Military Technology

Chapter 2412 As long as you can recover your health, no matter how much money you spend, it’s worth


Of course, pharmaceutical companies are not entirely without fault. Some pharmaceutical giants deliberately raise drug prices, making these drugs too expensive for many patients to afford. This in itself is a kind of cruel exploitation. The adoption of this method by these countries and regions can be regarded as a kind of forced confrontation to a certain extent, but this method of confrontation is quite controversial.

It’s hard to say whether Wu Hao’s smart bionic electronic prostheses, medical smart mechanical exoskeletons, and smart bionic electronic prosthetic eyes are expensive.

Because compared with the price and performance of similar products at home and abroad, the prices of their products are too cheap. And it's still cheaper than similar products, and its performance is much, much better.

It is said that the majority of patients should be satisfied, but the fact is just the opposite. Many patients think that the price is still too expensive. There is no way this group is large and there are all kinds of people. In addition, this group itself has a generally low income level due to disability and other reasons such as being unable to work, so it is difficult for them to afford excessively high prices.

Even though the prices of these products are already very cheap, there are still many people who cannot afford them and they still think the prices are too expensive.

And for these patients, the medical equipment worth tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands is only one aspect, and the cost of the entire treatment is also the bulk. Including related surgical transplant costs, conventional treatment costs, and subsequent rehabilitation training costs for these medical devices, etc., the bits and pieces add up to a huge number, which is not necessarily much cheaper than the price of medical devices.

This is also the reason why many of these disabled patients still cannot afford this cost.

So whether these medical devices can significantly reduce the cost and price is actually very difficult. Why do I say this? It’s because these medical devices involve personalized customization.

We are different from each other. In addition to individual personalities and souls, there are also great differences in body height, skin color, blood type, etc. For example, different people's limbs have different thicknesses and lengths. This also means that in order to ensure that the smart bionic electronic prostheses worn by patients can adequately match and be consistent with the proportions of the limbs, these limbs need to be specially customized. This kind of individual customization is required. , the price is of course very expensive.

In addition to the thickness and length of the limbs, there is also the proportion of each limb segment. Some people's fingers may be longer, some people's fingers may be shorter, and people's skin colors are also different. Men's and women's hands are also very different. of. You can't give a female patient a man's thick hand, or a male patient a woman's delicate hand. This is obviously not good.

These cannot be mass-produced. They can only be customized based on measurement data. The production process is complicated and the price has gone up.

Some people think about whether centralized procurement can be used. This method is actually feasible to a certain extent, but it is also difficult. Because Wu Hao and others set the cost price relatively low, there is not much room for concessions. Moreover, this thing itself is a high-end medical product, and it is basically impossible to join the medical insurance. Also because the price is high, if the quantity is not achieved through centralized procurement, there will naturally be no room for maneuver.

Of course, there are also some products that can be mass-produced, such as smart bionic electronic prosthetic eyes, which can be mass-produced. However, even if mass production is achieved, its price cannot be reduced much, because this itself is a high-end medical device product with a high price. Moreover, the related transplant surgery is also very complicated and the cost of the surgery will be very expensive, so the overall price will be relatively expensive.

However, compared to the price, smart bionic electronic prosthetic eyes can help blind patients regain their sight. This is something that no amount of money can compare with. Therefore, for these patients, as long as they can restore their health, it is worth spending any amount of money. .

And Wu Hao and the others are now opening up some of their product patented technologies to domestic and foreign medical device companies. This does not mean that it is free, but that it is charged. Moreover, it is only part of the patented technology, and the core technology, including the core algorithm of the system, is still in their hands.

Therefore, even if these companies produce related smart medical device products, they are still under their control. And through the channels of local medical device companies in these countries and regions, their products can also enter the markets of these countries and regions, which creates conditions for building Haoyu Medical into an internationally renowned and powerful medical enterprise brand.

Don't other companies understand Wu Hao's plan? No, they see it very clearly. This is not a conspiracy, but a conspiracy. It is placed in front of everyone. For these pharmaceutical companies, as long as they make profits, why not do it.

Returning to the press conference, Wu Hao stood on the stage and waited for the cheers and applause from the audience to subside. Then he continued unhurriedly: "In addition to these external wearable smart bionic medical devices, look for Shuyuan We have also made great breakthroughs in the field of intelligent bionic electronic organs for the human body. At present, we have developed an intelligent bionic artificial heart that can perfectly simulate all functions of the human heart, as well as an intelligent bionic artificial kidney, and are currently developing a process A breakthrough has been made in the intelligent bionic artificial liver.

Yes, we have conducted bionic research on the three most important organs and tissues in the human body, and have made huge breakthroughs in key technologies.

Take the smart bionic artificial heart that we have put into clinical trials as an example. Our phase 2 clinical trials have basically come to an end. From the phase 1 clinical trials to the phase 2 clinical trials, we have successfully treated nearly 500 patients with heart failure. and patients with severe heart disease completed smart bionic artificial heart transplants.

Currently, among the nearly 500 patients, except for a very small number of them, whose postoperative recovery is poor due to other diseases caused by long-term heart disease, and a few people died of complications, most of the other patients have poor postoperative recovery. Their condition is very good and they have basically reached the level of complete recovery.

After transplantation of our smart bionic artificial heart, these patients can basically return to normal levels, and may even be better than normal people in some aspects.

Maybe when ordinary people run for a while, their heart beats very fast, which causes you to have a very bad reaction. But with the intelligent bionic artificial heart, these are not problems, so it can support the wearer to complete some more strenuous exercises.

Many of our patients have returned to normal life after surgery. They live, work, and exercise like normal people. Some people have become well-known local athletes, and some have even begun to try some extreme sports.

Let’s get to know this ordinary yet special group through a short video. "

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