Military Technology

Chapter 2356: Going abroad is nothing, let’s just play ball

It’s good to have ideals, but don’t aim too high and take it step by step.

After hearing what Yu Chengwu said, Wu Hao did not continue to praise, but gave a serious warning. It is understandable that Yu Chengwu has such an idea. After all, Haoyu Aerospace has developed very rapidly in recent years, which has also led some people to have bolder ideas.

Although many of these projects are a little too ambitious, this kind of bold imagination is a good thing. Those who work in aerospace and technology must have the courage to imagine boldly. The biggest fear is that if you don’t have imagination, you will naturally lack creativity. This is obviously not possible.

However, as the person in charge of the head office, Wu Hao must remain rational and pour cold water on these hot-headed people in a timely manner to dissipate the heat. You also need to pull on the reins a little to prevent these thousand-mile horses from running too fast.

Sometimes it is not a good thing for a company to develop too fast, which can easily lead to a series of problems. The safest and healthiest thing is to take it one step at a time, steadily, and jog in small steps. Only in this way can you accumulate more strength and be able to run farther and jump higher.

You can rest assured that we have always followed the development matrix you formulated. There is no fast or big plan, but steady development bit by bit. Yu Chengwu replied to Wu Hao.

In response, Wu Hao nodded with a smile, then looked at Yu Chengwu and said: "You are now the general manager of Haoyu Aerospace. Your words and deeds are directly related to the development of the entire company, and are related to several companies under your Haoyu Aerospace." The jobs of thousands of people are also related to the efforts of the entire stock market investors.

Therefore, everything must be done cautiously and cautiously. Other people's brains can get hot and feverish, but you can't. You have to stay awake at all times. "

Yes, you are right. Recently, there has been a wave of impetuousness in the company. Our work has not been done well. In the next step, we will actively correct these problems, guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and continue to work hard to achieve better results. Yu Chengwu assured Wu Hao with a sincere expression.

When Wu Hao saw this, he wavered slightly and then motioned for him to continue speaking.

Yu Chengwu was stunned for a moment, then reacted, and then said to Wu Hao: "After our medium-sized aerospace plane is successfully developed and put into commercial operation, we will start developing a heavy-duty aerospace plane.

We plan to increase the passenger capacity of the heavy-duty aerospace aircraft to about 100 to 150 people, making it truly comparable to the level of airliners. A world-class spaceport will also be built by then to undertake any manned space or cargo missions at home and abroad.

And based on this, prepare for large-scale immigration to the moon.

At the same time, this heavy-duty aerospace aircraft will also develop a cargo model to undertake the transportation of cargo to and from the earth. Such as transporting basic living supplies for lunar scientific research stations and lunar cities, and then undertaking the mission of entering the atmosphere and landing the precious resources transported from the moon.

We hope that the price of a ticket for each passenger to enter space will be reduced to less than one million, or even further controlled to less than a few hundred thousand, so that we can attract more tourists into space and further accelerate space tourism and the universe. Exploration, planet development and a series of tasks.

In addition, we also hope to lower the price of cargo per kilogram to a thousand yuan level, thereby seizing the entire international and domestic commercial space transportation market. "

Having said this, Yu Chengwu licked his lips, glanced at Wu Hao, and then said with some lingering thoughts: "If this three-step aerospace aircraft plan goes smoothly, we hope to develop a larger one in the future that can carry more people. A space vehicle that travels between the sky and the earth.

In our plan, the passenger capacity of future aerospace aircraft will reach about 300 to 400 people, which is basically the same as the passenger capacity of current commercial large aircraft. And this will also become the largest space-to-earth shuttle aircraft built by humans in the atmosphere.

Because there is no need for any larger size, the super-large spaceships of the future will definitely be super-large spaceships built in space orbit, or on the moon and other gravitational images, just like what we see in science fiction. As seen in movies.

Its size may be larger than an aircraft carrier, hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands of tons, or even millions of tons are possible. These super giants will undertake deep space exploration, immigration, mining, transportation, etc., and become an important means of transportation for humans to explore space and get out of the earth, just like the treasure ships that Zheng He's fleet called back then. "


Wu Hao couldn't help but laugh after hearing Yu Chengwu's words. This guy's last sentence was to flatter him, because he knew that Wu Hao often compared today's space exploration with the great voyages of the past during interviews, so he mentioned the last sentence in his words, which was obviously to please him. he.

Wu Hao tapped the boy with his finger, and then said: "This is also my dream. I hope that in the future I can call this space plane you mentioned and go to Mars or further planets for an interstellar journey.

You also know that due to some reasons, I am unable to go abroad normally. I hope you can make up for this shortcoming by traveling around the universe with your spaceship in the future. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Yu Chengwu couldn't help but get excited. He knew that due to some overseas reasons, Wu Hao, Lin Wei, and even some relatives around Wu Hao had been suppressed and unfairly treated, making it impossible for them to go abroad normally, let alone travel abroad.

This has always been a thorn in the hearts of the employees in the company. Everyone is very angry, but also very helpless. Who makes their abilities limited? I just hope that when they become more powerful in the future, they can make this big man whom everyone respects the most Boss can travel abroad for a while.

No, it’s nothing to go abroad. Let’s just go out and travel to space. We will envy those people to death.

When Wu Hao told him this, he obviously trusted and got close to him on the one hand, and on the other hand he was looking forward to the project he mentioned. This naturally made him feel excited but also stressed. He hoped that this day would come soon and not make his boss wait too long.

Yes, it will. Yu Chengwu gritted his teeth and assured Wu Hao.

Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled and nodded. He naturally believed in these young people. In fact, Haoyu Aerospace's rapid development really relied on these young people.

Although he helped in some important aspects, many things need to be implemented by these people. Judging from their current performance, they are doing really well.

At least for Wu Hao, he was very satisfied, so he was looking forward to the project mentioned by Yu Chengwu. He also wanted this day to come as soon as possible.

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