Military Technology

Chapter 2411 Report a little achievement


Military Science and Technology Main Text Volume Chapter 2411 Reporting on Small Achievements As night falls, the entire Haoyu Science and Technology Park is brightly lit. Under the background of various night lights, the entire park seems to have entered the cyberpunk era, dazzling science fiction and dazzling.

More and more invited guests began to gather from all over the park to the Tianshu Activity Center, waiting for the launch of the press conference.

As for Wu Hao, he had put on makeup and was looking at the script at the moment. In order not to disturb him, everyone around him tried to reduce the noise as much as possible.

Mr. Wu, it’s almost time. Shen Ning came over and reminded that as Haoyu Technology's annual event, Shen Ning also temporarily put aside negotiations with Xu Xiaoya and came to serve Wu Hao instead.

Wu Hao nodded when he heard this, and then stood up. Everyone else in the lounge also stood up when they heard this. As Haoyu Technology's annual event, Lin Wei also came specially to watch this conference.

Seeing him getting up, Lin Wei also took the coat from the staff on the side, and then walked over to help Wu Hao put it on.

Wu Hao put on his coat and looked in the mirror, then smiled at Lin Wei and said, "How is it?"

handsome! When Lin Wei heard this, she raised her toes and pecked him on the lips. Then she looked away and helped him tidy up his clothes.

Wu Hao showed a gentle expression to Lin Wei, then nodded to the others present, and then walked towards the stage.

Walking behind the scenes, Wu Hao took a deep breath and waited for the opening.

Mr. Wu, get ready to go on stage, 3, 2, 1, let’s go!

The voice of the on-site director came from the earphones. Wu Hao followed the instructions and walked onto the stage. Two spotlights were brought in, illuminating Wu Hao from the dark stage and appearing in the scene and live broadcast.

Bang bang bang bang...

His appearance naturally aroused cheers and applause from the audience.

Wu Hao waved his hands around and walked along the passage to the round platform in the center of the venue.

Accompanied by applause, Wu Hao walked to the round platform and stood still. After calming down, he smiled at the audience and the camera with a relaxed and confident expression and preached.

Hello everyone, I am very happy that you are attending and watching our new year new product launch conference. Our New Year and new product launch conferences have been held for several times. In previous launches, we have also released and introduced a series of our new products and new technologies to everyone.

Thanks to everyone's support, a series of new products we have launched have achieved very good results in the market. It is precisely because of everyone's support that we are encouraged to keep exploring and moving forward.

Here I want to tell you the good news, that is, some of the new technologies we have released at the past several conferences, especially new medical products, have now been put into clinical trials.

I'm happy to report on a little bit of what we've accomplished over the past few years. It's small, but I think it's one of the greatest things we've ever done.

In the past few years, we have helped more than 7,000 physically disabled people around the world regain intelligent bionic electronic prostheses that are fully functional and comparable to their original limbs. We have helped more than 13,000 physically disabled people stand up again, regain normal movement abilities, and gradually return to normal life through our medical-grade intelligent bionic mechanical exoskeleton system.

In addition, our intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eyes, although still in clinical trials, have helped more than a thousand blind volunteers regain their sight, allowing them to see the world again.

Bang bang bang bang...

After hearing Wu Hao's report, everyone in the audience applauded. It is amazing to have helped more than 20,000 disabled people regain their normal lives. This is not a small achievement as Wu Hao said, but a great feat that deserves everyone's praise and learning.

Wu Hao smiled and waited for the applause to fall, then changed the topic and said: "Although I am proud of the achievements we have made in the past, I also feel deeply powerless at the same time.

Sorry, our ability is limited and we cannot help more people.

There are too many people with disabilities in the world. There are more than 85 million people with various disabilities in China alone, and the total number of people with disabilities in the world reaches a terrifying nearly 700 million people, which is equivalent to 10% of our total population. one tenth. The patients we treat represent only a small portion of this group.

We very much want to promote these new technology products to everyone, so that these disabled patients can get help. But unfortunately, the reality is very complicated and it is difficult to achieve this goal.

As a business, we are very limited in our ability to do more. So after careful consideration and intense discussion, we made a decision.

That is, we are preparing to open some of the product technologies and patents of these new technology products to other ambitious medical device companies. Here we invite medical device companies that are interested in this cause to join us, and let us work together to achieve this great goal. The goal is to allow all disabled people to receive treatment and return to the general population. "


Bang bang bang bang...

When Wu Hao announced the good news, the audience immediately burst into excitement, and all the audience applauded. This decision has to be said to be great. It is equivalent to Wu Hao and others giving up the benefits they have obtained, and then opening up the technology, allowing more medical device companies to join in, expand production, reduce costs, and thus make more people with disabilities Patients benefit from it.

For Wu Hao and others, this decision was made after careful discussion and study. After all, medical devices and equipment are no more protected than others in many countries and regions due to various reasons.

Some countries even do not recognize these technology patents at all, blatantly imitate these pharmaceutical devices, and impose heavy fines on patent holders and companies. For example, a large country in South Asia is such a rogue. Although their measures can indeed encourage domestic pharmaceutical companies to actively prevent and treat foreign advanced drugs, lower the prices of these drugs, and allow more poor people to use cheap drugs.

However, it is a violation of the interests of foreign pharmaceutical companies. Medical device companies spend billions or even tens of billions to develop new drugs, hoping to sell them back. But it was stolen in vain, which caused great losses to pharmaceutical companies.

This will also prompt some pharmaceutical companies to change their strategies, or even reduce or terminate the research and development of new drugs, hurting their enthusiasm for developing new drugs. What is ultimately harmed is the interests of all mankind.

Moreover, the quality of these generic drugs varies, so there are certain risks in taking them. Moreover, the infringement on the interests of foreign pharmaceutical companies will also cause these pharmaceutical companies to adjust their marketing strategies in this region of the country. Some new drugs will no longer be released in the region, and international lawsuits have even been filed against pharmaceutical companies in the region and countries.

Today is a chapter, and when it comes to the exciting press conference, I will write slowly and try to write something more exciting.

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