Military Technology

Chapter 2390 Dinner Appointment

Chapter 2391 Dinner Appointment


After explaining to Lin Wei, he ended the call.

Although after hearing that such shy roses were not yet available, Lin Wei showed a look of disappointment, which made Wu Hao feel a little distressed. But regulations are regulations, and principles cannot be changed.

Seeing that it was getting close to evening, he was already a little hungry and then waved to Shen Ning and the other followers: "Forget it, let's not go back to the hotel, let's just have something to eat in the staff restaurant here.

By the way, go call Qi Guangkun, the director of the base, and tell him that I will treat him to dinner. "

"Okay." Shen Ning responded after hearing the words and immediately went to contact him. As for Wu Hao, he led several people to Restaurant No. 1 in the base. He comes here often, so he already knows everything here.

It was also meal time, so there were many employees eating in the restaurant. Everyone greeted him enthusiastically after seeing him. No one was surprised by his arrival, after all, he appeared here often.

Wu Hao smiled and greeted a group of employees, then found a separate table and sat down. Looking at Shen Ning coming back, he smiled and asked, "Is Director Qi here?"

"He is on his way here and should be here soon." Shen Ning smiled and nodded in reply.

Wu Hao nodded and stood up and said to several people: "Forget it, we won't wait for him, let's eat first. It's been a busy day and everyone is hungry, so let's eat."

With that said, Wu Hao began to walk around the restaurant window, looking for his favorite food.

He had tasted all the food in this restaurant, so he ordered some food with ease, and then returned to his original seat with it. This time he ordered a portion of hand-caught mutton, a portion of mutton soup, a small portion of stir-fried tiaozi, a small cage of crab roe buns, a vegetable salad, a small roasted sweet potato, and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. There are many kinds, but each portion he ordered is relatively small, so it doesn’t really add up to much.

Just as he was sitting down to eat, Qi Guangkun arrived with two subordinates. Looking at Qi Guangkun who was a little anxious and a little sweaty on his forehead, Wu Hao couldn't help but smile and said: "I just want you to come and have a meal with me and chat. There's nothing else. Why are you in such a hurry? Sit down first." Take a break."

After Qi Guangkun heard what he said, he panted slightly and sat in front of Wu Hao and smiled and replied: "If you invite me to dinner, of course I have to hurry up and come."

"Okay, go get something to eat." Wu Hao said as he handed his work badge to Qi Guangkun.

"No, I have it here." Qi Guangkun pointed to the work badge hanging on his chest and said with a smile.

"You said I'm treating you, that's what I'm treating. Just take it and do some shopping. I don't have much money." Wu Hao pushed the work card to him and said, "Go quickly."

Well, Qi Guangkun didn't show any pretense, and immediately ran towards the restaurant window according to Wu Hao's work badge.

Although facial recognition payment technology, including fingerprint verification payment technology, is very advanced now, Wu Hao and others can definitely adopt this technology. However, they still use this kind of work badge throughout the park for identity verification and related consumer transactions within the park. This work card is the employee's work ID card, their bank card, and payment wallet. It can be said to be the company's all-in-one card. Of course, its technology is much more complicated than a card.

The great thing about this work card is that it cannot be copied. Even if someone else takes this work card, they cannot use it unless they authorize it. When Wu Hao handed the work badge to Qi Guangkun, it had already been authorized by Coco.

Of course, it is only payment authorization. Qi Guangkun can also make smart purchases with this work card and cannot do other things.

Soon, Qi Guangkun came back quickly with a plate of food, and then handed the work badge to Wu Hao.

Wu Hao smiled and put away his work card, then looked at Qi Guangkun's plate and said with a smile, "I didn't expect Director Qi to have a good appetite."

Qi Guangkun blushed when he heard Wu Hao's joke. He was in a hurry, so he ordered some at random, and it turned out to be some fried noodles, meat, and steamed buns, a whole big plate. It was so much that he obviously couldn't finish it, especially at his age.

But in front of Wu Hao, he couldn't say that he ordered too much, so he replied with a smile: "I was very busy at noon, so I ate a little more carefully, so my appetite is better in the evening."

"Oh, thank you for your hard work." Wu Hao smiled and nodded when he heard this, and then said with concern: "This work is important, and your body is even more important. Only by maintaining a good body can you work well. So, take it easy in your daily work. Take care of yourself, I want you to take care of this base for a few more years."

With that said, Wu Hao took a sip of the mutton soup, then looked at Qi Guangkun in front of him and greeted with a smile: "Since you are already hungry, eat quickly, you're welcome.

There are a lot of things inside and outside this base, and you have to worry about it a lot. "

"Look at what you said, isn't this what I should do." Qi Guangkun responded and immediately started eating.

Wu Hao smiled when he saw this, and then started eating slowly.

After eating a few mouthfuls, Wu Hao picked up the spoon and took a few sips of the mutton soup. Then he looked at Qi Guangkun who was eating opposite him and said with a smile: "I read the relevant report submitted by you on the expansion of the Northwest Research Center. There are some situations in writing. It doesn’t seem intuitive above, so I wanted to find out about it in person.”

Hearing Wu Hao ask about this matter, Qi Guangkun immediately wiped his mouth with a tissue, then sat up straight and responded: "You tell me."

Seeing Qi Guangkun like this, Wu Hao smiled and pressed his hands and said, "Don't be so nervous. Just be casual. This is for us to chat privately. It's not working time. Let's eat and chat while eating."

"Okay." Qi Guangkun responded when he heard the words, and then his body relaxed. He picked up the chopsticks and pretended to listen carefully.

Wu Hao glanced at the other person, then took a sip of orange juice casually, and then asked him: "I took a look, the base also wants to expand a wind power plant and a solar power plant, the total installed capacity Reaching 300,000 kilowatts.

Two power stations were added at once, and the total installed capacity is so high. The annual power generation capacity of these two power stations is enough to power a city of more than 200,000 people throughout the year. So everyone doesn’t quite understand it. Can you briefly introduce it to me? "

Yes, I heard Wu Hao’s question. Qi Guangkun immediately put down his chopsticks and replied to him: "That's it. Previously, the power supply of our base was supplied by our self-built power station near the base. But as the scale of the base becomes larger and larger, The demand for electricity is getting stronger and stronger, so since the beginning of this summer, we have experienced several peak periods of electricity consumption. If it were not for the timely peak adjustment and replenishment of power by our super energy storage power station, I am afraid that there would have been several power outages this year. .


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