Military Technology

Chapter 2349 3D printing drug technology

Seeing Zhang Jun nod in agreement, Wu Hao then continued: "The second point is to ensure the reliability of these two technologies and make them as foolproof as possible. This is a live broadcast around the world. If something goes wrong, then this conference And our so-called naked-eye 3D projection technology will be an international joke."

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Zhang Jun's expression became more and more serious. Obviously, he knew the importance of this matter, and the more so, the more he felt the tremendous pressure. If he feels pressure, then the following technical staff and engineering technicians responsible for this project will also feel exponentially more pressure than he does.

Thinking of this, his forehead couldn't help but wrinkle.

Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled and comforted: "Don't put too much pressure on yourself. I believe that everyone's strength will be no problem. Just do your best."

Seeing Wu Hao say this, Zhang Jun's wrinkled forehead relaxed slightly, and then he looked at Wu Hao and nodded. Then after taking a sip of tea, he looked at Wu Hao and said: "This year's New Year's Eve new product launch conference, in addition to the mid-to-low-end digital products we are going to launch, as well as the several products we discussed before, do you want to add Of?"

Wu Hao nodded slightly when he heard this: "Allow half an hour for me. I may release one or two of the latest technologies by then."

About what? Zhang Jun couldn't help but be curious after hearing this.

I haven’t thought about it yet, but there is one item in the field of medical technology, 3D printing drugs. Have you heard of it?

I've heard of it, there's nothing strange about this. Zhang Jun couldn't help but asked. The concept of 3D printing drug technology is not new. In fact, someone proposed this idea decades ago, and then many people started to realize it, and many 3D printing drug technology solutions were launched and promoted. A series of pharmaceutical products came out.

However, this technology has not been commercialized on a large scale. On the one hand, the manufacturing cost is too high and it is not suitable for large-scale popularization. On the other hand, it is due to a series of reasons such as technology.

This time Wu Hao proposed 3D printing drug technology again, which inevitably made Zhang Jun a little curious and confused as to why he mentioned this technology.

Seeing Zhang Jun's confused look, Wu Hao explained with a smile: "One of my technical research teams has been engaged in research on 3D printing drug technology. After comparing related 3D printing drug technology at home and abroad, they once again based on Based on our technical advantages in this area, we have developed a brand-new 3D printing drug technology."

Brand new 3D printed drug technology? Zhang Jun couldn't help but be curious, and his expression became lively.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Yes, a brand-new 3D printing drug technology. This time we not only developed a 3D printing drug printer, but also developed a 3D printing drug system.

To put it simply, we combine the raw material storage and supply system, the drug ingredient synthesis system, the 3D printer, the drug packaging system, and an intelligent control management system to form this 3D printed drug system.

The entire system adopts a modular design and the overall area is very small. An ordinary room can fit the entire system. The raw material storage and supply system specially designed for it has thousands of small material storage warehouses, which can accommodate the raw materials for various synthetic drugs. And according to the characteristics of these drugs, constant temperature and humidity can be maintained.

The drug ingredient synthesis system is responsible for accurately extracting the raw materials from the thousands of raw material storage warehouses according to the needs of the printed targets according to the instructions of the intelligent control system, and then synthesizing them according to the relevant processes. Then, it is printed with a 3D printer into the shape of pills, tablets, or capsules.

Finally, there is the packaging and storage process. These printed fresh drugs will be vacuum sealed through the packaging process, thus greatly extending their storage time. Then the robot places it on the relevant shelf for storage or when needed.

As for this intelligent management and control system, it is thought of as the brain of this 3D printed drug system. It is responsible for controlling the operation of the following subsystems and printing out the required drugs based on the instructions and needs received. "

Hear Wu Hao

After the introduction, Zhang Jun's expression was still full of doubts and troubles. He sorted out his thoughts for a while, and then asked Wu Hao: "How does the system know the ingredients and manufacturing process of these drugs? And I heard that the production process of the drugs is very It’s complicated and strict, can it really be done by printing?”

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "This is the biggest advantage of 3D printing drugs, personalized customization.

In the past, the drugs we reused were of standard specifications and fixed ingredients produced by various pharmaceutical companies. Therefore, while these drugs treat related diseases, they will also bring about a series of other problems.

This is mainly because the conditions of different patients are different. For the same disease, the patient's constitution and condition may be different, so the treatment methods and drugs may also be different.

However, these drugs have uniform specifications and fixed ingredients, which are difficult to change, so they often cause a series of problems.

As for our 3D printing drug system, it can print a drug specifically for patients or doctors, such as reducing the content of a certain ingredient in the drug, or reducing the weight specifications of each drug, etc.

We can even print a dazzling variety of medicines together, so that patients can use them more conveniently. Instead of having too many medicines that are easy to forget or have difficulty swallowing, they will cause various problems and increase the patient's pain.

As for the ingredients and manufacturing process of drugs, you can completely cooperate with pharmaceutical companies in this regard to obtain their relevant authorizations. Of course, you can also develop some drugs that are easy to print by yourself. These are all possible. Find Shuyuan www.zhaos. com

In other words, in the future, pharmaceutical companies will not need to produce drugs, but will only need to send over the drug manufacturing and process to obtain relevant benefits.

Such a major move will change the current highly judgmental structure of the pharmaceutical industry and facilitate the development of new drugs by laboratories and small pharmaceutical companies that cannot invest in building factories.

It is equivalent to directly eliminating the process of building a factory and producing them, which facilitates the rapid conversion of more scientific research results, which is also conducive to treating more patients. "

The idea is good, but I have one more question. Zhang Jun nodded after listening to his introduction, but he raised a new question.

Does the doctor have the right to change the ingredients of the medicine? Will this cause a series of problems? Apart from the problems, who is responsible?

Hearing this question, Wu Hao smiled and said: "Doctors certainly have no right to change the ingredients and production processes of drugs. They can only make choices based on their needs and relevant requirements."

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