Military Technology

Chapter 2391 Electricity shortage

Chapter 2392 Electricity shortage

"But this is not a long-term solution, especially as the demand for electricity in the entire base is increasing. Several new key projects are large energy consumers. If the installed power of the power station is not increased, I am afraid that it will not be able to keep up. The power in the upper base was consumed.

So there are only two ways at present. One is simply to apply for help from the power department and ask them to set up a high-voltage transmission line, so that we can have a continuous supply of electricity.

Another method, which is somewhat time-consuming and laborious, is to build two more power stations to use solar and wind energy to generate electricity, so as to meet the base's electricity demand for a considerable period of time in the future.

We believe that instead of laboring so hard to build a dedicated transmission line of hundreds of kilometers and bearing a large amount of electricity bills every year, it is better for us to directly build two power stations once and for all. Moreover, this is also in line with our company's green and environmentally friendly business philosophy.

At present, whether it is the solar panels needed for solar power generation or the large wind turbines needed for wind power stations, there is a very mature production and supply market in China. As long as we need it, we can pick up these two power stations and put them into use within a short period of time. "

After listening to Qi Guangkun's words, Wu Hao nodded slightly, and then held up his chopsticks to signal Qi Guangkun to continue eating. While eating, he thought for a moment, and then said to Qi Guangkun: "It is now a severe winter, and the desert next door near the entire base is full of food." It is covered with ice and snow, and the temperature is very low, making construction impossible. If you want to build, I'm afraid you will have to wait until next spring and summer."

Qi Guangkun nodded and responded: "That's true, but we have just enough time. We can take advantage of this time to do relevant preliminary planning and preparations, or we can order relevant equipment and materials from relevant companies and factories first. In this way First, as long as conditions permit next spring and summer, construction can begin immediately.

Compared with wind farms, solar power plants will be more stable and easier to build. As long as the relevant materials and equipment are complete, we can compress the construction period to two months or even one month.

When this solar farm is put into operation, it will greatly alleviate the power pressure on our base and will be able to basically meet our peak power consumption period in the summer.

When the summer is over, our wind energy farm will be completed, which is when the northwest wind blows. By then, these two power stations, combined with our original total installed capacity, will meet the power demand of our base in the next five years. "

After listening to Qi Guangkun's introduction, Wu Hao took a sip of soup, then glanced at the other party and asked: "Then this will be next spring and summer. I want to know how you deal with the current energy crisis. Especially in winter. The sun's rays are relatively weak, and the power generation capacity of our existing solar power stations and solar molten salt power stations will be affected, and whether they can survive it."

Seeing Wu Hao asking about this, Qi Guangkun's face could not help but become serious. He lowered his head and thought for a while, and then said to Wu Hao: "No problem, I can survive it. These new energy-consuming projects have just been started and have not been carried out yet." Large-scale experiments, so power consumption is relatively small.

For some other laboratories and research institutes, we will also ask them to cancel their electricity contracts. In addition, we will also restrict some unnecessary power consumption at the base.

This ensures sufficient power to firstly meet everyone's daily electricity needs, and secondly to ensure the power needs of several key core projects and laboratories, and then the excess power is used to maintain the power needs of other laboratory projects and facilities.

Of course, just in case, our energy storage peaking power station is also prepared to deliver power to the base in an emergency to maintain the normal operation of the base. Our two energy storage peaking power stations can meet the basic power needs of the entire base for a week, so it should not be a problem to cope with the rest of the winter.


Qi Guangkun paused for a moment when he said this, then looked at Wu Hao and said solemnly: "If there is really an energy shortage, we will adopt emergency plans to ensure the daily electricity needs of all personnel in the base to a limited extent, ensuring that they can all Have a comfortable environment.

If it still doesn't work, then we will have to shut down some institutions to ensure the power demand of important departments and core units. "

After hearing Qi Guangkun's words, Wu Hao nodded with a slightly serious expression, put down the chopsticks in his hands, wiped his mouth, looked at Qi Guangkun and asked: "Why is the base's power suddenly so short? I just saw Come to your report."

Seeing Wu Hao's tone of accountability, Qi Guangkun couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "This is something we didn't expect. The original electricity consumption was enough, but who let a big electricity consumer come to our base.

Since the Electromagnetic Technology Research Institute of our base moved here to conduct related experiments, the base's electricity consumption has increased suddenly. I don’t know what they are studying, but every experiment consumes a lot of power.

Originally we thought we could handle it easily through energy storage peaking power stations, but we were wrong. They consume more power than we thought. Plus some other projects, so we have to submit this application report. "

After listening to Qi Guangkun's explanation, Wu Hao pondered for a moment, then looked up at Qi Guangkun and said: "As you said, we must ensure the normal demand for electricity for everyone in the base.

Especially when it comes to heating, there cannot be any mistakes. The lowest temperature here at night can reach more than 30 degrees below zero. Without the support of the heating system, many people may not be able to bear it.

Secondly, the power supply needs of these core key laboratories, research institutes and project teams must be met. They are responsible for the company's major project research work, and there must be no mistakes.

As for other less urgent projects and laboratory work, they can be suspended when necessary, and employees can leave for vacation first, thereby reducing power consumption and ensuring the progress of key core laboratory projects. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao thought for a while, and then said to Qi Guangkun: "Well, Huang Zhihua and the others have built a super emergency battery car. The power storage of this car is quite considerable. I will let it be adjusted first." Come here with ten vehicles for your emergency use in transferring power from other places.

Anyway, let’s get through this winter first.

As for the demand for new solar and wind power plants you mentioned, yes, you should hurry up and make preparations. The solar power station must be built before the peak power consumption period next summer to meet the base's summer power demand. "

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