Military Technology

Chapter 2454 The end of the treatment experience

Chapter 2455 The end of the treatment experience

Okay, you can choose traditional medication or 3D printed medication.

I choose 3D printed medicine. Xiao Zhihang replied. As Wu Hao focused on 3D printing drugs at the press conference, they also wanted to see what the difference was.

Okay, the drug prescription has been written for you. You can go directly to the prescription to pay and pick up the medicine by swiping the QR code. For the sake of your health, please seek timely treatment as desired. This treatment is over, is there anything else you need help with?

there is none left. Xiao Zhihang shook his head.

OK, I wish you good health and goodbye!

As Xiao Zhihang stood up, warm applause broke out at the end. Mr. Zhao, Mr. Chen, Dean Liao, and Wu Jiuzhi all applauded, obviously speaking highly of the performance of this intelligent medical treatment system.

It is said that seeing is better than hearing. When they first heard about this system, they were surprised but gradually became suspicious and even a little angry. This is inappropriate for capital to use medical treatment to obtain funds and make money from the people. Where's the hard-earned money? So these experts all came here with the goal of cracking down on counterfeiting, and some even decided that if it was really a complete money-making project, he would report it even if he lost his job.

But now it seems that all their worries were in vain. This system and this hospital are all real. Not only is it real, it performs extremely well, much better than they imagined.

Just now I personally experienced the level of diagnosis and treatment. This level is much higher than that of ordinary attending doctors.

Next, we headed to the pharmacy to pick up the medicine. Wu Hao said to everyone present.

Xiao Wu, were there no cases in the whole process? Mr. Zhao asked Wu Hao.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head and said: "Of course there are. These cases are stored in the database. Patients can go to the lobby to print out their registration tickets or medical cards by themselves. They can also digitally record them by burning them on a CD or USB flash drive. Case storage.

Compared with paper medical records, this kind of digital medical records is more convenient to store, and the cost is cheaper. A few dozen USB flash drives can store massive amounts of case data information, including these high-definition examination imaging data. This is the difference between paper medical records and paper medical records. Quality inspection reports cannot do this. This can also avoid patients’ encounters and dilemmas of being checked repeatedly when visiting different hospitals. On the one hand, it can reduce the physical damage caused by excessive examinations, and on the other hand, it can also reduce the financial burden on patients.

I believe everyone knows these examples. Many patients who visit hospitals across hospitals still need to undergo examinations even if they have just been examined across hospitals. This kind of repetitive examination is a waste of resources.

Of course, this approach will inevitably damage some profits, and those who count on the inspection fees to make a fortune may go bankrupt. "

How could everyone not know what Wu Hao's last words meant? He was obviously mocking the people present.

Mr. Chen, on the other hand, nodded indifferently and said with a smile: "You are young and have a lot of thoughts on your mind. Don't worry. If this technology is really practical, I will be the first to raise my head to promote it.

Compared to the health and well-being of the people, these things are nothing. "

Mr. Zhao on the side also nodded and said sternly: "Indeed, this kind of paper medical records can no longer keep up with the development of the times, and it is time to eliminate them."

An expert in the crowd asked: "The biggest advantage of paper medical records is that they can keep patients confidential. Although this kind of digital medical record has many benefits, it can easily cause the patient's case information to be leaked, thus bringing serious consequences to the patient." Some impacts and troubles. Do you know about this?"

After hearing what the expert said, many people present nodded in agreement. This is indeed a problem. Everyone looked at him, waiting for his answer.

Wu Hao smiled and replied: "We have thought of this problem a long time ago, so we have encrypted the USB flash drive and related case information. The information in the USB flash drive can be read through the hospital's diagnosis and treatment system, and other computers cannot Read. In addition, these information cases cannot be modified, let alone copied, and read intelligently. In this way, it will avoid someone changing the case information and ensure the absolute authenticity of the case information. .”

After hearing his words, the expert nodded and stopped talking.

While everyone was talking, they had already arrived in front of the pharmacy, and everyone was attracted by this huge glass prescription. Compared with traditional pharmacies, this 3D printed drug pharmacy has a big difference, that is, it has a white container-like cabin inside, which is a bit like a photolithography machine. In addition to this cabin, there are also some ancillary equipment, such as transmission tracks and so on.

Seeing everyone looking at them curiously, Wu Hao walked to the front of the glass pharmacy and introduced them with a smile.

The white cabin inside is our drug 3D printer, and all 3D printed drugs are printed on-site through this printer.

Patients only need to scan the code at the window to confirm and pay to get 3D printed medicines.

Are these 3D printed drugs printed on site?

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Yes, these drugs are printed on-site based on the drug prescriptions of the intelligent medical diagnosis and treatment system. Each drug is specially tailored to the patient's condition. One thousand people, one thousand medicines." , each is different.

Therefore, there will not be a series of problems such as inconvenience in taking traditional medicines, misuse, under-take, and waste. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao smiled at Xiao Zhihang and said, "You can go and scan the QR code."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Xiao Zhihang nodded, and then came to the window. He did not have a physical registration ticket, but Coco had already entered his face data, so when Xiao Zhihang stood at the window, the camera on the window had already recorded his face. Face recognition, his information is displayed on the screen.

One hundred and forty-three yuan, not expensive! Looking at the amount on the screen, Xiao Zhihang smiled, and then took out his mobile phone and was about to pay, but a student he led scanned the code to pay first.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Zhihang nodded towards the young student and then continued to look at the screen.

After the scan is completed, a countdown will appear on the screen, which will take about ninety seconds. ‘

Seeing the countdown, Mr. Zhao immediately asked: "Does it take such a little time every time to print?"

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "The ingredients of the medicine will be different depending on the patient's prescription, so the printing time will naturally be different. It may be dozens of seconds if it is fast, and it may take several minutes if it is slow."

"Why don't you confirm directly in the clinic and then come over to get the medicine? This can save a lot of time." After hearing this, Mr. Chen immediately put forward his own suggestion. In his opinion, why Wu Hao and the others didn't think of such a simple solution? He, including many people present, looked puzzled.

After hearing Mr. Chen's suggestion, Wu Hao smiled and replied: "Haha, we thought of this method, but it's just not perfected on the current system."

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