Military Technology

Chapter 2373 Racing in the Desert

Chapter 2374 Riding the Desert

【Corrected version】

After listening to his words, Shen Ning showed a thoughtful expression. Wu Hao smiled when he saw this, looked at her and said: "A business leader must not only learn to lead employees, but also learn to care for them. This kind of care is not only about work, but also about life.

And it should not be superficial, just for formality. We must learn to understand employees, understand what they are thinking, and truly care for and care for them from the heart.

In fact, employees don’t want much, just two aspects, spiritual and material. Material aspects include salary, benefits, favorable working conditions, etc.

In terms of spirit, employees should have a sense of satisfaction, a sense of superiority and pride, and be proud of the career they are doing, so that everyone can gain a sense of accomplishment.

Sometimes employees' spiritual needs are far more important than material needs. For example, many employees resign, not because their salary and benefits are not high, their working conditions are poor, and they have no development prospects. It's because the work they do feels boring, worthless, or unfulfilling. So over time, these people chose to flee.

Take Yu Chengwu as an example. He is this kind of person. He loves the career he is involved in so much that he neglects his family. This performance deserves recognition, but it does not deserve encouragement. But no matter what, they are doing it for the company, so as leaders we must learn to pay attention to them, help them, and even love them.

These things are very subtle, but they can actually shorten the distance between us and our employees, enhance the cohesion within the company, and increase everyone's loyalty to the company.

Although Yu Chengwu acted calmly, in fact, changes had already occurred in his heart. There is no need to say these things, just know them in your heart. "

After hearing what he said, Shen Ning nodded slightly, then looked at Wu Hao and asked with a smile: "Mr. Wu, did you realize all this by yourself?"

When Wu Hao heard this, he smiled and waved his hand: "Everything you realize is accumulated through slow learning and exploration. No one is born with it.

You, read more books in your free time, sign up for a class to recharge your batteries, and stop playing games all the time. "

"I didn't..." Shen Ning subconsciously wanted to refute, but halfway through the words, she couldn't. Her fair and tender face instantly turned red with embarrassment. She stared at Wu Hao for a while, and then asked weakly. : "How did you know?"

Wu Hao looked at Shen Ning who was blushing and said angrily: "Okay, stop pretending in front of me. I don't know who led tens of thousands of people to fight in the game. This glorious deed has been published." It’s trending.”


Hearing Wu Hao's words, Shen Ning was shocked at first, and then his expression became even more embarrassing. He also lowered his head and no longer dared to look at Wu Hao: "I used a nickname, how did you know..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly thought of something, then looked up at Wu Hao and said, "Did Coco tell you?"

Wu Hao smiled when he heard this, but Shen Ning became angry again, and then curled his lips and said: "It's a shame I still trust it so much, it turns out it's with a traitor."

Since Chen Keer entered Wu Hao's secretary office, she has been taken care of by Shen Ning, so she and Shen Ning have formed a strong friendship. This itself is also a test content, testing whether artificial intelligence will develop feelings during interactions with humans.

Now it seems that Chen Keer has completely gained Shen Ning's trust, otherwise she would not know so much private information. Of course Wu Hao would not gossip about the personal affairs of his employees, but he discovered this information and "accidentally" saw it while doing maintenance and inspection.

"Well, it didn't tell me on its own initiative. I discovered it when I was doing maintenance and inspection on its brain." Wu Hao explained with a smile. Although it was just an artificial intelligence, Wu Hao still explained it for it. .

"So that's it." Shen Ning breathed a sigh of relief, but instantly her face turned red with embarrassment: "You have also seen the scenes of us getting along in private."

Ahem, Wu Hao coughed twice when he heard this, and Shen Ning's face turned even redder, as if bleeding was about to begin. Mainly because Chen Keer has been living in Shen Ning's house for a long time. Shen Ning was very casual at home, and she really regarded Chen Keer as an ordinary girl, so she had no defense against her. But they forgot that Chen Keer is a humanoid robot. Its brain is in the cloud control center. All data will be uploaded there for processing and then fed back.

And among these data, of course there are things it sees and hears.

Wu Hao also accidentally came across the contents of these pictures, but some of them were really private. It's hard to imagine that this carefree girl actually has such a feminine side. The whole bedroom is pink, and she wears lace and so on.

Shen Ning suddenly pointed it out today, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

The atmosphere in the car also became a little ambiguous. The driver who was driving was driving seriously, as if he hadn't heard anything. Even though he was wearing sunglasses, Wu Hao was still keenly aware that this kid was secretly watching him through the rearview mirror.

Everyone has a tendency to gossip, and he knows this too. Moreover, this is his accompanying team and can be trusted. He also believed that this boy would keep it secret and would not reveal it, otherwise he would not be his driver and gain the trust of him and Li Wenming.

"Stop!" Wu Hao thought for a moment, then said to the driver in front of him.

The driver slowly stopped the car and sat there without saying anything, waiting for orders.

Wu Hao got out of the car, then pulled out the driver's seat and said to the boy, "I'll drive, and sit in the car behind."

"Yes." The boy jumped out of the car neatly and ran towards the vehicle behind him.

Wu Hao, on the other hand, sat in the driver's seat, pulled on his seat belt, then put the gear into gear and stepped on the accelerator and sped off.

The vehicle behind saw Wu Hao's car stopping just now, and then stopped too. When they saw the driver getting out of the car and running towards them, several security personnel inside couldn't help shouting: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, Mr. Wu wants to drive by himself, so I'll come down." The boy shouted with a smile.

The person in charge of the security team couldn't help but frowned when he heard what he said: "Why don't you give me advice on such a bad road condition? It's too unsafe."

"It's okay. Mr. Wu's skills are good. Let's just follow." The boy gave the person in charge a look, and the person in charge immediately understood, then motioned the boy to get in the car, start the vehicle and follow him from a distance.

Wu Hao, who was in the car, was driving in the endless Gobi Desert. On the other side, he turned to look at Shen Ning: "Sit tight, let's have some excitement today."

"Okay!" Shen Ning raised her hand and grasped the armrest, and nodded vigorously at Wu Hao, with an excited look on her face.

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