Military Technology

Chapter 2413: Stealing life from death


Many of our patients have returned to normal life after surgery. They live, work, and exercise like normal people. Some people have become well-known local athletes, and some have even begun to try some extreme sports.

Let’s get to know this ordinary yet special group through a short video. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, the audience in the audience were a little confused, because until now, they had not seen a specially erected large screen, nor had any smart AR glasses or smart Mr glasses been prepared for them.

So everyone in the audience couldn't help but look around, wanting to know where the big screen was.

Just when everyone was looking around in confusion, the music in the venue sounded, and then three transparent pictures appeared above Wu Hao's head. Three huge surrounding pictures suddenly appeared in mid-air above Wu Hao's head, without any medium. It just appeared out of nowhere.


This sudden appearance of the screen made everyone at the scene gasp in awe, it was simply amazing. They were not wearing any AR or MR glasses, and there was no media material in the air where Wu Hao was, so the picture appeared out of thin air.

This is naked eye 3D!

Many viewers who knew a little bit saw the clues and exclaimed.

However, these exclamations were quickly covered by the sounds played on the screen, causing everyone's attention to be temporarily focused on these pictures.

A young man appeared in the picture, probably in his twenties, with short hair. He looked very clean, sunny and handsome. The boy's confession was also heard on the screen, introducing himself.

As he introduced himself, some scenes of his daily life also appeared on the screen. There is intense study, work, fun, and the unrestrained sweating on the court.


As the camera turned, the picture began to become dim, showing the young man from a few years ago. Because he suffered from congenital heart disease, he was physically weaker than other children since he was a child.

Although he underwent surgery, he recovered briefly. But an accidental cold caused his condition to relapse, and his condition became more and more serious. Until last year, the hospital had issued a critical illness notice. If he could no longer obtain a suitable heart source for a heart transplant, he would die of cardiac arrest at any time.

So since last year, he has been living in deep fear. Because he didn't know when his riddled heart would stop beating at any time, and he was afraid that he would never wake up once he fell asleep. I'm afraid that even the slightest exertion on my part will cause my heart to stop working.

In order to extend his life, his parents also tried countless ways, and finally learned that Haoyu Technology was recruiting intelligent bionic electronic heart transplant volunteers. Although after some understanding, this is a brand new technology and there are great risks.

But for them, it is also the only hope to continue his life. Because it is so difficult to match a suitable heart type, and there are too many people waiting. Basically, there are dozens of people waiting for a Xinyuan, so it is very difficult.

So he made up his mind, and his parents accompanied him to Anxi and applied to participate in this project. Finally, after layers of screening and assessment, he got this precious spot.

Immediately afterwards, there is a series of pre-operative preparation scenes. The director deliberately used a black-and-white-gray style for these scenes to show his parents' worries at the time and his determination. Including, before entering the operating room, he asked his parents to record in front of the bed, his various accounts, and some unfinished things, etc., which moved the audience at the scene, including countless online viewers who watched through the live broadcast.

Then there are the surgery scenes. These scenes are also achromatic and use artistic expressions, especially when the patient's heart is taken out from the chest. The completely distorted heart looks very scary. The above There are traces of some stents everywhere, like entangled claws, tightly restraining the broken and deformed heart.

Immediately afterwards, the doctors took out a shining metallic smart bionic heart from the blue liquid in a storage box, activated it, and inserted the heart into the patient's body.

A series of subsequent surgeries such as suturing were performed immediately. Finally, through the X-ray, it can be seen that the intelligent bionic artificial heart has replaced the patient's original heart position and become part of the patient's heart.

The current picture style is a bit like a documentary. While the picture is progressing, some text introductions will flash next to it.

After the patient left the operating room, he was pushed into the ICU for monitoring. Then, when the patient was reshaped, various body functions slowly recovered, and then the patient was pushed out of the ICU into the general ward. The patient's mental state changed significantly, and he slowly began to get up and perform some physical exercises. action.

Then, the patient was able to get up and walk, his physical skills recovered very well, and his weight also increased significantly. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com As the patient's health improved little by little, it was finally time for him to be discharged from the hospital. He accepted flowers from the hospital and walked out of the hospital accompanied by his parents.

This kind of comparison makes many people marvel at the magic of technology.

After recovering, he began a long period of physical rehabilitation and adaptive training and gradually returned to normal life. Except for carrying the battery and charging it, he is no different from ordinary people. Running, swimming, playing basketball, and even his recent preparations to start fitness, all of these are derived from this artificial heart. In his words in the video, he has a heart of steel.

The picture window gradually shrank, and then countless pictures appeared, each with a person, including men and women, young people, children, middle-aged people, and old people with gray hair.

These people gradually gathered together and became the logo of Haoyu Medical, as well as the familiar saying, technology makes life better.

Bang bang bang bang...

The scene erupted with even more enthusiastic applause and cheers than before, which lasted for a long time, as if the ceiling of the entire venue was about to be overturned.

As for Wu Hao, standing under the spotlight, waiting for the applause of the crowd to subside, he said with a smile: "I am very happy that our technical product can help these nearly 500 volunteers and patients to extend their lives and help them." Get healthy and get back to your normal life.

This should be the most meaningful and fulfilling thing we do. I never show off our achievements to everyone, but today I think I can show off. We have successfully taken away nearly 500 living lives from the hands of death. What a cool thing it is.

I hope this is just the beginning. In the future, we can use this technology to treat more patients, so that these sick patients will no longer passively wait for death, but be reborn. "

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