Military Technology

Chapter 2429 When did black technology become so worthless?

Chapter 2430 When did black technology become so worthless?

As Wu Hao snapped his fingers, a clear sound of snapping his fingers spread throughout the hall.

Under the gaze of everyone, a light spot suddenly appeared at the place where Wu Hao had just snapped his fingers. The light spot grew bigger little by little and sent out circles of white ripples. These white ripples expand in the air and eventually hit the wall.

As Wu Hao gently touched the light ball, the light ball began to rise and float in the middle of the stage. It began to beat like a heart, then began to change colors, and then evolved into various holographic images.

This is the world's first 3D holographic projection short film. This short film is also produced by the cooperation of several well-known CG artists in China. These artists were very excited when they received this task. After all, this is the world's first 3D holographic projection short film. This alone can make these people flock to it without being paid. So after getting this opportunity, these artists were very talented and came up with such a shocking short film.

The colorful holographic projection made everyone at the scene mesmerized. No one thought that they could experience such a visual experience of light and shadow in their lifetime, which made many people express their sincere admiration.

At the end of the short film, countless photovoltaics, colorful ribbons, butterflies, birds, running animals, and people began to fly towards the center of the circular platform from all directions, and eventually turned into a blue earth.

This earth is very lifelike, as if you are really looking down at the earth from space. The various continents on the earth are vaguely visible, day and night, layers of clouds, and storm circles that are slowly rotating in the depths of the ocean. There are also the night lights of cities in various regions and countries on the hemisphere, as well as the aurora at the North and South Poles.

Suddenly everyone heard a noise, and a planet in the distance was orbiting the moon.

The moon, this is the moon!

Looking at the moon gliding in the sky, many people in the audience stretched out their hands, wanting to touch the projection of the planet that passed over them.

The projection scale of the Earth-Moon galaxy shrunk, and then, other planets in the solar system continued to appear. Above the venue, a burning fireball emitted a dazzling light.

The sun, this is the sun, the star that humans are most familiar with. At this moment, everyone faced the image of such a huge fireball and couldn't help but sigh. Human beings are really too small.

The projection is still accelerating. As the solar system continues to shrink, the Milky Way Cantilever Nebula where the solar system is located is gradually revealed, and then the entire huge Milky Way appears before everyone's eyes.

In the middle of the stage, a very gorgeous black hole appeared, which is the center of the Milky Way. The black hole is swallowing up the surrounding stars, as well as the light near it, and begins to eject from the other side.

Just as everyone was sighing, the Milky Way shrank rapidly, and then multiple galaxies appeared. The entire universe, no, it should be the entire known universe appeared in front of everyone.

As a beam of light appeared, Wu Hao slowly stretched out his hand.

The entire known universe continued to shrink, shrink, and finally fell into Wu Hao's hands, and then shrunk into a white point of light.

Wu Hao clasped his hands together, hid the light spot in his palms, exerted force, and then opened his hands to release. Countless lights emitted from Wu Hao's hands, filling the entire venue. Then it turned into countless fireworks and began to be released in the venue.

The colorful fireworks bloomed out of thin air in front of everyone's eyes. The brilliant colors made everyone in the venue mesmerized.

As all the light points bloomed, the entire press conference became quiet. Wu Hao stretched out his hand, and only a photoelectric was suspended at his fingertips.

Then he reached out and grabbed the photoelectric in his hand, and the light spot exploded in Wu Hao's fist, emitting white to golden light. Immediately afterwards, a layer of fluorescence appeared on Wu Hao's body. The fluorescence slowly rose and quickly formed a huge military commander wearing ancient armor and holding a sharp blade.

Wu Hao saluted everyone with clasped fists, and the huge general also followed Wu Hao's clasped fists and saluted.

The laws of heaven and earth!

This is Dharma, Heaven and Earth!

All the young people couldn't help but get excited. They had only seen this scene from novels and film and television dramas, but they didn't expect to see it with their own eyes this time.

Although this is only a naked-eye 3D holographic projection, it is shocking enough. Especially the oppressive feeling caused by the huge statue of Dharma, Heaven and Earth looking down at everyone, suffocating everyone present.


As Wu Hao snapped his fingers again, the huge Fa Tianxiang began to collapse and dissolve, turning into dazzling meteors falling down, and finally returned to calm.

The scene was quiet for more than ten seconds, and then enthusiastic applause and excited cheers broke out. The huge sound seemed to lift the roof of the entire press conference.

Following the applause, Wu Hao stood on the stage and smiled at everyone and preached.

"This is our naked-eye 3D holographic projection technology. To be honest, I am very lucky for everyone to have such a performance today, because during the rehearsal during the day, our 3D holographic projection system had a problem. , causing the entire rehearsal to fail.

At present, this naked-eye 3D holographic projection technology is still in the research and development experimental stage, so the equipment and system operation are not stable enough, so it will often cause problems.

So just in case, we actually prepared Plan B, which is another naked-eye 3D projection technology we developed. "


"There is another naked-eye 3D projection technology."

"One set is enough to defy the heavens. Now there are two sets, which makes it impossible for people to live."

"No, why develop two sets? When did black technology become so worthless? Find Shuyuan "

Facing the confused people, Wu Hao explained with a smile: “In fact, everyone should be familiar with another set of naked-eye 3D projection technology, which is the water mist naked-eye 3D projection technology that uses water mist as the medium. , thereby projecting relevant 3D images.

However, compared with other water mist naked-eye 3D projection technologies currently launched in the industry, our water mist naked-eye 3D projection technology is more advanced.

First of all, compared with other water mist naked-eye 3D projection technologies, our water mist naked-eye 3D projection technology can achieve no visual water mist. Using subsonic array technology, we will break these water mist into very tiny particles and then float them in the air. Therefore no water mist is formed.

And the audience will only feel wet, and no water will form on the body.

Also because the particles of these water mist are small enough, there are enough particles in the air, so that the projected picture will be clearer and more delicate.

In order to ensure that our demonstration today is foolproof, we have installed this water mist naked-eye 3D projection technology in the venue so that if there is a problem with our naked-eye 3D holographic projection technology, this technology can make up for it in time. "

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