Military Technology

Chapter 2388 Shy Rose

Chapter 2389 Shy Rose

After listening to Yang Fang's words, Shen Ning and the others instantly lost interest in this super pitcher plant, and many people started to grasp it.

Wu Hao Jianzhang smiled at Yang Fang and said: "Okay, let's take us to see some good-looking things to change our eyes. Don't keep talking about rat corpses, putrid smell, mosquitoes and flies, it is too emotional."


After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone at the scene chuckled. Obviously everyone felt it and agreed with Wu Hao's view.

Okay, everyone, please come this way. Yang Fang also responded calmly, and then led everyone to a new space. There are many white Chen She booths inside. Each booth is not big, and there is a pot of green plants full of flowers on it.

Yang Fang led everyone to a budding flower. This flower was a bit like a rose. Every flower was in the shape of a budding flower. The color of the flower was dark red, not gorgeous, but a little restrained. It's a very high-end red.

so beautiful!

Seeing this flower, Shen Ning and the others started to admire it one after another. Many people couldn't help but take out their camera equipment. They were about to take pictures, but something suddenly occurred to them, and they put it back.

Upon seeing this, Yang Fang smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, this one can be photographed."

Thank you Dr. Yang. Shen Ning and the others quickly thanked them, then took out their equipment and started taking pictures.

Is this a rose? Shen Ning took a few satisfactory photos and then asked Yang Fang.

Yang Fang smiled and nodded: "Yes, this is a new variety of roses we have cultivated. Compared with ordinary rose varieties, it has a big difference. Please take a look."

As she spoke, Yang Fang gently touched a budding rose with her fingers. Under the touch of Yang Fang's fingers, the touched rose slowly bloomed and turned into a fully bloomed rose.


Shen Ning and the others were surprised for a while, then screamed, and then started snapping wildly at the blooming rose.

Success? Wu Hao was also a little surprised by this simple scene, and then asked Yang Fang with a smile.

Yang Fang smiled and nodded: "Yes, we successfully extracted part of the gene from Mimosa pudica, added some editing and injected it into this rose, so this rose has the characteristics of Mimosa pudica. Flowers bloom when exposed to external forces.”

No, I remember that the mimosa leaves folded up after being touched. Logically speaking, blooming flowers should be put away directly after being touched. Wu Hao asked Yang Fang.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Yang Fang smiled and nodded: "You are right, the plant next to it is like this."

With that said, Yang Fang walked to the blooming pink rose next to her, and then touched a pink rose lightly with her fingers. After being touched by Yang Fang, the pink rose immediately put it away and turned into a flower. Became a budding pink rose.

At the same time, this closed pink rose seemed to touch other pink roses, and the flowers on this pink rose were closed one after another like dominoes. The whole scene was spectacular.

After a while, most of the pink roses on the entire plant were collected.

As for Yang Fang, she returned to the red rose at this time, smiled at Wu Hao and replied: "Before implanting the mimosa gene, we edited it so that it can be turned over. In fact, the technology The principles are the same, but the states stimulated are different.”

Wu Hao nodded slightly, and then tried to touch a budding red rose with his hand. The red rose bloomed immediately under the touch of his hand.

Yang Fang smiled and took a kettle, then handed it to Wu Hao and said with a smile: "You can try spraying it with water, so that the blooming effect will be better."

Wu Hao smiled and nodded when he heard this, then smiled at Shen Ning and said, "Take a photo of this part too, I'll post it online."

Okay, Shen Ning smiled and nodded, and then gestured to the colleague behind who was recording. The employee took out a professional equipment and started taking pictures of Wu Hao.

Wu Hao repeated the action of touching the flower just now, then picked up the kettle and sprayed water on the red rose. Tiny water mist fell on the entire rose plant. The moment they came into contact with the water mist, many roses bloomed one after another. The whole scene was very dreamy, beautiful and shocking.

So beautiful!

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but marveled.

As for Wu Hao, he put down the kettle with a smile and smiled at Yang Fang: "Are these the plants next to them too?"

Yes, Yang Fang smiled and nodded.

Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled at Shen Ning and the others and said, "I know you can't hold it any longer, so go ahead and give it a try. Be gentle. This is their experimental variety and is very precious."

Thank you Mr. Wu, thank you Dr. Yang!

With that said, Shen Ning and the other girls couldn't hold it any longer and started trying one after another. Everyone was having fun, and the scene was once chaotic. Even the security personnel who had been following behind couldn't help but subconsciously touch it with their hands and look at him in surprise.

Wu Hao looked at the excited group of people. He and Yang Fang stood aside and looked at everyone with a smile while continuing to chat.

What is the name of this breed? Wu Hao asked with a smile.

Yang Fang smiled and shook her head: "It hasn't been named yet, but everyone privately combined it with the name of Mimosa and called it the Shy Rose.

Mr. Wu, how about you give me a name? "

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head when he heard this, then looked at the roses surrounded by people and said: "The name of the shy rose is very good. Let's just call this pink rose shy moment. As for this red rose, let's call it shy moment. It’s a heartwarming moment.”

“Bashful moments and exciting moments are both very wonderful atmospheres, and moments and moments also represent time, echoing the characteristics of our rose variety, which is very nice to hear.

From now on, when our two kinds of roses are put on the market, we will call them this name. I believe they will be liked by many people. "After Yang Fang heard Wu Hao's words, her eyes lit up, and she clapped her hands in agreement.

Haha, Wu Hao smiled, knowing that this was Yang Fang's flattering words, but he didn't care about it, and then asked the other party: "When will these two rose varieties be cultivated on a large scale and put on the market?"

Yang Fang became serious after hearing this, and replied to Wu Hao: "We plan to breed a batch on a small scale after next spring, and then put them into the high-end flower market to try. If the market response is good, we will plant it on a large scale.

However, this variety is very rare, and we don’t want it to be abused, so we still want to register our own flower brand and sell it exclusively. "

Yes, when my video is released, it will definitely become popular on the Internet. Wu Hao smiled and nodded. Based on the experience and performance of this rose variety, there is no doubt that it will be welcomed by the market.

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