Military Technology

Chapter 2404: To deal with women, you have to be a woman

Mr. Wu, Mr. Xu Xiaoya from A is here. She specified that she wants to see you. Shen Ning walked in and reported to Wu Haohui.

After hearing Shen Ning's words, Wu Hao couldn't help but smile. He had known for a long time that Xu Xiaoya's character would not give up so easily, so he came anyway.

You go see her and say that I'm busy with the annual press conference and can't spare the time. Wu Hao looked up at Shen Ning and said.

I? Shen Ning showed a look of surprise. She couldn't understand why the boss wanted her to go when he was clearly asked to see him by name.

Wu Hao looked at Shen Ning's surprised look, nodded and repeated: "Yes, it's you. It was you who proposed the establishment of Haoyu Agriculture, and you have been responsible for this aspect before. You are also responsible for this aspect." More understanding.

So it is appropriate for you to chat with her, and since you are both women, it is very convenient to have a conversation. "

But, but I... Shen Ning opened his mouth, wanting to refuse, but after saying two words, he couldn't continue. He could only lower his head and said: "I'm afraid I can't do it well."

If you can't do anything well, everyone has to have a first time. Don't worry, the other party is not a powerful person. Just deal with it calmly. There is nothing to be afraid of. Speaking of this, Wu Hao gave Shen Ning an encouraging look, and then said: "You also know what you need to know. Just follow the results of our previous meeting and you can control it yourself.

If you don't understand anything, you can ask me at any time. Of course, if you can't handle it, or if she insists on seeing me, you can go to Tong Juantong to help you. "

Looking for Mr. Tong? Shen Ning said in confusion.

Wu Hao looked at her and said with a smile: "If the king does not see the king, the queen will not see the queen, you should know. She is a vice president, and it is just right for Tong Juan to meet her."

Speaking of this, Wu Hao looked at Shen Ning and smiled and said: "As the future leader of Haoyu Agriculture, you must fight this battle well. Only in this way can you win the trust and support of everyone from top to bottom.

I know that it is not good to push you into this position, and many people are not convinced by you. This time you just take this opportunity to establish some prestige and reputation, and let them see your ability.

As for you..."

Wu Hao glanced at Shen Ning and said, "I've told you a long time ago that you can't stay here forever. The position of Director of the Secretary's Office is too small. You should go to a wider space to display your talents."

Yes, but I can't bear to leave you. As he said this, Shen Ning's eyes couldn't help but turn red.

Okay, there's nothing to be reluctant about. Wu Hao stood up, handed her a tissue, and then said with a smile: "It's not like I can't come back here. If you miss me, you can come back anytime.

Besides, I plan to train you to be a high-end management talent. After you go on to practice for a few years and mature, I will transfer you to my side. At that time, you will be stronger and able to help me better, do you understand? "

understood. Shen Ning nodded.

Okay, don’t rush this matter. We won’t announce it until after the new year. So you still have a few months of preparation and buffering period. You need to build your team as soon as possible. Tell me what you need, and I will do my best to satisfy you. Wu Hao nodded and smiled.

Shen Ning has been with him for several years, and it's time to let him go. I hope this girl can live up to his hard work and achieve great results.

On the other side, Xu Xiaoya, who came to Anxi, did not rest. Instead, she went directly to Haoyu Technology Park and asked to see Wu Hao by name.

After all, the other party was also the vice president of A, so the people from the marketing department invited them to the conference room and reported it immediately.

In this way, Xu Xiaoya and the others stared at each other in the conference room for about half an hour before someone arrived. But to her disappointment, the person who came was not Wu Hao, but Wu Hao's secretary Shen Ning.

Xu Xiaoya also knew a little bit about Wu Hao's secretary. After all, she was the closest person to Wu Hao. But she didn't pay too much attention. After all, in her opinion, this was just a little girl who had been working for several years. She never expected that it was such a little girl who came to see her this time.

Hello, Mr. Xu, I am Shen Ning, Mr. Wu’s secretary. Nice to meet you. Shen Ning, wearing a white professional uniform, came forward and shook hands.

Hello. Xu Xiaoya shook hands with Shen Ning, then looked at the girl in front of her with a puzzled expression and said, "Why is it you? Where is Wu Hao? Isn't he here?"

Shen Ning smiled and replied: "Mr. Wu is busy with the year-end and New Year's Eve press conference and has no time, so he specially asked me to receive you. If you have any questions, you can tell me and I will try my best to answer you and provide help. .”

Let me ask you, can you be the master? Xu Xiaoya looked Shen Ning up and down and showed a look of contempt.

As for Shen Ning, he was not annoyed by Xu Xiaoya's contempt. Instead, he smiled and said, "I have always been in charge of Haoyu's agricultural matters, so I still have some say in this aspect."

Hearing Shen Ning's words, Xu Xiaoya's expression condensed, and then she looked at Shen Ning and said with a surprised look: "It's you, so it's you who pushed for the termination of cooperation with us."

When Shen Ning heard this, she didn't answer. Instead, she made a gesture of invitation and said with a smile, "If there's anything else, we can sit down and talk first."

Hearing this, Xu Xiaoya realized that she had just lost her composure, and then she nodded pretending to be calm, and then returned to her seat to do it. While observing the young and beautiful girl opposite her, and seeing no danger whatsoever, she was thinking about how to deal with this matter. Wu Hao did not come forward, but sent this little secretary, and it was this little secretary who promoted this matter, so what did Wu Hao think and what was his intention?

Or was it just that he wanted to send his little secretary to deal with her and send her away.

Shen Ning, on the other hand, took a deep breath, walked to sit opposite Xu Xiaoya, put his blue thermos cup on the table, opened a folder in his hand, and then looked up He showed a professional smile to Xu Xiaoya.

Just when Shen Ning met with Xu Xiaoya, Zhang Jun appeared in Wu Hao's office after receiving the news.

I saw this guy approaching Wu Hao and asked with a smile: "I heard that old woman Xu Xiaoya is here, you let Shen Ning deal with it."

Wu Hao looked at this guy's gossipy face and said angrily: "Are you too idle? When did you become so gossipy?"

Haha, just ask, ask. That woman is very powerful. Don't you be afraid that Shen Ning will be swallowed alive by this woman and you will have no power to resist. Zhang Jun looked like he was watching a show and smiled playfully at Wu Hao.

In response, Wu Hao rolled his eyes at this guy, then picked up the water glass and took a sip, and then said: "The best way to deal with women is women, because women understand women best."

Look at military technology.8.2...m.

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