly brewed tea. After taking a sip, Wu Hao picked up the documents piled on the corner of the table and began to work hard.

After leaving the company for so many days, a lot of documents have been accumulated. Although most of these documents have been processed and reviewed, many still require his signature to confirm before they can take effect.

But for Wu Hao, this is more than just signing. Isn't it too simple to process these documents? He still has to do the final review work to decide whether to sign these documents, make comments and revise them, or reject them outright.

Many businesses, matters, and projects within the company require his signature. If he does not sign, many things cannot be carried out, so we must seize the time to review and process these documents.

Time flies when you are doing something with your whole body focused on it. The morning passed quickly, and it was not until Zhang Jun's arrival that he woke up from his working state.

Wu Hao stretched his slightly stiff waist, then picked up the teacup and took a sip of water, and then said to Shen Ning who was standing aside: "These are all taken care of, hurry up and send them out for execution."

yes! Shen Ning nodded, and then walked out holding Nao Na's folder.

Zhang Jun looked at the pile of folders Wu Hao returned to the other party on the table, and then smiled and said: "Originally, I wanted to ask you to go to dinner together, but now it seems that you are not in the mood anymore, which is disappointing. Send it over."

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Okay, you can make arrangements."

Zhang Jun nodded when he heard this, then took out his transparent folding tablet, pressed the tablet and said: "Send a lunch to Mr. Wu and me in his office. As usual, you take care of the arrangements."

After saying that, Zhang Jun folded up his transparent folding tablet and threw it on the coffee table. He leaned down, put his hands on the back of the chair and said, "Okay, you can continue working, I'll lean back for a while."

Why, I didn't get a good rest last night. Wu Hao looked at Zhang Jun and asked with a smile.

After Zhang Jun heard what he said, he squinted and shook his head: "I'm resting well, but you're not here these days, so I have to take care of everything inside and outside the company, plus dealing with those outside guests, it's really difficult A little tired."

Wu Hao smiled and nodded when he heard this. He glanced at Zhang Jun who was leaning on the sofa and said, "Okay, then you can stay close for a while while I continue to be busy waiting for lunch to come."

Zhang Jun raised his hand, and then there was no movement. When Wu Hao saw this, he smiled and continued to deal with the documents with his head down. Although the company now basically implements paperless office, some important documents still have to be stored in paper documents. This is a rigid rule. Although their intelligent management system is very developed, they cannot rely on this system for everything. Especially for such an important document, it is still necessary to keep the paper document and stamp it with his official seal in front of him.

After processing about two or three documents, there was a knock on the office door again, and then the door opened. Shen Ning led Zhang Jun's secretary and two chefs and pushed the dining cart in.

Then he started to visit them for lunch. Wu Hao looked at the people coming in, and immediately stopped working, handed the processed documents to Shen Ning, then reloaded her and said: "Implement it as soon as possible."

OK Shen Ning took the file and nodded, then followed the others and walked out.

As for Zhang Jun, he was already awake when these people came in and was playing with his transparent folding tablet. After seeing these people leave, he put down his transparent foldable tablet with a smile and looked at today's lunch with some eagerness.

Come quickly, I've been busy all morning and I'm already hungry. As he spoke, Zhang Jun picked up the kuaizi, picked up the rice and started eating.

Wu Hao smiled when he saw this, walked to the opposite side of him, picked up the bowl and started eating. After all, the people following Zhang Jun were very familiar with their eating habits, so they chose some of their favorite meals.

Of course, the quality of the food in the restaurant itself is not bad, and what they like to eat is often the restaurant's most praised ones, so it is natural that they are not bad.

"First Evolution"

On the other hand, it's because they don't pay too much attention. After a busy morning, I was already hungry, so I wanted to eat whatever I wanted now.

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