Military Technology

Chapter 2358 It will be good weather tomorrow

After hearing Zhou Xiangming's words, Wu Hao couldn't help but look at Shen Ning and gave her a questioning look.

Shen Ning, on the other hand, smiled and nodded: "Thanks to Mr. Zhou and Mr. Yu for their help, otherwise we wouldn't have been able to win this project."

Haha, they should, they are all under the company, and they should help each other. Yu Chengwu smiled and said politely. Although he is already the general manager of Haoyu Aerospace and can be regarded as a prince, he does not show any contempt in front of Shen Ning. You must know that Shen Ning is Wu Hao's follower, the closest direct descendant, and Wu Hao's chief steward. He represents Wu Hao in every word and deed, and has great influence within the company.

Even though he was the general manager of the company's first listed branch, if Shen Ning was willing, with Wu Hao's support, he could reach his position every two years. So not only him, many people in the company want to sell this girl to save face.

Wu Hao looked at the two of them and nodded with a smile, naturally knowing what was going on. But just understand this kind of thing in your heart, there is no need to say it out loud.

Come on, let's take a look around. Wu Hao changed the subject to Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming.

Okay, please come this way. Zhou Xiangming nodded immediately, and then led Wu Hao and others around the entire landing site.

What are you all busy with now? Wu Hao couldn't help but ask as he looked at the scientific research and technical personnel busy everywhere.

Zhou Xiangming pointed to a few busy people in the distance and smiled at Wu Hao and said: "The main thing is to debug some scientific research equipment in the landing site, including installing some testing equipment, so that we can obtain first-hand information after the second-stage rocket lands. , thereby helping us carry out subsequent relevant improvement and optimization research work.”

Wu Hao nodded when he heard Zhou Xiangming's answer, and then looked at the surrounding environment. Suddenly he saw some reflections on a stone mountain about eight or nine kilometers away, which were particularly bright. He couldn't help asking: "That one over there?" What is it?"

The two of them followed his gaze, and then smiles appeared on their faces. Zhou Xiangming said with a smile: "That is our landing site command and control system, which is responsible for the command, control and management of the entire landing site."

Is this distance a little too close? Wu Hao couldn't help but ask after hearing this.

Hearing Wu Hao's question, Zhou Xiangming smiled and shook his head: "Although the straight-line distance is relatively close, it is not on the trajectory of the rocket flight, so it is safe overall.

And the command and control center has a complete measurement and control system that can monitor the rocket's return and landing trajectory in real time and make real-time landing point assessments. If the landing point of the rocket is too close to the command and control center of the landing site, employees can enter our emergency shelter inside the mountain within three minutes, so safety is guaranteed. . "

After hearing Zhou Xiangming's introduction, Wu Hao nodded slightly, then looked around and said, "How long will it take for the preparations here to be completed?"

It has entered the final stage and is basically almost over. Zhou Xiangming replied to him: "After the finishing work is completed, we will be on standby at the command and control center on the other side of the driveway.

Drones and security personnel were arranged to conduct random surveillance and patrols of the entire core area of ​​the landing site to prevent unauthorized persons from entering, which would cause danger.

In addition, we also need to monitor the ground wind speed at the landing site in real time. If the wind speed is too high, it will not be conducive to the landing and recovery of the second-stage rocket.

One of the biggest problems in winter experiments is actually the low temperature, icing and high winds.

If it is unilateral, it can still be coordinated. The problem is that factors such as the weather at the northwest launch site and the launch window of the satellite must also be taken into consideration, so there are not many truly suitable days. "

Then how can you be sure that tomorrow will be a good weather day? Wu Hao asked with a smile upon hearing this.

Hearing his question, Zhou Xiangming and Yu Chengwu both laughed. Yu Chengwu smiled at him and said: "This is thanks to the big data report from the meteorological department, which has raised the accuracy of short- and medium-term weather forecasts to a new level. Based on these factors, we based on the opinions of meteorological experts related to the aerospace system After receiving their opinions, the launch time was set to 6:40 tomorrow morning.

By then, the wind speed in the entire northwest launch plant will be less than one meter, and the ground wind speed here will be less than three meters per second, which meets the minimum requirements for meteorological conditions for takeoff and landing in our carrier country.

However, this is just a forecast. If the weather conditions are not good tomorrow, the experiment will have to be postponed. "

Seeing Yu Chengwu carefully looking at him, Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand and said: "The mission is important, don't worry about me."

yes. Yu Chengwu responded, finally feeling relieved.

Zhou Xiangming, as for Zhou Xiangming, smiled at Yu Chengwu and Wu Hao and consoled him: "At the beginning of the construction of this landing site, we simultaneously upgraded and deployed an intelligent weather data information collection system for hundreds of weather stations in nearby areas. . These weather stations and weather detection points will transmit the weather data information in the area to our intelligent weather system in real time, summarize it with the data from other areas, and combine it with the weather cloud images returned by the satellite to generate this piece of information. Meteorological data information in the region. Thanks to this system, we can accurately grasp the weather data information in each area in real time and make accurate forecasts.

Judging from the current calculation results, tomorrow morning is indeed suitable for launch and landing experiments. However, there is still a certain error, and as this error gets closer and closer to the launch window, the accuracy of the forecast will continue to improve and the error will decrease.

So whether it can be launched tomorrow morning, basically we will get accurate information at 11 or 12 o'clock in the evening. "

After listening to Zhou Xiangming's introduction, Wu Hao nodded slightly, then turned to look at the two of them and said, "Okay, I'm just worrying about it. I have no other reason to come here this time. I just want to witness it in person. Our first system The return and landing experiment of the second-stage rocket.

As for the matters here, we will not interfere at will. Just go about your business and don't worry about me. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Yu Chengwu said quickly: "Where, with you here to take charge, we all feel relieved. Besides, if outsiders don't know you, we don't know your abilities. You are also a cutting-edge expert in this field. If there are any shortcomings in what we have done, please give us your advice and correct them in time. There is no need to worry about our face. The experimental task is important."

Just, just, with you here to take charge, I feel much more at ease. Zhou Xiangming also responded with a smile.

You guys, that’s it, just do your business, I’ll take a walk around. Wu Hao responded with a wry smile, then waved his hand to coax them away. This was the most critical time before the mission, and Wu Hao didn't want to take up too much of their time.

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