Military Technology

Chapter 2363 Jianmu-2 T-type carrier rocket

In fact, compared to the Northwest Launch Site, the Yatuhai Landing Site Command, Control and Management Center was not very busy that night. Because the preparations before launch are all done at the northwest launch site, they only need to watch and monitor remotely.

It should be said that their real working time begins after the first-stage rocket separates after the rocket is launched, but they do not just wait until then to take over the work. A series of preparatory work must be completed before that.

So throughout the night, the lights were brightly lit in the command and control management center of Yatuhai Landing Field, and everyone was working in an orderly manner.

Accompanied by Yu Chengwu, Wu Hao sat and watched for a while in the command and control management center of the Yatuhai landing site, and then went to the lounge to rest. It wasn't long before the launch, and he couldn't sleep well even in the apartment. It was better to rest here for a while, wait until the time was almost up, and then go to the command and control center of the Yatu Sea Landing Site to watch.

In fact, not only him, but also Yu Chengwu was like this. As for Zhou Xiangming and other technicians, they will also take time to relax for a while to save energy for tomorrow morning's tasks.

At five o'clock in the morning, Wu Hao and the others woke up from their trance. Wu Hao went to wash up and discuss, and then came to a small conference room with Yu Chengwu, Zhou Xiangming and the others. Breakfast has been delivered to the restaurant.

Today's breakfast is very rich, including steamed buns, fried dough sticks, butter cakes, roujiamo, as well as drinks such as soy milk, tofu curd, spicy soup, and milk. But compared to other things, everyone obviously loves the steamed stuffed buns stuffed with meat and green onions.

These buns are also called "success buns". They are a major feature or custom of the space port system, that is, some buns are steamed before each launch. This is called "striving for success", and the steamed buns also mean "bao wins". , so everyone affectionately calls it the success package.

Because the meaning is good, and the steamed buns are indeed convenient to eat, they are very convenient for people who work overtime. Even if it is a square measure, just heat it in the microwave. So over time, eating steamed buns before launch has become a major custom in the aerospace system, and it can also be regarded as everyone's best wishes for the launch mission.

After Wu Hao and others entered the aerospace field, they also recruited many outstanding talents in the aerospace system, and this habit naturally continued. However, compared to the simple habits of the aerospace system, Wu Hao's buns seemed more sincere and substantial. This time we prepared not only scallion and pork buns, but also shrimp buns, chicken buns, mutton buns, local fresh buns, mapo tofu, chives and eggs, etc. to satisfy everyone's taste habits.

All of this is hoped to encourage these technicians who are about to go into battle, so that they can face this arduous task with a positive and high attitude.

After eating two steamed buns and drinking a cup of hot soy milk, all the sleepiness in Wu Hao was driven away and his body could not help but warm up.

After looking at the time, Wu Hao waved to the people around him and said, "Let's go to the lobby."

Immediately, Wu Hao, Yu Chengwu and others arrived at the command and control management center of Yatuhai Landing Site. At this time, the scene was completely different from what he saw last night. The technicians were already in place, and some were constantly debugging equipment. , some were looking through documents and gnawing on steamed buns. Some of them were communicating in groups of three or three.

Zhou Xiangming said hello to Wu Hao and then went to his workplace.

As for Yu Chengwu, he accompanied Wu Hao to the guest seats and watched the launch and recovery experiment together.

At this moment, the main screen window on the big screen is the live broadcast of the launch station of the Northwest Launch Site. It can be seen very clearly through the screen that the rotating platform on the launch tower has been fully opened, revealing the Jianmu II inside. No. T launch vehicle.

It can be clearly seen that, different from ordinary launch vehicles, the appearance of this Jianmu-2T launch vehicle is very different. The first is the landing frame under the first-stage rocket. Although it is folded and stowed, it is still Able to see its wide part clearly.

Next is the grid wing located at the top of the first-stage rocket, which is the most important tool for controlling the flight attitude and precise landing of the rocket during the landing phase.

Then there is the main body of this experiment, the return-type two-stage rocket. The length of this second-stage rocket is shorter than that of the first-stage rocket, almost only three-fifths of its length. At the bottom of the second-stage rocket, you can also see the landing gear that is folded and retracted like the bottom of the first-stage rocket. However, compared with the thick landing frame legs of the first-stage rocket, the landing frame of the second-stage rocket is slimmer and smaller, and it can be folded and folded to fit the body of the second-stage rocket better.

Immediately afterwards, the biggest difference on this two-stage rocket is that there are two flying wings. Although it is now folded and stowed, its outline can still be seen.

Similarly, there are several grid wings on the top of the second-stage rocket, which are also used to control the stability and flight attitude of the second-stage rocket during vertical landing.

On the second stage rocket, there are two halves of the fairing. This fairing looks a bit worn and not as clean as a new rocket fairing. Obviously these two fairings should have been reused many times.

What's worse is the first-stage rocket. The entire first-stage rocket body is covered with traces of black smoke, plus some peeling heat insulation materials. It looks like the first-stage rocket body is in tatters and has no use. So many times, that the Haoyu Aerospace font and logo above are a bit unclear.

In this regard, Wu Hao couldn't help but complain: "How many times have you used this first-stage rocket, and how did it end up like this?"

Haha, Yu Chengwu said with a smile: "Including this time, this should be the seventh time this first-stage rocket has performed a mission."

Then you might as well do some maintenance. It won't waste much time or money. Wu Hao couldn't help but complain.

Hearing Wu Hao's complaints, Yu Chengwu smiled and explained: "In fact, it has been maintained, but the entire shell has not been cleaned and painted. In fact, under normal circumstances, the impact is not big. Anyway, after one or two launches, it will become Such a ghost look.

Like this six-handed first-stage rocket body, it will be retired after a few more missions, so there is no need to repaint its rocket body. "

Speaking of this, Yu Chengwu changed his tone and said: "However, such an important experiment will definitely attract the attention of all parties. The current situation does affect the perception, and it really shouldn't be.

Don't worry, I will definitely criticize and educate them when I go back. These people are too bad. "

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