Military Technology

Chapter 2405 Talents and Generals

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun's eyes lit up, and he immediately gave a thumbs up and praised: "Good guy, you still have a way. I think Xu Xiaoya is going to be pissed to death. This girl Shen Ning is not a fuel-efficient lamp."

Seeing Zhang Jun's shameless look, Wu Hao said angrily: "You still have the heart to eat melon, how are you busy over there?"

The preparations are basically ready, that is, we want to make some changes in the guest list. This time we want to invite some people whose lives have been changed because of our products. Zhang Jun nodded and returned to Wu Hao.

Wu Hao glanced at Zhang Jun and said with a smile: "I know this event. Isn't it already underway? Are there any questions?"

Zhang Jun leaned in front of him and said: "We want to show such an introduction video at the press conference to introduce some of the impacts and changes our products have had on ordinary users over the past few years. But in this way, we will have to add The press conference is so frequent that the time may be extended to more than two hours.”

"It's too long." Wu Hao frowned when he heard this.

There is nothing we can do about it, and we have already reduced a lot of processes. Zhang Jun showed a helpless look.

Wu Hao thought about this for a while, but still shook his head: "No, too long will affect the quality of the press conference. It must be controlled within two hours and no longer."

"But this way, there won't be enough time." Zhang Jun couldn't help but said with a depressed face after hearing his words. In order to control this conference market, he has lost his good hair these days.

"Continue to reduce it. If it doesn't work, just cancel some unnecessary links. We must ensure the quality of the press conference, which is efficient, compact, high-quality, concise, and beautiful." Wu Hao pointed his finger at Zhang Jun and made his request.

Hearing Wu Hao's request, Zhang Jun's face stretched even longer. He immediately sat on the chair in front of Wu Hao's desk, leaned back and said, "I can't do it, your demands are too high."

Seeing the shameless look of this guy, Wu Hao said angrily: "Okay, stop being a scoundrel here and get to work quickly. The press conference is only a few days away."

"What's the hurry? It's not too late anyway." Zhang Jun took out his transparent folding device and unfolded it, then pressed the screen and said: "I can't do it here, boss. We will continue to discuss the plans for the press conference. We must control it from time to time." Within two hours, we must achieve high quality, compactness, high quality and efficiency, and be concise and beautiful, which is the requirement of the boss. You discuss it first and come up with some results, and I will come back to listen."

After repeating Wu Hao's request, Zhang Jun immediately closed his transparent folding device, then smiled at Wu Hao and said, "I'm done."

"Okay, you can stay if you want. I still have a few documents to process." With that said, Wu Hao continued to deal with the documents with his head down. As for Zhang Jun, seeing Wu Hao getting busy, he was bored just sitting like this. Instead, he stood up, walked to the refrigerator and took out a can of energy drink, then opened it and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, looking outside. scenery.

Wu Hao glanced at this guy, and then continued to mind his own business.

As for Zhang Jun, he stood in front of the window for a while, suddenly said "Huh", and then looked down.

Wu Hao was disturbed by his voice, and then he looked up at the fat guy's back and joked with a smile: "What did you find?"

I saw that woman Xu Xiaoya walking out of the building angrily in her clothes. It looked like her conversation with Shen Ning was not going well. Zhang Jun said with a look of gloating.

"Oh, so fast?" Wu Hao was a little surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect that the first confrontation between these two women would end so quickly.

Zhang Jun turned around and leaned against the window, looked at Wu Hao and said with a smile: "It seems that their talks have broken down."

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "Not necessarily, Xu Xiaoya will not give up so easily, she will come back."

"Yes, how could she give up on a multi-billion project so easily." Zhang Jun nodded, then walked to the rest area and sat down.

Wu Hao processed the documents in his hands, then sorted them out, and then came to sit across from Zhang Jun with a water glass and smiled: "Wait until Shen Ning comes back, it won't be until she comes back."

Zhang Jun smiled and nodded when he heard this, then looked at Wu Hao and said: "To be honest, I still have reservations about her serving as the person in charge of Haoyu Agriculture. Although she is relatively familiar with this business, she is still too You are young. Is it really okay to put such a heavy burden on the shoulders of such a little girl?"

Wu Hao, who was drinking water, paused for a moment, then looked up at Zhang Jun and replied with a smile: "Aren't we also grown up from young boys? Why can't we give young people a chance?"

"But today is different from the past. This is a project involving billions or tens of billions. To be honest, it is a bit risky to leave it to such a little girl. And there is also controversy within the company about her. Many people are secretly I'm talking about you being a bit nepotistic." Zhang Jun looked at Wu Hao and said.

This was also the main purpose of his coming to Wu Hao's office today. Of course he would not elaborate on Wu Hao's nepotism, but he had some doubts about whether Shen Ning could undertake such a large project.

In addition, in this regard, he still has a suitable candidate in mind, but he has never said it out.

After listening to Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao couldn't help but look at the girl in front of him, and then said with a slight smile: "She is relatively young and has relatively junior qualifications, but when did our company start ranking based on seniority? It has never been based on strength. .

Shen Ning is my secretary, and I know her abilities better than anyone else. If there is anyone in this company who knows the company's overall business better than we do, I'm afraid it's her. We can forget or not remember some things, but she can't. She must always know everything about the company, so that she can report it in time when I ask.

To say that her qualifications are far inferior to Zhang Xiaolei, she is also my secretary, and has worked in Shanghai and the overseas operations department for so many years. It is natural that this position should be hers, but you know why I did not choose her, and Did you choose Shen Ning? "

"Why?" Zhang Jun asked. He was already a little curious about this. Zhang Xiaolei and Shen Ning were both Wu Hao's secretaries. Zhang Xiaolei was the first to follow him, and his performance has been good in the past few years. Originally, he thought Wu Hao would give this seat to her, but he didn't expect that it would be given to Shen Ning in the end.

Wu Hao smiled and said: "It's very simple, because Zhang Xiaolei is not suitable for taking the leading role. Her ability to withstand pressure is relatively weak, and her performance in handling emergencies is often somewhat unsatisfactory. Her ability is strong, but A talent who defends the territory, rather than a general who expands territories. In comparison, Shen Ning has more of this temperament, which is why I use her."

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