Military Technology

Chapter 2389 The underrated charm

Chapter 2390 The underrated charm

As expected, as Wu Hao said, the relevant video has been posted to social platforms and quickly attracted the attention of many netizens.

On the one hand, this is because Wu Hao himself has attracted special attention and has a high number of followers on social platforms. In addition, he doesn't post much news, so everyone is very interested in his sudden news.

On the other hand, it is naturally because of the video itself. The two kinds of roses shown here are so stunning. It actually blooms and closes when touched. Is this really a real rose? It's not a fake flower. Or maybe it's Wu Hao's CG animation, or a virtual reality special effect image.

Many people have been arguing about this on the Internet, which also made his video and the shy rose in the video instantly become popular, and suddenly rushed to the forefront of hot searches.

Many netizens forwarded comments one after another, and many big V bloggers also forwarded and explored it. More technical experts analyzed the picture frame by frame and concluded that this video does not contain any editing special effects components.

These heated discussions among netizens naturally attracted numerous media reports. Many media specially called the company to inquire, which made everyone in the company a little confused. On the one hand, they were dealing with the entanglement of these reporters, and on the other hand, they started to investigate and deal with online public opinion, and reported the relevant situation to Zhang Jun.

Zhang Jun, who was busy, was a bit dumbfounded when he learned the whole story. Unexpectedly, it was his boss, brother, and leader who dropped a big news bomb.

Zhang Jun, who couldn't laugh or cry, had no choice but to call Wu Hao and ask about the situation.

Wu Hao received a call from Zhang Jun on the way out of the Plant Technology Research Center. When he came up, he asked: "Boss, can you say hello next time you send such breaking news? Now I I’m almost bored to death by a bunch of reporters and a bunch of other people.”

Haha, why is the reaction so strong? Hearing Zhang Jun's angry look, Wu Hao asked with a smile.

You still have the nerve to laugh, don’t you know how powerful this thing you are releasing is, and you still have the nerve to ask me. Zhang Jun said angrily.

Haha, Wu Hao smiled and said: "It's just a shy rose. It's no big deal. Let them have a quarrel first, and let them send an explanation when it's almost over."

Good guy, what you said is easy, these people can't find you emotionally, right? Zhang Jun became even more angry after hearing what he said.

It's just a small thing, but it can make such a big difference. Relax, don't worry so much. Wu Hao said indifferently. In his opinion, this is just a moving rose. There is nothing special about it. At most, it is beautiful and has some market value.

"I don't have a heart as strong as yours." Zhang Jun retorted, and then asked Wu Hao: "So, the two kinds of roses in the video are real. Can they really bloom and close with a touch of your hand? ?”

Of course it's true. Have you ever seen me cheat on this? Wu Hao said angrily.

Haha, I just want to ask, it is indeed a bit surprising, how is this achieved? Zhang Jun smiled and then asked curiously. One of his main purposes for making this call was to inquire about the situation of these two kinds of roses, and to obtain some inside information that interested him.

Their names are shy roses. Why, didn't you think of something? Wu Hao did not answer directly, but smiled and provided clues for Zhang Jun to guess.

Zhang Jun was a little anxious when he heard what he said, and was annoyed that Wu Hao was being mysterious. But then he began to think about these four words, and suddenly an idea came to him, and he asked Wu Hao: "Mimosa rose, does this have anything to do with mimosa? Doesn't the leaves of mimosa close up as soon as people touch it? , this is the same as the pink rose touching its petals and closing them."

He still has some brains. Wu Hao smiled and joked: "Yes, scientists inserted the Mimosa gene into these two kinds of roses, so they cultivated these two varieties of Mimosa roses."

So this is ah. Zhang Jun also had a sudden realization, and then asked with excitement: "What is the current situation of this kind of shy rose? Can it be cultivated and planted on a large scale? I believe that as soon as they are put on the market, they will definitely be welcomed by consumers."

"The current status is pretty good. We will cultivate and plant some on a small scale next year. At that time, a small amount of shy roses will be put into the market to test the water. Let's see the results first. If the market response is good, the next step will be large-scale planting and cultivation." Wu Hao smiled and nodded in reply.

This is so good, I bet this shy rose will be a hit. After getting a satisfactory answer, Zhang Jun said with a smile on his face: "Xiaoya called just now to inquire about the authenticity of this kind of rose. It can be seen that she also likes it very much.

I believe the same is true for Lin Wei. Why don't you bring her a few plants, and bring a few for me too, to make them happy? "

"Haha, don't think about it, no way." Wu Hao replied with a smile: "There are not many of these shy roses at present, and they are all in the laboratory. We should wait until next year after small-scale planting, then I will ask them to send a few I’ll give you the basin.”

That's it, forget it, I'll just ask. Zhang Jun said with a smile: "I will explain it to her when I get home. At worst, I will get some more next year and plant a few more in the garden."

"Don't worry, I'll be with you when the time comes." Wu Hao replied with a smile.

"Okay, that's it. You'll be back tomorrow, right?" Zhang Jun asked.

Wu Hao nodded, then looked at the snow on the Populus euphratica forest in the distance, smiled and said: "It depends on the situation, if nothing unexpected happens, I will come back tomorrow. The weather here is a bit bad, I don't know yet. It can’t take off normally.”

Shen Ning had reported to him before, saying that the crew reported that the wind speed here at the base was too fast, which was not conducive for the plane to take off. So whether we can take off tomorrow depends on the weather conditions.

In addition, there are also work arrangements. Sometimes many things are unpredictable, so he can't guarantee that he will be able to return to Anxi tomorrow.

After hanging up Zhang Jun's call, Wu Hao was about to talk to Shen Ning beside him when Coco's voice sounded again from the transparent folding device: "Sir, Miss Lin is calling. Do you want to answer the call?"

Wu Hao smiled bitterly at Shen Ning when he saw this, and then unfolded the transparent folding device. Lin Wei's figure appeared on the screen. She was still in the company office at the moment, wearing a black professional uniform.

"What's wrong, dear?" Wu Hao asked with a smile.

In the video, Lin Wei showed an annoyed expression: "You know what you are asking, are the roses in the video you posted real?"

Okay, this is another person asking about the authenticity. It seems that he underestimated the charm of this shy rose.

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