Military Technology

Chapter 2347 Three super peak and valley energy storage and regulation power stations worth billions

The two of them finished their meal quickly, then filled a bowl of soup and drank it slowly.

Wu Hao looked at Zhang Jun, who looked satisfied, and asked with a smile: "I saw the plan submitted by Huang Zhihua this morning. Have you read it?"

"Are you saying that Huang Zhihua wants to propose increasing the production of industrial-grade super solid-state batteries?" Zhang Jun was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then he reacted and asked him.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Yes, he proposed to increase the current production of industrial-grade super solid-state batteries from the current 400MWh to 1,000kWh, and in Mongolia, southwest areas with relatively developed hydropower, and coastal wind power Near the site, three large-scale peak and valley energy storage and regulation power stations are planned to be built.

At present, they have received 2 billion yuan in construction support funds from three places and more than 5 billion yuan in subsidized loans. He believes that the development prospects of this project are very good, and he hopes that we can actively invest and strive for our right to speak in this field. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun frowned: "This kind of large-scale peak and valley energy storage and regulation power station is generally the business scope of the power grid. If we get involved, we will undoubtedly touch their interests. Will it happen in the future?" It only increases accidents.

In addition, the production of our industrial-grade super energy storage batteries has not yet reached saturation, so we are rushing to expand production. I think it is a bit too hasty. in addition……"

Zhang Jun paused for a moment, and then said to Wu Hao: "I think the current price of our industrial-grade super solid-state batteries is a bit too low. The equivalent cost per kilowatt hour is only 400 yuan, which is too low. I think It would be better if the price at least doubled."

After hearing Yang Fan's words, Wu Hao put down the soup, wiped his mouth with a tissue, and then nodded with a smile: "The energy storage and regulation power station is indeed the business scope of the power grid. But, in recent years, the country has also Actively encourage more capital to enter the new energy field. Energy storage and regulation power stations like this are also key support projects. There is definitely no problem in entering. This can not only reduce power loss and waste in areas with abundant electric energy, but also alleviate peak hours. It will increase the power consumption pressure and increase the regulation of the power grid. From this aspect, whether it is the power generation area, the power consumption area, or the power grid, they will support this project."

"You mean this project is feasible and has success?" Zhang Jun looked at Wu Hao and asked with some concern.

Wu Hao shook his head slightly, then snapped his fingers at the camera: "Keke, let someone come in and clean up."

OK sir! Coco's voice came from the speaker.

Wu Hao, on the other hand, sat down and started to make tea: "As he said, the development prospects of this project are still very good, but it also has major shortcomings or shortcomings. First of all, it is not The certainty is too strong, it is too easy to be disturbed, and we have too little say.

Secondly, the investment is huge. Although there is a support fund of 2 billion yuan and a subsidized loan of 5 billion yuan, it is still too little to build a large-scale energy storage and regulation power station at this price. Optimistically, these three The cost of the power station is estimated to be over 15 billion. In other words, we need to invest almost 13 billion yuan including loans.

Calculated based on the grid-connected electricity price of 35 cents per kilowatt hour, it will take a long time for us to recover this cost. To put it bluntly, this is a long-term fruitful project. If you want stability, it is definitely right to invest, but do we really have the spare money to invest in these at this stage? "


After listening to Wu Hao's analysis, Zhang Jun nodded in agreement. Indeed, although this project is good, it is not suitable for them at this stage. However, he was a little reluctant to give up such a good tens of billions project in vain, so he asked Wu Hao: "Then let this project go, isn't it a pity?"

When Wu Hao heard this, he looked up at Zhang Jun, then continued to fiddle with the teapot and said, "It's a pity, so I won't be busy with this project for now. I can contact three places and five parties to try and see if I can get some more favorable deals." condition."

I can understand the three places, the five parties, who else is there besides the power grid?

Of course it's the relevant departments. Shouldn't they express their opinions on such a big project? Wu Hao looked at Zhang Jun and asked.

Yes, of course it should. Zhang Jun smiled in understanding, nodded in agreement, and then asked Wu Hao: "How much do you think is appropriate?"

Wu Hao picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for Zhang Jun, then handed the tea cup to him and said with a smile: "There is no need to fight for the support fund, but the subsidized loan must be doubled.

For such a large project, we cannot bear all the risks. This is definitely not possible. In addition, there must be relevant supporting tax exemption policies. "

Zhang Jun nodded slightly when he heard what he said, but still showed a worried look: "Now that all banks are tightening their money supply, it may not be easy to obtain such a large amount of subsidized loans."

This is fine. Wu Hao smiled and shook his head when he heard this: "First of all, this is a discounted loan. The relevant interest is directly linked to the local or relevant department accounts, so the bank does not have to worry about interest income.

As for principal security, having local governments participate is a guarantee in itself. In addition, for such a large and high-quality project, it is impossible for the bank not to agree. On the contrary, it should actively strive for it.

The key now is whether the local governments have such courage.

There should be no problem in the coastal areas. They are not short of money. The key is whether they dare to make this determination in the southwest and Mongolian areas. "

"If that doesn't work, we will start building the peak-valley energy storage and regulation power station project in the coastal areas first, and suspend the projects in the southwest and Mongolian areas first. When they make up their mind, we will proceed." Zhang Jun suggested to him.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "The influence of a single project is too small, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to win strong support from relevant parties. In addition, relying on a single project to allow us to increase the production of industrial-grade super solid-state batteries, this It’s definitely unrealistic.”

Speaking of this, Wu Hao picked up the tea cup and took a sip, and then continued: "As you said, the price of our industrial-grade super solid-state batteries is a bit low. It is definitely unrealistic to double it, but it must be at least half. Only then.

However, every move of this battery factory has attracted much attention from the industry, and it will definitely not work to increase prices rashly. You have to think of a reason. "

What reason, earthquake, fire? Zhang Jun said casually.

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