Military Technology

Chapter 2372 Take it easy, old man!

Chapter 2373 Take it easy, old man!

However, after repeated experiments in high-speed wind tunnels, we found that the impact was not significant, so we gave up this plan.

Zhou Xiangming pointed at the thermal insulation material sprayed on the rocket body and smiled at Wu Hao and said: "Actually, the thermal insulation material sprayed on the entire rocket body is uneven. The darker half of the sprayed thermal insulation material, The insulation material sprayed on the lighter half should be about one centimeter later.

In this way, when the entire rocket is gliding in the atmosphere, the bottom plate that is subject to air resistance can withstand continuous friction, high temperature, burning and erosion.

Judging from the current results, the performance of this program is very good. "

After hearing Zhou Xiangming's introduction, Wu Hao nodded slightly, then pointed to the pitted and residual heat insulation materials on the rocket body, and then asked them: "Does the surface of such an arrow body need to be treated? Is it still the same as yours?" The arrow body is the same, so just ignore it."

Hearing Wu Hao's joke, Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming both laughed.

Zhou Xiangming smiled at him and nodded: "The second-stage rocket is different from the first-stage rocket, so the layer of heat-insulating material on its surface needs to be re-sprayed. The process is very simple, and there is no need to polish the remaining materials on the rocket body. , just spray it directly on this basis, and the cost is very low.”

That is indeed more convenient. Wu Hao smiled and nodded, then looked at the main rocket body and then asked Yu Chengwu: "The road is not open yet, how can this rocket body be transported back to the Northwest Research Center?"

The land route is definitely not possible, and the rocket cannot withstand the bumps. So we plan to use a helicopter to hoist it and transport it back. Anyway, it is very light and can be lifted by a helicopter.

This is a good method, and you can do this in the early stage. We can even keep this transportation method as one of our backup plans in the future. Wu Hao nodded slightly and affirmed to the two of them.

Hearing his words, Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming also laughed. They were making the best use of everything they had. Anyway, they had helicopters, so they were just sitting there.

After chatting with the two for a while, Wu Hao looked at the time, and then said to them: "It's getting late, I have to go. You guys, keep up your efforts and try to allow me to listen again in the near future. Good news for you.

This year's various projects are progressing very well, and they have basically achieved their goals. Next year is a big year for us in aerospace, and we have to carry out a series of projects. The most important of them is of course the launch of Wangshu-3 and our construction plan for the lunar scientific research station project, which are very important.

Therefore, the burden on your shoulders is still very heavy, so we must not relax. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao hit the two of them on the shoulders, and then expressed concern to them: "Of course, work is important, and your body, life, and family are even more important. So you must allocate your time reasonably and take care of yourself. Take good care of your health, run your family well, and don’t neglect your family because of work.

Only if you have a stable living environment can you devote yourself to work wholeheartedly. Don't do things that don't go well at work and make your life and family a mess. People like that are unlikely to succeed. "

Don't worry, we all know this and will take care of ourselves. Yu Chengwu smiled at Wu Hao and responded.

OK, let’s go! Wu Hao nodded when he heard this, then said hello to the two of them, then turned around and got into the car. Shen Ning, who was following him, saw this and waved to the two of them, then also got into the passenger seat.

Some other entourage members also got on the bus one after another, and the four off-road vehicles immediately set off and drove away.

Watching Wu Hao and his convoy go away, Yu Chengwu stretched himself and said, "I can finally sleep in. I'm quite exhausted these days."

Hearing Yu Chengwu's words, Zhou Xiangming couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Yeah, someone is tired. It's not easy to accompany the leader. I have to study how to flatter him."

Hey, what you said is that I am not here for work. Without me, how could you conduct research and command in such a stable manner? Yu Chengwu was unhappy for a moment and said angrily to Zhou Xiangming: "Besides, accompanying the leader is also an important job. Mr. Wu came all the way, so I shouldn't accompany him."

It should, it should, I didn’t say it shouldn’t. After hearing Yu Chengwu's words, Zhou Xiangming sneered quickly and said, "Okay, you can go back and rest. I'm here."

Yu Chengwu, who was behind Zhou Xiangming's words, shook his head and sighed: "No, there are still many things waiting for us, we can't rest."

After listening to what he said, Zhou Xiangming couldn't help but pat Yu Chengwu on the back, and couldn't help but sigh: "Yes, we can't rest, we still have a lot of work to do.

Take it easy, old man. "

In the car, Wu Hao also began to close his eyes and rest. After all, he didn't get much rest last night, so he seemed to take advantage of this journey to take a good rest. However, the bumpy road naturally prevented him from falling asleep, so he could only close his eyes and rest.

As for Shen Ning, who was sitting in the passenger seat, she turned her head more than once and saw that Wu Hao was resting with his eyes closed. She then turned to look ahead.

However, these small moves could not be hidden from Wu Hao. Although he had his eyes closed, he could still feel Shen Ning's turning gaze through the gaps in his eyelids.

If you have anything to say, this is the fourth time you have turned around. When Shen Ning turned around again, Wu Hao couldn't help but ask.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Shen Ning was startled at first, then calmed down and blushed with embarrassment at Wu Hao: "I'm sorry for disturbing your rest, Mr. Wu."

Okay, if you think I can sleep on this journey, tell me what you think. Wu Hao looked at this girl and said angrily.

Haha, Shen Ning smiled, and then looked at Wu Hao with a questioning expression: "Your last words were specifically to remind them, there must be something in your words."

Um? When Wu Hao heard this, he opened his eyes and glanced at Shen Ning who turned around. Then he closed his eyes and said, "It's not really, it's just a kind reminder and concern. After all, I am their leader, and they have nothing to do with their work and life visits. Worth my care.

If there are problems in their lives, it will also affect their work status and the progress of the projects and matters they lead. This is also a loss for us.

Previously, I received news that due to busy matters, Yu Chengwu has been very busy at work this year, rarely taking care of home and neglecting his family. Therefore, the wife at home was very dissatisfied and even filed for divorce.

Although our union and leadership have taken care and made adjustments, this matter is now in the past. But it also shows that Yu Chengwu is too obsessed with work and neglects his family and relatives.

It's just that everyone is a respectable person, and I can't say it openly in front of other people. I can just click to let him know in his heart. "

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