Military Technology

Chapter 2415 Great Transformation into a Living Person

Chapter 2416 Transformation into a living person

"The other two are both skin grafting techniques. The difference is that they are divided into autologous skin grafting and allogeneic skin grafting."

"Autologous skin grafting, simply put, is to remove the patient's own intact skin and transplant it to the patient's damaged skin area. Where the skin meets the conditions and can be transplanted into the patient's disfigured face? The answer is the patient's Buttocks, that is, buttocks.”

Ha ha ha ha……

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone in the audience burst into laughter. They also did not expect that the damaged face would need to be repaired with the skin on the buttocks. Some female audience members in the audience even turned red on their faces.

Wu Hao said with a smile: "Don't laugh, everyone, this has been fully researched and practiced. Because the skin in this part of the human body is the most delicate, it is relatively useless, because it basically does not see light, so the skin is relatively delicate and white. And because it is basically invisible to light, even if it is removed, outsiders cannot see it and will not be affected.

However, the area of ​​skin available on the buttocks is limited, and the skin on the buttocks is different from the skin on the face. Without the contours of the facial skin, it cannot fit perfectly, so the skin implanted in this way can only serve as a cover-up, and may cause loss of skin. part of the function.

For example, the blushing feature cannot be realized on this skin, and there are also some tiny expressions that cannot be realized.

On the other hand, this will cause some harm to the patient after all. No one wants their butt to be skinless and become pitted from now on.

So at this time, medical experts have researched and developed another skin grafting technique, which is allogeneic skin grafting. This skin grafting technique also has a more famous name, face transplantation.

That's right, it's the face-changing technique that's talked about in many movies and TV shows.

This kind of face transplant is very simple, it is to remove the donor's facial skin and then transplant it into the damaged patient's face. Although it is impossible to explain that people's faces look different, these are determined based on the internal skeletal and muscle tissue, and the facial skin is just one piece of skin.

Therefore, we can use this skin to repair the patient's damaged facial parts. The skin itself, which is not much different, can perfectly fit the patient's damaged facial area and perfectly connect with the surrounding intact skin.

The biggest advantage of this kind of surgery is that it can be customized according to the size needed and used, and the repair can be carried out perfectly, and the effect after repair is very good. In addition to some facial nerve tissue, some damage may occur due to surgical accuracy issues, resulting in some functional disorders. Others can basically achieve the same effect as the original face.

However, this face transplant surgery may also have some disadvantages or side effects. The first is that it may involve some moral and ethical issues, which is similar to the face-swapping plot in movies and movies, and will bring about a series of social problems.

On the other hand, there is a problem that comes with this technique, which is allogeneic rejection. This also means that patients will have to take anti-rejection drugs again and again for the rest of their lives, which is a burden and even torture for the patients.

Furthermore, there are currently very few donors of this type, so this technique is only applicable to a small number of people and cannot be popularized. "

At this point, Wu Hao paused for a moment, and then changed his tone and said: "Our skin grafting technique has no problems in this regard at all. First of all, it is printed from the patient's own somatic cells, so the source is unknown. There will be problems and there will be no rejection reactions.

And we can also customize the printing according to the patient's face shape or even the patient's own requirements, so as to print out a skin that can perfectly fit the patient's face shape and be comparable to the original face.

Of course, due to technical reasons, we are currently unable to print out the entire face at once. It’s not because of our technology, but because the skin tissue we print is alive, and it needs to maintain its activity to be implanted on the patient’s face and survive.

Theoretically speaking, once this kind of skin is printed, it must be implanted on the patient's face as soon as possible. The shorter the time, the better the survival and recovery effect. If it exceeds a certain time limit, the survival effect will be very poor.

But as we all know, 3D printing is very slow. No matter what kind of printer it is, it needs to be printed bit by bit, which takes a long time.

Therefore, in order to keep the printed facial skin tissue fresh and ensure that it can survive transplantation, we can only reduce the printing area of ​​the skin. In this case, we need to print the skin in batches and then transplant it in batches, or through Multiple printers print out the skin tissue, which is then spliced ​​and transplanted.

Despite this, the damaged face we use this technology to repair is very effective and can basically reach the level of the original patient's face.

After nearly a year of restorative treatment, Zou Feifei was finally cured and discharged from the hospital. Do you want to see what she looks like now? "


After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone in the audience shouted out.

Okay, Wu Hao nodded with a smile, and then said to everyone: "Let us welcome Zou Feifei with warm applause, and let her tell us all about her heroic deeds and treatment experience."

Bang bang bang bang...

Amidst warm applause, Zou Feifei appeared on the stage, and then walked towards the center of the round stage with confident steps.

At this moment, Zou Feifei no longer looked as depressed as she did in the ward. Instead, she was dressed like a successful urban beauty. Her entire face was very delicate and fair, and there was no sign of any damage at all.

Zou Feifei waved her hand and walked to the round platform. As for Wu Hao, he took the opportunity to get off Wu Hao to rest. After such a long speech, my mouth was already dry and my throat was smoking.

"Thank you Mr. Wu for giving me such an opportunity to regain my appearance, and for having the opportunity to stand on this stage and share with everyone my journey over this period of time..."

Zou Feifei started to talk about it from rescuing people to being rescued, and then coming to Anxi for treatment. The big screen shows some daily scenes she recorded with her own lens. Especially after comparing the disfigured face with the current face, the audience let out bursts of exclamations.

Everyone was staring at Zou Feifei's face, and the camera also gave a close-up of her face. But no one could see that this delicate and fair face had become so tattered.

This is simply amazing, like a huge transformation into a living person. What's even more magical is that not only her delicate face, but also her piercing eyes, including her eyebrows and hair that had been completely burned away, all appeared miraculously.

Although the current Zou Feifei still has handsome short hair like a boy, her hair is very thick and does not look like it has been burned off at all.

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