Military Technology

Chapter 2409: You can sell 5 million units in 3 days. Are you crazy?


December 31st every year is an important day for Haoyu Technology, because on this day they will hold their annual new product launch conference to welcome the new year.

The previous several new product launches were all conducted online without any onsite presence. But this time, Wu Hao and the others invited more than a thousand guests to attend the new product launch conference.

So at noon, there were already many people in the park. In addition to attending the press conference held in the evening, these invited guests can also visit the entire park and experience it for a day.

Therefore, many people eagerly came to the park at noon in order to have a more comprehensive visit to the Haoyu Technology Headquarters Park.

Standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the scattered tourists in the park below, Zhang Jun couldn't help but smile: "It's only what time, so many people are here. It seems that everyone is interested in participating in this new product launch conference." The enthusiasm is very high.”

Zou Xiaodong, who was sitting on the sofa, smiled and said: "Previously, our press conferences were all online. This time we finally invited guests to the event, so everyone was naturally very active. After all, the opportunity is rare."

Wu Hao, who was reading the script over there, heard the conversation between the two and immediately asked Zhang Jun: "Security work must be done well. There are so many people coming, so we must ensure the safety of the scene to prevent accidents.

In addition, there are many people paying attention to this press conference, and there are also many people staring at this press conference, so the security department must be more vigilant to prevent anyone from taking the opportunity to take advantage of us. "

"Don't worry, we've already explained it here, and there won't be any problems. All guests present have undergone face recognition and skeleton posture authentication, so that various surveillance cameras throughout the park can monitor today's events at all times. Input the real-time dynamics of these people to protect their safety and ensure that when they have problems, they can be discovered in time and rescued in time.

On the other hand, the system will also monitor the behavior of these people in real time and restrict them. If someone wants to take the opportunity to enter some unopened areas, the system will detect it in time, remind them and expel them.

A person's appearance can be changed through some technical means, but the skeleton cannot be changed, and the same is true for behavior and posture. This is a habitual characteristic of people when exercising and cannot be concealed.

Moreover, everyone's guest ID card has a positioning chip, which can locate each wearer and know their real-time location. If this person appears in some areas where he should not appear, he can be discovered in time.

And the guest card is bound to the person's face, skeleton and action posture. So even if someone wants to steal other people's guest passes or work passes, it won't work. "

Zhang Jun introduced so much, then looked at several people and continued to smile and said: "In addition, this time we also used a lot of mobile patrol robots. These robots will be distributed throughout the park to patrol relevant areas. In addition to helping some guests and tourists in need, we can also monitor the safety of this area and take precautions before it happens."

Hearing Zhang Jun's introduction, Wu Hao nodded slightly, then looked at him and said: "You have to work hard today. I'll let Tong Juan handle the guests. Your job is to sit in command and ensure that We must safely bring in these guests and tourists, and send them out safely after the press conference, only in this way can we complete the task."

Don't worry, leave it to me. Zhang Jun assured.

Wu Hao nodded and looked at Yang Fan: "How's it going at the venue?"

Yang Fan looked at Wu Hao and responded: "In the morning, we teamed up with the technical department to conduct a comprehensive test on the equipment in the entire venue, especially the naked-eye 3D projection system, and the results were very good. The naked-eye 3D projection technology that we are most worried about has been tested throughout the whole test. There was no problem at all, and the whole process was stable. I have asked them to check it again in depth to ensure that there will be no problems during the evening press conference.

At the same time, our online broadcast work is also ready. This conference has covered more than 200 Internet media platforms in more than 100 countries and regions around the world. People in these areas can watch simultaneously through computers, mobile phones, the virtual world in our smart VR devices, and the virtual reality world of smart AR glasses. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Tong Juan who was standing by said: "In addition, this time we have also united more than 300 media around the world to live broadcast text and pictures of the normal press conference to ensure the latest information of the press conference. All can appear on these media platforms in a timely manner and be pushed to the public simultaneously.

In addition, we also invited more than 100 media reporters and dozens of Internet technology bloggers to attend this conference, so that we can obtain the latest information and news of the conference and release it in a timely manner. "

Hearing Tong Juan's words, Wu Hao nodded, then looked at him and asked: "How is the new product sales going?"

Everything is ready.

Tong Juan smiled and replied to Wu Hao: "Currently, our new product sales at home and abroad are ready. Find Shuyuan and wait for the press conference to start.

In order to make it easier for consumers around the world to purchase our products as soon as possible, we have set the sales time based on the time differences around the world.

First of all, on the domestic side, at ten o'clock after the press conference, all online channels will be opened to accept consumer orders. Throughout domestic online channels, we have a total of 1 million units in stock, which should be able to cope with the first round of rush buying.

Offline sales channels will also go on sale at various brand experience stores and brand authorized stores at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. This time we have prepared a total of 500,000 units for domestic offline channels, which should be able to cope with two days.

As for overseas sales channels, they are also divided into online and offline. The online channel will also be opened one hour after the press conference. Foreign consumers can purchase through multiple channels. As for offline channels, they will still be opened at 10 a.m. local time the next day.

However, considering that the overseas express logistics industry is not as developed and convenient as in China, our overseas online channels have a relatively small inventory of 200,000 units, while for offline channels we have 500,000 units in stock, which can basically last a few days.

So for us now, the biggest problem is out of stock. We believe that the first round of hot sales requires at least about 5 million units, but now we have only prepared more than 2 million units, and there are nearly 3 million units. gap. This small amount of stocking may not last for a few days, and it will be out of stock in three days at most. "

How can you be confident? Hearing Tong Juan's words, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun couldn't help but look at each other. They didn't expect that Tong Juan would be so confident, thinking that their first round of sales could actually reach five million units. This is definitely a success. Very scary results. Even the best-selling fruits cannot guarantee that they will sell five million units in three days. Is Tong Juan crazy?

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