Military Technology

Chapter 2364: Hit the sky

Chapter 2365: Strike into the sky


"Okay, stop acting in front of me." Wu Hao couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said angrily when he saw Yu Chengwu's poor performance.

Haha, Yu Chengwu was not embarrassed after hearing his words. Instead, he smiled and said to Wu Hao: "Pragmatism, this is also the corporate culture you have been transmitting to all of us. So these things are of little use, so everyone just I didn’t pay much attention.”

"This is what's in my heart." Wu Hao pointed at him with his finger.

Yu Chengwu smiled sheepishly at him and continued: "Actually, there is another reason, that is, the burnt and blackened marks on the bodies of these rockets can also explain to the outside world the outstanding achievements of this rocket. . If it were refreshed, wouldn't it mean that all these achievements would be lost? Even if we list them out, it won't be very convincing. Only such an original arrow body can convince everyone.

Look at those Falcon Rockets, they are not painted. "

"Haha, feelings are copied, okay, although this reason is far-fetched, it is still a reason." Wu Hao nodded slightly, and then continued to look at the big screen.

In the main screen window, the rocket is completely exposed, with only the swing rod and cables connected. Unlike ordinary Ice Rockets, which are liquid hydrogen and oxygen rockets, the Jianmu-2 rocket, which uses semi-solid foam material, is completely a normal-temperature rocket, so there is no white smoke coming out of the rocket body.

Moreover, the Jianmu-2 rocket using this semi-solid foam fuel can be stored for a long time after the fuel is injected. In other words, it can be filled in advance like a solid-state rocket, and then stored, transported, and launched in an emergency.

Of course, compared to solid fuel, this semi-solid foaming fuel also has some disadvantages. For example, the thrust is weaker than that of solid fuel, which is caused by the density of the fuel. In addition, after the filling of this semi-solid foamed fuel is completed, transportation may not be as convenient and safe as solid fuel. And it is volatile, so improper storage may lead to leakage, and there are also risks such as fire and deflagration.

In the smaller window picture next to it, there is a picture of the launch command and control hall of the Northwest Launch Center. At this moment, the launch engineering and technical personnel and the rocket and satellite technical teams have already taken their seats and are concentrating on the various changing data flashing on the screen. The atmosphere is very solid.

Although such launches are commonplace for launch personnel, this launch mission is quite special. On the one hand, this is a new rocket, and it is also a new rocket that is completely different from traditional launch vehicles, so the launch procedures, flight parameters, and other aspects are very different.

On the other hand, the rocket launched this time, except for the upper stage and the two satellites above the upper stage, the entire rocket, including the first and second stages of the rocket, and the fairing will be returned to the earth for landing and reused. This means that the entire rocket can be recycled and reused. This is a truly reusable launch vehicle.

As time passed by, the atmosphere in the command, control and management center of the Yatu Sea Landing Field became tense.

Everyone is focused on their work. In addition to the sound of keyboards and instruments, there are also people moving around in the hall, as well as the sound of announcements on the radio.

"Ten minutes to prepare!"

As this voice came from the radio, the entire Yatu Sea Landing Command and Control Management Center hall became commotion and then became quiet again.

Wu Hao looked at the countdown numbers on the big screen and felt nervous. No matter how many times he has visited the launch site or watched the launch process, he can't help but get nervous every time the countdown comes.

Because everyone knows that rocket launch is a high-risk industry, and the success rate is always only 50%, that is, the probability of success and failure each accounts for 50%. No one can guarantee that a launch will be foolproof. However, as the number of launches of this type of rocket increases, related technologies become more mature, and various equipment systems of the rocket body become more and more stable, so the launch success rate of the rocket will gradually increase and reach a considerable height.

The first launch success rate of new models of rockets is even lower, less than 50%. This is mainly because the new rockets use new technologies. Whether these technologies are stable and reliable requires actual flight. Testing can never simulate the entire real environment.

Therefore, even experienced veteran aerospace personnel are extremely serious and nervous when facing this launch mission. Because everyone knows that launching a new rocket is difficult and high-risk. A little carelessness, neglect of a data or even a decimal point may lead to the failure of the entire mission.

Not only the launch of new rockets, the launch team is very serious about every launch mission and does their best to ensure the success of each launch mission. Because of the high-risk nature of space launch missions, even old rockets with a very high launch success rate, very reliable and safe, may have problems on the spot or even during launch.

There are so many examples of such failures that no one dares to let down their guard. Whether it is a manned launch or an ordinary payload, it is the same. Concentrate and take it seriously.

"Five minutes to prepare!"

As the broadcast rang, everyone knew that this had reached the most critical moment. Ever since, everyone held their breath and concentrated to welcome the last moment.

Because it is a new type of rocket, no one knows whether the launch will be successful. If the launch cannot be successful, let alone the subsequent return and landing experiment.

Wu Hao glanced at Yu Chengwu next to him and found that this guy could not help clenching his hands at this moment. His eyes were fixed on the big screen, for fear of missing any books. Compared to him, Yu Chengwu was obviously more nervous and focused at this moment.

Wu Hao did not disturb him, but continued to stare at the big screen with a smile. Although he was a little nervous, he was able to view this mission more calmly. He will naturally be happy if he succeeds. If something bad happens in the end, he will have to clean up the mess and comfort everyone. This is what he has to do as a leader, and it is also one of the major purposes of his coming to the scene this time.

"One minute to prepare."

"Thirty seconds!"

"Ten, nine, eight...three, two, one, ignite, take off!"

"Dongfeng program turns!"

As huge flames erupted from the bottom of the rocket, the entire Jianmu-2 T-type carrier rocket slowly rose into the sky. The air waves generated by the huge flames shook the images captured by the surveillance cameras installed on the towers.

And this kind of picture vibration can also make everyone in the hall of the command and control management center of the Yatuhai landing site hundreds of kilometers away feel the shock of this rocket launch immersively.

The camera zoomed out, and above the desert wall where the sky was slightly bright, a rocket was slowly rising into the sky with its tail flames, hitting the sky!

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