Military Technology

Chapter 2416 Hair Savior

Chapter 2417 Hair Savior

Amidst the applause, Zou Feifei left the stage.

After taking a rest, Wu Hao walked up to the round platform with renewed energy.

Looking at the audience, he showed his trademark confident smile and said: "Thank you Feifei for your wonderful speech, which allowed us to understand her journey of saving people and actively receiving treatment.

I am sincerely happy for you to see you step by step out of the pain and stand confidently on the stage again. "

After saying this, Wu Hao changed his tone, and then said to everyone in the audience: "At present, the damaged skin on Feifei has been basically treated and repaired. In addition, we have also repaired her beauty and hair that were burned in the fire. , including eyelash tissue transplantation, so that she can appear in front of everyone as a normal person with a beautiful image.

And this involves another technical achievement of our cell clone printing and transplantation technology, which is hair follicle cloning printing and transplantation technology.

In the past, treatment for patients with hair loss was generally divided into two methods. One was to wear various wigs to cover up and decorate. This method lasted for a long time and was basically a helpless choice for many people with hair loss after suffering from the disease. .

The second technology for treating hair loss is hair follicle transplantation technology. To put it simply, healthy hair follicles from other parts of the patient's body are extracted and then implanted into the hair loss areas, so that normal hair can grow in these hair loss areas.

This is a breakthrough technology that has saved countless hair loss patients, but it will also bring about a series of other problems.

The first is the source of these healthy hair follicles. The healthy hair follicles currently implanted in patients basically come from various parts of the patient's body, including the back of the patient's head and the places on both sides of the head that are not suitable for hair loss. Secondly, it also includes the patient's beard and armpits. , the brain sac of the abdominal purchase private parts.

Generally speaking, the latter ones are the last resort, and hair follicles are generally extracted from other parts of the head. This method is a bit like "reducing density and replenishing thinning" in farmland, which is to pull out the dense seedlings and then plant them in some sparse areas.

This is also the case with hair follicle transplantation, which transplants hair follicles from dense areas to areas with sparse hair loss to achieve even coverage of hair. But in fact, depending on the patient's existing hair volume, the effects of this type of transplantation vary. Moreover, it is all the hair on your own head. When averaged, it is equivalent to the hair on the entire head becoming thinner.

Moreover, this kind of transplant operation can only be performed a limited number of times, or even once, because the number of human brain sacs is limited and it is impossible to obtain more hair follicles.

Thinking of this, has anyone thought about why allogeneic hair follicle transplantation cannot be used? It was tested, but the effect was very poor, and it could not be promoted on a large scale.

Today, please let me introduce to you our latest scientific research results in the field of biomedicine, which is based on cell cloning cultivation and 3D biological printing technology, so we have explored hair follicle cloning printing and transplantation technology.

In fact, the principle is the same as the previous skin printing. That is, we extract part of the cell tissue from the hair follicles, then clone it, and then print it with a biological 3D printer. In this way, we can obtain a continuous stream of printed brain sac tissue.

Through this technology, we can achieve unlimited transplantation of the patient’s hair follicles or hair. In other words, everyone no longer has to worry about hair loss from now on. We can help every man and woman who is troubled by hair loss to cultivate black and beautiful hair. "


Bang bang bang bang...

When Wu Hao announced the news, a burst of warm cheers and applause broke out from the audience, making the entire venue boil. Not only the audience, but all the viewers watching the live broadcast were also extremely excited.

Hair loss is a problem that basically affects every adult, but it can vary from mild to severe. Especially now that young people live under great pressure and are exposed to various types of radiation and pollution for a long time, hair loss has become more common and serious.

So much so that there is now a joke circulating on the Internet, that is, the criterion for judging whether a person is strong or weak is whether the person has hair. Hairless or bald people are called strong people's hairstyles, and these people are also called great gods or bosses.

There are also the majority of programmers and community workers. They are also the hardest hit area for hair loss people. To judge whether a person is a programmer, community worker or engineer, just look at the sparse hair on the top of his head.

For these people, hair loss has become one of the biggest problems in their lives. These people tried all kinds of methods, but they still couldn't hold their hair back. In the end, each of them was successfully promoted to "strong" and "great god".

Are these people so willing to face this situation? Obviously no, they will try their best to make up for it. Hair transplantation is a common practice for everyone, and some people who do not have such an opportunity can only wear a wig.

Some people even call hair loss the greatest tragedy in life and a beauty killer. Because no matter how rich people are, they cannot avoid this tragedy. No matter how good-looking a person is, they can't handle the hairstyle of a powerful person.

But now, the news announced by Wu Hao is like the sound of nature to them. How can these people not be excited? Find Shuyuan Who doesn’t want a head of beautiful black hair? Who doesn’t want his partner to have such beautiful black hair? Who wants to be called Tongyanwuji by children for rushing over hairstyles or light bulbs? grandparents.

Now, this dream has come true, and a permanent solution to hair loss has finally emerged.

Isn’t it hair loss? Then just take it off, and let it fall off as much as you want. I’ll see how many times you can lose it. If you lose it a few times, we’ll transplant it a few times. You won’t have to worry about your hair loss anymore.

Looking at the excited crowd in the audience, Wu Hao smiled. They had fully anticipated the popularity of this technology, but seeing the reaction of everyone in the audience, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. This sense of accomplishment cannot be replaced by ordinary things. Wu Hao enjoys this feeling very much.

After waiting for the cheers and discussions in the audience to gradually subside, Wu Hao spoke again with a smile and said slowly: "Everyone knows that the reason why hair follicle transplantation is expensive is that it is very complicated and requires a doctor. We extract the patient's hair follicles little by little, process them, and then transplant them little by little into the patient's bald and hairless areas.

In fact, a single unit of hair follicle transplantation is not expensive, but if there are more places that need to be transplanted, the entire operation will be more time-consuming and laborious, so the cost of this operation will be more expensive. "

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