Military Technology

Chapter 2430 The most gorgeous New Year’s Eve performance

Chapter 2431 The most gorgeous New Year’s Eve performance

"But now our naked-eye 3D holographic projection technology is performing well, so there is no need to show this technology again. After the press conference, we will carry out water mist naked-eye 3D projection technology on the artificial lake in the center of our company campus. Open air performance.

Compared with the small space in the venue, the open-air performance space is larger, and the natural pictures are more shocking. We have also specially produced relevant performance content based on the characteristics of water mist naked-eye 3D projection technology. Everyone is welcome to watch. "

This was something Wu Hao and the others had prepared before, of course to expand publicity. After all, there are too few people in the venue. If an open-air performance can be held and more people can see it, this will naturally better verify the authenticity of this technology and bring traffic to Wu Hao and others, which will benefit their related products. publicity.

As you can see, we have developed naked-eye 3D holographic projection technology. Regarding its related applications, we are constantly exploring and exploring its maximum potential.

For example, it has great potential for development in urban landscape performances, film and television culture, industrial design, and the Internet. Here we also welcome more companies and talented people who are interested in this technology to join in and jointly develop this technology.

Next, we will continue to optimize this naked-eye 3D holographic projection technology and strive to make it reach the commercial stage as soon as possible. Not only for commercial use, I believe it won’t be long before this technology may enter our ordinary homes.

Well, this year’s press conference is here. Let us end this conference with a wonderful naked-eye 3D holographic projection performance. Thank you all, and wish you all a happy new year and good night!

Bang bang bang bang...

Warm applause rang out, Wu Hao bowed slowly to the audience, and then left the scene while waving his hands.

However, everyone at the scene did not leave, because the gorgeous naked-eye 3D holographic projection show had begun. The wonderful performance made everyone watch with full attention, and no one got up to leave.

Wu Hao looked at the scene, then showed a satisfied smile, and then walked backstage.

Taking the warm water from Shen Ning, Wu Hao couldn't help but drink it. Although most of the content at the press conference was completed by "him" played by Coco, there was also a lot of content that he presided over and preached, so after this, his throat was already smoking.

After drinking the water, Wu Hao took off his coat, then walked to the makeup mirror and sat down, and the makeup artist began to remove makeup. These cosmetics nowadays are all waterproof in order to avoid sweating which will cause the makeup to fade. This also means that when removing makeup, you cannot just wash it off. You need special makeup remover oil or makeup remover water to remove makeup slowly, so as not to damage the skin. .

While Wu Hao was sitting there taking off his makeup, Lin Wei, Zhou Xi, Zou Xiaodong and the others walked in, looked at Wu Hao and congratulated him.

Wu Hao asked the makeup artist to remove his makeup and asked everyone with a smile: "How was the press conference tonight?"

It’s very exciting. This is the most exciting press conference I have ever attended. Zhou Xi’s expression was unfinished.

Lin Wei also nodded and said: "Before, you said that you guys had developed this technology, and I thought it was nothing. Today it seems to be a big shock. If I had known, I would have come to the rehearsal before, so that I could watch it one more time."

Speaking of this, Lin Wei said excitedly to Wu Hao: "I think we have very broad development prospects in this technology. With this technology, we can win many cities in China and even internationally. Outdoor advertising is put on the market. And we can also use this to develop amusement parks and theaters related to holographic projection, which is a very huge market."

When Wu Hao heard this, he smiled and waved his hand and said, "Haste leads to waste, so take your time.

This technology is still under development and testing and is currently not stable. It will take some time before it can be put into commercial use.

Besides, it is impossible for us to swallow up all such a large market, we still need some partners. Now that we have thrown out the bait, we are waiting for the fish to take the bait.

Don't worry, these people will come soon. "

These people have very good noses. As soon as tomorrow, the entire Linghu Lake will be lively again. Lin Wei sighed and said.

Zhou Xi smiled and said: "Haha, I'm afraid I can't wait until tomorrow. Wu Hao's phone is probably ringing non-stop now."

Wu Hao smiled and shouted: "Coco."

"Sir, Miss Zhou is right. Since the press conference, you have received 117 phone calls and more than 300 text messages and emails. Except for your relatives and friends, I have properly handled all other calls. Reply." Coco's voice came from the speaker in the lounge.

Wu Hao showed a helpless expression when he heard this. It was indeed the case. But he didn't want to deal with these endless calls now, so he might as well wait until tomorrow.

Where is Zhang Jun? Wu Hao changed the topic and asked with a smile.

Mr. Zhang and Mr. Tong are dealing with guests there. Shen Ning said with a smile, and then reminded Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, some guests and reporters have specified that they want to see you. Look..."

After hearing Shen Ning's words, Wu Hao thought for a moment and said: "The reporters should follow the old rules and hold a special press conference tomorrow morning.

As for these guests, please pick a few important arrangements and I will go meet them after taking off my makeup. "

OK Shen Ning nodded, then said hello to everyone and walked out.

Wu Hao, as for Wu Hao, looked at everyone and said with a smile: "Tonight is New Year's Eve, let's have a supper together to celebrate."

Yes, let’s celebrate the New Year together. After hearing his words, Zou Xiaodong also became excited and shouted.

No problem, how do you want to live? Zhou Xi was also an activist and asked Shuyuan immediately.

In response, Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand, then looked at a few people and said, "You guys can make plans. I'll go directly to you after I'm done."

good. Hearing his words, Lin Wei smiled and nodded.

After taking off his makeup, Wu Hao dressed up again and came to the living room, where many guests had already arrived. There are local and supervisory leaders, some partners from the business community, and some from other industries, etc.

In this regard, although he was a little tired, he still managed to deal with these people with a smile.

The Linghu headquarters was particularly lively tonight. The huge naked-eye 3D projection of water mist on the artificial lake attracted the attention of everyone in the Linghu business district. The guests and audience who came out of the venue, as well as the company's employees, also Gather at the artificial lake and watch the most exciting New Year’s Eve performance.

Of course, this performance was not broadcast live to the world from all angles through cameras set up in every corner of the park and drones in the sky, which also attracted countless people to watch after hearing the news.

For a time, news about Haoyu Technology and naked-eye 3D holographic projection exploded on the Internet, and it became a topic that almost everyone was talking about.

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