Military Technology

Chapter 2417 3D holographic projection


"As for us, we have transformed and innovated the implantation technique and successfully developed an intelligent and unmanned hair follicle transplantation equipment. To put it simply, we only need to input the designed drawings into this set of hair follicle transplantation equipment. , the patient only needs to lie half-down, and our equipment can automatically transplant hair follicles according to the design drawings.

Compared with ordinary artificial hair transplantation, hair transplantation with this automated equipment has the advantages of fast speed, dense and neat hair transplantation, high survival rate, and low cost. Through this technology, we can reduce the cost of hair transplantation to one-third.

Usually, it only takes half a month for patients to have thick, dark hair.

Patients only need to first go to our professional outpatient clinic for diagnosis and treatment, and then the doctor will design a hair transplant plan. After getting the patient's approval, the doctor will extract the hair follicles and some cells from the patient's body, then send them to the laboratory for cloning and cultivation, and then input the cloned and cultivated cells into a biological 3D printer for printing.

In order to save time, we generally use the centralized printing method of digital printers, so that we can obtain the brightest hair follicle tissue in the shortest time. Normally this process takes about half a month, depending on the number of hair follicles required. The greater the number, the longer the time will naturally be; the smaller the number, the shorter the time will naturally be.

Next, we will ask the patient to come to the hospital for hair transplantation. The entire hair transplantation operation may only take about one to two hours, which is very short.

After the operation, the patient needs to stay in the hospital for one night. If there is no discomfort, the patient can be discharged and go home the next day.

Of course, except for special parts. For example, some edges, eyebrows, and eyelashes require manual transplantation by a doctor.

Excluding the waiting time, the whole process only takes about one day to come to the hospital, so it is very convenient and quick.

After the operation is completed, in addition to ensuring that the hair transplant wound is healed and not washing the hair in the first week to avoid wound infection, the patient can completely return to normal after a week, and there will be no problem with washing hair or anything else.

After these implanted hair follicles take root and survive, the hair will continue to grow. At this time, everyone can take care of their hair at will. "

After introducing all of this in one breath, Wu Hao took a breath amidst the applause of the crowd. I have to say that this lecture was quite a waste of words.

After the applause from the audience subsided, he immediately continued speaking.

"Currently, our hair follicle cloning printing and transplantation technology has been used in clinical trials. Zou Feifei is one of the clinical trial volunteers and one of its first beneficiaries. In addition to her, there are many people who have benefited from this technology. I regained my black and thick hair.

Next, we will continue to expand the scale of clinical trials and recruit more volunteers to verify the reliability and safety of this technology. Later, we will also cooperate with some medical institutions to promote this technology, so that more patients suffering from hair loss can bid farewell to their suffering and regain a new life. "

After saying this, a promotional video about this technology began to play on the naked-eye 3D holographic screen above Wu Hao's head. In particular, the comparison of many patients before and after surgery in the short film deeply shocked everyone.

At the end of the short film, Wu Hao reappeared on the stage. He looked at the people in the audience and continued to preach: "The above introduction is just the tip of the iceberg of this cell cloning printing and transplantation technology. It has many uses and huge potential. . However, due to some technical reasons, we can only use it in a small number of treatments at present.

At present, we have used this technology to successfully print skin, nerve tissue, blood vessels, muscle fibers, ligaments, cartilage tissue, etc.

What makes us most proud is that we successfully printed myocardial tissue and used this technology to save the lives of several patients, including one of my most important relatives.

My relative was seriously injured in a car accident, especially his heart. At that time, the expert team discussed many methods, among which the most feasible and reliable method was to replace him with an intelligent bionic artificial heart.

This is also our product, and this technology has been successfully transplanted on many volunteers with remarkable results. However, it would be a pity to remove his heart like this. After all, it would be cruel to remove such a fleshy heart and replace it with an artificial one.

So we are discussing whether we can repair this severely damaged heart and make it healthy again. After repeated consultations, we decided to use this technology to clone, cultivate and print the patient's myocardial tissue, and then gradually perform surgical transplantation and repair.

In the end, after several transplant and repair surgeries, we finally restored the heart to its original state. "

After saying that, Wu Hao immediately snapped his fingers in front of everyone.

The clear sound of snapping fingers spread throughout the venue through the speakers, and then the naked-eye 3D triple holographic screen above Wu Hao's head disappeared, replaced by a heart, a beating 3D digital heart.


A burst of exclamations broke out from the audience, looking for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. com was obviously shocked by the scene in front of him.

Wu Hao then said with a smile: "This is a normal human heart, and this is a digital model of the heart that was scanned and generated after my important relative was damaged. These are hearts that were gradually restored through repair surgery."

As the naked-eye 3D holographic digital heart model changed, the audience screamed one after another.

Upon seeing this, Wu Hao smiled and said: "Through this technology, my relative has been cured and discharged from the hospital. Now he is no longer affected by his previous injuries and has returned to normal life, and often does sports." , without any discomfort.

At present, we have also used this technology in clinical trials, and are constantly testing its reliability and safety. Only by ensuring that it is safe and reliable enough and will not cause negative health problems to patients can we promote it to the majority of patients. The clinical trials are currently progressing smoothly, and I believe this day will come soon. "

“In addition to the printing and transplantation repair of myocardial tissue, this technology can also be used in repair surgeries of cardiac coronary artery tissue, arterial and venous blood vessels, intestinal injuries, muscle and ligament tissue injuries, nerve tissue injuries and other organ tissues. And all have achieved very excellent clinical performance.

Through this technology, we can cure many diseases that were difficult to treat in the past, thereby saving many people's lives, and allowing more patients to get out of the shadow of their diseases and embrace this sun-filled world again. "

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