Military Technology

Chapter 2357 Yatu Sea Landing Site

As the convoy drove over the entire sand dune, what caught Wu Hao's eyes was a vast flat Gobi Desert. At this moment, the entire Gobi Desert was covered with a thin layer of snow, and the gravel underneath could be clearly seen.

In the middle of the Gobi Desert, there are three huge landmarks that are very eye-catching.

First of all, the two landmarks on both sides are actually a red and white "four-quadrant logo", which looks very much like the logo of a certain luxury car. However, this is indeed a measurement mark used in industrial photogrammetry, and it is also a reference point for visual identification.

This four-quadrant mark will be used to identify the ground coordinates of the second-stage rocket during its return and landing, as well as a reference point for adjusting the position and flight attitude of the second-stage rocket when it lands, so as to facilitate the control of the second-stage rocket's smooth landing. above the landing site.

The other sign is actually a long line, and it's also a long dotted line. This is actually a measurement baseline. Its function is the same as the four-quadrant marker. It is used to measure the landing flight speed of the second-stage rocket during the landing process, as well as the landing trajectory deflection.

The third one is the main landing site where the second-stage rocket will land. The entire shape is circular, and it is painted with red, yellow, white, black, and green to form circles of concentric circles from the middle to the outside. Kind of like an archery target.

In fact, the entire landing process can be seen as how an arrow shot from space accurately 'pierces' the target.

At this moment, there are some engineering vehicles parked at the site, and there are many staff members wearing orange down jackets who are busy doing this.

Seeing the motorcade coming from a distance, everyone at the scene could not help but wave their hands and say hello excitedly. When Wu Hao saw this, he couldn't help but smile. Compared with being with some messy people, fighting against each other and racking their brains. He prefers to deal with this group of technological talents. There is no intrigue here, just a pleasant atmosphere where everyone works together for the same goal.

The convoy stopped in front of the landing site, and several staff members wearing orange down jackets immediately came over.

As soon as the car door opened, Wu Hao felt a hint of chill, and the howling northwest wind made his whole body stiffen. And he finally discerned their identities from the faces of the tightly covered staff.

Mr. Wu, welcome to the guidance work in Yatuhai. Thank you for your hard work along the way. Zhou Xiangming quickly took off his thick gloves, then shook hands with Wu Hao.

Wu Hao smiled and shook hands with the other person, and then said with a smile: "It's really hard for everyone working in such an extreme weather environment. On behalf of the company, I would like to express my condolences to everyone."

At this time, the secretary Shen Ning who was following behind had already walked over quickly with an orange down jacket and put it on him. This also made him warm immediately, at least the cold wind could not get into his clothes.

Seeing this, Zhou Xiangming said with a smile: "It's cold here, so you have to pay more attention to keep warm and don't catch a cold."

"I just heard you say this place is called Yatuhai. Is there any explanation for this?" Wu Hao asked Zhou Xiangming while closing the zipper of his down jacket.

After hearing Wu Hao's culture, Zhou Xiangming, Yu Chengwu and others looked at each other and laughed casually. As Yu Chengwu led Wu Hao inside, he smiled at Wu Hao and introduced: "Yatu is the name of the Mongolian area, which means poor, and the sea generally refers to lakes. So the real name here is actually poor. ocean.

It is said that this place was a saltwater lake before the Ming Dynasty. The lake water was bitter, there were no fish, and cattle and sheep could not drink it. It was also surrounded by bald stones and no grass grew, so it was called Yatu Sea.

During the Ming Dynasty, in order to consolidate the northwest frontier fortress and resist the attacks of Tatar thorns, they began to renovate the northwest border fortress, rebuild the Great Wall, and fill in the border with immigrants. The river water that originally flowed here was used for drinking water in the upstream villages, and flowed into the Yatu Sea. There was less and less water, which also caused the Yatu Sea to become smaller and smaller, until it completely dried up in the Republic of China.

So we are actually at the bottom of a dry lake, almost southeast. "

I said, why is there such a large stretch of flat Gobi Desert here? It turns out to be a lake bottom. When Wu Hao heard this, he looked around at the endless surroundings and said with a smile.

At this time, Zhou Xiangming also spoke to him and said: "Actually, a village lived here, but it was just because it was too difficult to get water, the transportation was inconvenient, and the natural environment was harsh.

So ten years later, the local government relocated all the more than a dozen families of herdsmen living in this village to nearby towns.

over there……"

Zhou Xiangming pointed to the distance in the south direction and continued to say to Wu Hao: "This village is over there near the edge. There is a Danshui spring over there. These dozen herdsmen families rely on this Danshui spring to live. Woolen cloth.

Now the houses over there have been abandoned and become a piece of ruins, and they are no longer able to survive.

It is said that a few years ago, there was a protection station specifically for wild camels. Later, because the environment was too harsh, it was moved.

We were able to find this place by chance. The landing site where we had been testing before was too close to the launch point, the area was too small, and there were some towns nearby, so it was very troublesome to test every time and required evacuation. residents of nearby towns.

So we have always wanted to find a landing site for the second-stage rocket to land, but it is really difficult to find such a large area of ​​​​no man's land and meet some other conditions.

By chance, our site selection inspection team met a paleontological expedition team and learned from them that there was such a large dry lake here. So we came to inspect it with great joy and found that the environment here is very suitable for our construction. This landing site.

So we communicated with the local authorities, and they were very supportive of our construction of this landing site. So we hit it off and decided to build a vertical landing site for a high-orbit return spacecraft here.

In the future, in addition to the landing and landing experiments and related tasks of the return-type second-stage rocket, it can also be used for the landing and recovery mission of the first-stage rocket in high orbit.

In addition, it can also be used for the landing needs of some of our return spacecraft. "

Speaking of this, Zhou Xiangming said with a smile: "In the future, there will be a dedicated road built from the highway dozens of kilometers away from here to here to facilitate our recovery and transportation tasks of second-stage rockets and other spacecrafts.

The bottom of the Yatuhai lake will also be fenced off, prohibiting some tourists and herders from entering. We have also signed relevant agreements with the local government and will gradually help them restore the ecological environment here. We will use genetically modified desert drought-tolerant plants to cover the exposed sand and gravel here in a few years. "

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