Military Technology

Chapter 2371 A great success

Chapter 2372 A great success

Amidst warm applause, Wu Hao ended his speech. Because this was a semi-public speech, Wu Hao couldn't say too much. If someone accidentally says something controversial, it is likely to cause a disturbance.

This is also where people like them are very helpless. Most people hope that you can say more, but there are many people watching the content of your speech. If there are even the slightest problems or disputes, they may be criticized. People are captured and then rendered and enlarged.

However, most people are very credulous in believing these exaggerated and amplified contents, and instinctively follow them to condemn attacks. When the victim actually refuted the rumor, no one believed it or even paid attention to it. This is why I don’t have so many online rumors. The reason is that the cost of spreading rumors is too low and the cost of refuting rumors is too high.

Therefore, this also makes people like Wu Hao and others become more cautious when speaking in public places, and try not to involve sensitive or controversial content as much as possible.

At Zhou Xiangming's invitation, Wu Hao took a photo with all the staff in the hall, and then Wu Hao's formation here was almost over.

After bidding farewell to everyone, he, accompanied by Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming, came to the landing site in the middle of the Yatu Lake Basin. Before leaving, he wanted to see with his own eyes the Jianmu-2 core that returned and landed successfully. Second stage rocket.

When they arrived, many technical staff were already on site. They need to inspect this reusable core two-stage rocket to assess its status and determine its safety.

This is mainly because the launch vehicle is filled with high-energy fuel. They are rocket propellants, but they are also dangerous goods. Once it explodes, its power is really no less than a big bomb.

A reusable rocket like this requires the rocket engine to ignite to generate thrust to decelerate the rocket when landing. Therefore, a portion of the fuel is stored in the rocket fuel tank.

In order to prevent some unexpected situations that may occur, the fuel in the rocket fuel tank is generally more than the mission design consumption standard, just to prevent these unexpected situations.

So there is still some fuel left in the fuel tank of this rocket. This part of the fuel is likely to leak due to the rupture of the fuel tank under the impact of the rocket landing.

The leaked fuel seeps out and volatilizes in the air, which is very dangerous. It is very likely that the static electricity on the clothes and hair of the people at the scene, or the residual temperature after the engine is turned off, is ignited, causing an explosion.

In addition, there will also be some toxic substances, liquids, and gases leaking from the rocket body. If they are inhaled or contaminated by people, it is easy to be dangerous.

Therefore, after the rocket lands, specialized safety technicians need to come with professional equipment to conduct a physical examination of the rocket body to check whether the rocket is damaged, whether there is any leakage of fuel or other liquids, whether the surrounding air is safe, etc.

After these unsafe factors are eliminated and safety is confirmed, the safety technicians will allow other technicians and related personnel to get close to the site.

This also made Wu Hao and the others wait on the outside for a long time after arriving at the scene before being allowed to enter the core area.

At this moment, the entire landing site has been isolated and protected, and there are security personnel standing nearby to maintain order on the site and prevent stray people from approaching.

Seeing Wu Hao and the others arriving, the security personnel immediately opened the isolation belt, saluted them at attention with a standard military salute, and then stood astride. These security personnel are all veterans. After they entered the security department, they still maintained the military style, and even this military salute was retained.

Wu Hao nodded at the security personnel and walked in immediately.

At this moment, this reusable core two-stage rocket stood in front of him. The entire rocket body appears lower than the core first-stage rocket body. When the rocket body passed through the atmosphere, it had been burned to a green-brown color, and some places had even been burned to a dark brown color.

The special heat-insulating material originally sprayed on the rocket body will burn when it passes through the atmosphere. Therefore, the entire arrow body feels a bit bumpy and uneven.

The flying wings in the middle of the arrow body have been retracted, and the two flying wings have also been burned and changed color. It is difficult to see the color of the flying wings themselves. Underneath the rocket body is the landing gear. Compared with the sturdy landing gear of the first-stage rocket, the landing gear of the core-stage rocket is much slender. Even so, its strength is not much lower, but rather increased.

This is also to cope with the impact force generated by the landing of the core two-stage rocket and to protect the rocket body structure from impact damage.

What's the status of the Rockets now? Zhou Xiangming then asked a person in charge at the scene.

After hearing Zhou Xiangming's inquiry, the person in charge immediately smiled at Wu Hao and the others, nodded and replied: "Judging from the current preliminary inspection results, the entire rocket body is in good condition and there is no obvious trauma or damage. .No signs of gas or liquid leakage inside the fuel or rocket body were detected.

It should be said that this return and landing mission was a complete success.

However, the specific results still require us to transport the rocket back to the laboratory of the Northwest Research Center and conduct more systematic inspection and testing before we can get accurate results. "

Hearing the person in charge's cautious words, Wu Hao, Zhou Xiangming and Yu Chengwu all laughed. If there are no problems with the current inspection, then there will be no major problems with subsequent more detailed inspections.

So from this aspect, the success of this experiment is certain, which makes everyone happy again.

Being able to use such a short period of time to overcome a series of technical problems such as the re-entry of the second-stage rocket into the atmosphere, return and landing, and successfully conduct the experiment is truly remarkable and worthy of everyone's happiness and pride.

Wu Hao looked at the surface of the rocket body, then smiled at Yu Chengwu and others beside him and said: "The ablation on the surface of the rocket body is very uniform, which shows that the rocket's flight attitude is very stable when it returns to the atmosphere. That's why it appears. There are two distinct halves of color, with the downward part burning darker and the upward part burning lighter.”

At present, our technology in flight control is relatively mature. Yu Chengwu nodded and said with a smile.

Zhou Xiangming, as for Zhou Xiangming, followed Yu Chengwu's words and said with a smile: "Actually, the heat insulation material sprayed on the arrow body is the same, so it doesn't matter which side it is on.

We have even considered letting the rocket rotate during flight so that it can be heated evenly and prevent one place from being subjected to too much heat and force. "

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