Military Technology

Chapter 2410 Gearing up for half a year, just waiting for today

How can you be confident? Hearing Tong Juan's words, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun couldn't help but look at each other. They didn't expect that Tong Juan would be so confident, thinking that their first round of sales could actually reach five million units. This is definitely a success. Very scary results. Even the best-selling fruits cannot guarantee that they will sell five million units in three days. Is Tong Juan crazy?

Seeing the doubtful looks on everyone's faces, Tong Juan said with a smile, "In my opinion, five million units is just an appetizer. This time, the sales volume of our products may reach more than 20 million units."

Twenty million units, don’t you have a fever? It was Zhang Jun who spoke, and he was full of doubts about the exaggerated number Tong Juan said. In his opinion, if it can sell more than 10 million units this time, it will be very good. How can it sell more than 20 million units? Isn't this a bit of a fantasy?

Do you want to bet? If we can sell more than 20 million units... Before Tong Juan finished speaking, Zhang Jun couldn't help interrupting her and said, "If we can sell more than 20 million units, I will give you a sports car." , limited edition.”

Mr. Wu! Tong Juan did not respond, but looked at Wu Hao, "What do you say here?"

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head, "It's not appropriate for me to make a bet with you. If it can be sold for more than 20 million steps, I will give you a house."

Okay, then I already have a garage. Tong Juan said happily.

Seeing this, Zhang Jun couldn't help but said, "Don't be too happy too early, what if you can't sell these."

If you can't sell these, I'll give you a sports car. Tong Juan said confidently.

OK! Zhang Jun high-fived and said excitedly. This bet meant nothing to him but profit. If they can really sell more than 20 million units, it will definitely bring them huge revenue, and it will naturally be very profitable for him as a shareholder. If the final result is a bit poor and the score is not that high, it doesn't matter. At least you can get a sports car.

Seeing Zhang Jun's happy look, Wu Hao interrupted with a smile, "Okay, let's get down to business."

Returning to the topic, Wu Hao turned to look at Tong Juan and said, "I will leave the marketing operations and sales to you. It seems like you will have to work harder here."

That's the way it should be. Tong Juan responded with a smile, "We have been gearing up for more than half a year, but we are just waiting for today to arrive. Don't worry, we will go all out."

good. Wu Hao praised, and then turned his attention to Zou Xiaodong, "Mr. Tong is so confident, you have to give it to me. Don't make people angry because of the shortage of goods. That's okay." It’s unreasonable.”

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Zou Xiaodong also became serious and assured Wu Hao and Tong Juan, "Since Mr. Tong is so confident, I will go all out and step up production.

Don’t worry, Haoyu Technology is not what it used to be, and production capacity is definitely not a problem. At present, several of our major smart manufacturing factories have freed up production capacity and can increase production capacity at any time.

If necessary, we can reach a production capacity of nearly one million units per week. The production capacity can reach more than four million units in one month. So for us, capacity is not an issue. The problem lies in whether the sales side is strong. If so much is produced but not sold, resulting in a large backlog of products, then our losses will be huge. "

Hearing Zou Xiaodong's worries, Tong Juan looked at Zou Xiaodong with a serious expression and promised, "Don't worry, we will communicate closely with your production department to ensure that there will be no product backlog problem.

However, judging from our current market research and judgment, the professional structure gave me a sales estimate of more than five million units, which I think is too conservative. After all, they only conducted some evaluation surveys based on our previous product sales, and did not see the quality of our products this time at all.

Our evaluation is based on a comprehensive evaluation based on our previous sales, current brand influence, and the quality of our new products. We estimate that the total sales volume will be at least 10 million units, and it is not impossible to exceed 20 million units, and the possibility is very high.

However, for the sake of insurance, let’s produce on a scale of 10 million units and see how the market responds first. "

"No problem. We will fully cooperate with the marketing and sales department to ensure the production of the products."

Zou Xiaodong smiled and responded readily, and then said to Tong Juan, "Starting from four o'clock this afternoon, the products we store in various domestic warehouses will be sent to brand experience stores and brand authorized stores in various regional cities. It is expected that All distribution work will end at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning, which will not affect the on-time launch of sales through offline channels.

As for the online channel, we have also practiced with the express logistics platform several times. After the sale starts at 10 o'clock, we will start the packaging and labeling of the products. It is expected that the first batch of goods will be shipped half an hour after the sale starts. , if it goes quickly, it is expected that some lucky consumers will get the product tomorrow morning, look for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. com is basically about the same speed as offline stores.

Of course, if the order quantity is too large, the powerful logistics system cannot satisfy it in a short time, so it still has to be distributed and shipped.

I estimate that all one million products will be shipped within three days. If there is no problem with the logistics system, according to the normal transportation and delivery speed, after consumers order tonight, they will receive the products in five days at the latest.

As for overseas, we have also cooperated with overseas logistics and express platforms to send these goods. As for the goods sold through these physical sales channels, because they cover too many areas and involve a series of issues such as customs clearance declarations, they may be relatively slow, but it will not be slow for long. "

"It doesn't matter, it's good to be able to do this." Tong Juan shook her head and comforted with a smile. For Tong Juan, who was previously responsible for overseas market operations, she is too aware of the complexity of foreign markets.

Many of their products are delayed, and consumers are not able to get the products not because they are not available, but because the goods cannot enter customs, or because of other problems, so she is used to it because she knows the inside story.

so be it. Wu Hao smiled and nodded, then looked at everyone present and said, "I won't say those inspiring words. We don't need them, and it's very embarrassing to say them.

Let me just say one thing: everyone has had a hard time these days. After this busy period is over, I will treat guests and organize everyone to go out and relax. "


Everyone responded with a smile. Zhang Jun looked at Wu Hao and said with a smile, "Then I have to think about it carefully and see where I can go to kill you."

Yes, that's right, let's think about it carefully, we can't let go of such a good opportunity. Zou Xiaodong, Yang Fan and the others also agreed.

End of this chapter

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