Military Technology

Chapter 2348: Naked-eye 3D projection technology, the technology behind the box

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao smiled and shook his head and said, "Raw materials are rising."


Regarding Wu Hao's answer, Zhang Jun was stunned for a moment, and then said: "How is this different from my interfaces?"

At least be more sincere and reflect our reluctance and compulsion. Wu Hao said with a smile: "Remember to send a sincere price increase explanation later to show all these difficulties."

Okay, I'll let the Xuanfa Office take charge later. Zhang Jun responded with a smile.

Wu Hao nodded and looked at him and continued: "Not only the industrial-grade super solid-state batteries, the price of our super solid-state batteries and the price of new lithium batteries will also increase. The factory price per kilowatt hour of electricity will increase by at least 20%."

An increase of 20% would be a bit high, which could easily cause dissatisfaction among these downstream citing companies and manufacturers. After Zhang Jun heard what he said, although he was a little happy, he still expressed his worries.

The reason is the same, that is, it is caused by rising raw material prices and rising production costs. Speaking of this, Wu Hao thought for a moment and then continued to Zhang Jun: "In this way, several of our super battery manufacturing plants have not undergone large-scale shutdowns for maintenance since they were put into operation. We will take advantage of this gap to rotate them. bring it on."

Zhang Jun immediately reacted after hearing this: "You mean to increase the tension between supply and demand of products by shutting down for maintenance, so that prices will naturally increase."

When Wu Hao heard this, he looked at Zhang Jun and smiled and said, "Did I say that? Aren't we forced to increase prices because of rising raw materials and increased production costs?"

Yes, yes, you are right. Zhang Jun nodded in response and gave him a thumbs up.

Wu Hao smiled and gave Zhang Jun more tea, and then asked with a smile: "It's not long before our New Year's Eve new product launch conference this year, how are you preparing for it?"

Hearing Wu Hao ask about this matter, Zhang Jun also became serious. He replied to Wu Hao: "Currently, various preparations are being carried out in an orderly manner. However, Zou Xiaodong and Yang Fan's mid-to-low-end digital products It seems that the progress is not very smooth. I heard that there were new problems in the test a few days ago. I don’t know if they have been solved now. If they cannot come up with qualified products on time, then it will definitely not be possible to launch them immediately after our New Year’s Eve new product launch conference. If it is sold, it can only be postponed.”

When Wu Hao heard Zhang Jun's report, he lowered his head and thought for a moment, then looked up at him and said, "If it's postponed, it's better to postpone it than to rush out some immature and imperfect works that lose reputation.

Consistent quality has always been our insistence and must never be shaken. "

Then we can only urge the two of them to speed up. Zhang Jun spread his hands and said.

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao shook his head slightly: "It's better not to put too much pressure on them. They are already under a lot of pressure. Let's wait and see what happens."

Seeing what he said, Zhang Jun could only nod and continue reporting: "In the past few times, we have used online conferences to release, but this time, we hope to return to the offline conference mode.

On the one hand, we can invite some of our business partners, relevant media, and some consumers and fans who have supported us for a long time. On the other hand, the use of offline mode is also to increase the visibility of our press conference and enhance the authenticity of the products displayed.

Finally, the most important thing is to be able to demonstrate new technologies. This time, we plan to use naked-eye 3D technology for imaging. I discussed it with the technical department and found that our current naked-eye 3D technology is fully sufficient for the press conference. Using this technology to demonstrate will definitely cause a sensation and attention. "

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao laughed: "Good guys, it seems that you have put a lot of thought into this press conference. Even this technology has been moved out of the laboratory. Is it reliable? I went there last time. It was still very unstable when I watched it. Don’t let it malfunction in the middle of the press conference. That would be really embarrassing to the world.”

"No problem. Compared with before, they have made great breakthroughs in technology, which has greatly reduced the failure rate of relevant equipment during operation. In addition, we have also prepared backup plans. Once the relevant equipment fails, Our water mist naked-eye 3D projection equipment will automatically turn on, replacing this technology for display.

Compared with the previous generation of water mist naked-eye 3D projection technology, our latest generation of water mist naked-eye 3D projection technology can minimize the particles of water mist, thereby minimizing its impact on the surrounding environment and people, and will not occur again. People around and below were dripping with water and getting wet. In addition, regarding the water mist phenomenon, the technical team has also carried out relevant technical optimization, thus greatly improving the transparency of the air.

So it is completely sufficient to use it as a backup to deal with possible failures of our naked-eye 3D projection technology. Zhang Jun introduced Wu Hao with excitement.

After listening to Zhang Jun's report, Wu Hao did not express his position immediately. Instead, after thinking for a while, he raised two fingers at him: "The creative plan is good, but there are two issues to pay attention to. The first is Safety issues must be ranked first and must be taken seriously as a top priority.

Naked-eye 3D projection technology must be fire-proof, especially in the center of a closed venue, where the concentration of particulate matter may increase, which is beneficial to our naked-eye 3D projection, but it will also cause some problems such as air dryness, which can easily generate static electricity, thus causing fires .

Therefore, preventive and response measures in this area must be done well, carefully, and rehearsed several times to nip possible problems in their bud.

Furthermore, if these equipment have to support a press conference for one or two hours, we must also pay attention to whether there will be some overheating problems, which may cause downtime or fire. "

Speaking of which, look for Shuyuan Wu Hao glanced at Zhang Jun, and then continued: "As for the water mist naked-eye 3D projection technology as a backup, once it is turned on, some unexpected situations must be guarded against. Especially when water mist occurs After it continues to spread throughout the venue, it is very likely to cause short circuit problems in some lines, thereby causing some fires. We must also pay attention to prevention in this regard and must pay attention to it.

In addition, once the water mist naked-eye 3D projection equipment is started, the air in the venue will become increasingly humid, which will cause discomfort to the guests and personnel in the venue. Especially in such a cold winter season, we must do this well. Regarding the experience session of the people at the venue, I don’t want to leave everyone with a very bad New Year’s Eve experience.

In addition, this humid air may make some patients feel uncomfortable. Mr. Hu said that some patients may be more sensitive to this humid air, and relevant precautions should be taken as well as handling drills. "

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