Military Technology

Chapter 2455 We don’t produce medicines, we are just porters for pharmaceutical companies.

During the conversation with everyone, the countdown time ended, and the medicine prescription list and a bottle of medicine were spit out from the exit of the window. The packaging of the entire medicine bottle is very simple, with a simple name, an introduction to its functions and indications, and a QR code. By scanning this QR code, you can learn more about this drug.

The drug prescription list clearly introduces the relevant ingredients, functions and indications of the drug, as well as usage, precautions, etc. What attracts the most attention is the chemical structure of the ingredients of this 3D printed drug.

In addition, everyone is also interested in the medicine in this bottle. Under the urging of many people, Xiao Zhihang reluctantly opened the medicine bottle and poured out a few pills for everyone to watch carefully.

Everyone couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when they saw these oval flat granules that looked like proprietary Chinese medicine. I originally thought this 3D printed medicine was so magical, but I didn’t expect it to look so ordinary. Is this medicine really better than ordinary medicines? Everyone couldn't help but have doubts.

In response, Mr. Zhao picked up one and observed it carefully, then smiled at everyone and said: "The quality of a medicine is not measured by its appearance, but by its efficacy."

After speaking, Mr. Zhao said to Xiao Zhihang: "Before you are admitted to the hospital for surgical treatment, you can try this medicine first to see if it works."

OK, teacher! Xiao Zhihang nodded and responded.

Next to him, a middle-aged doctor who looked about forty or fifty years old said hurriedly: "Mr. Zhao, this drug has not gone through a large number of clinical trials or relevant approvals. I don't know whether it is safe or not. Well, wouldn’t it be too dangerous to take it in a hurry now?”

The middle-aged doctor seemed to be speaking to Mr. Zhao, but in fact he was speaking to Wu Hao, questioning him.

After hearing what the middle-aged doctor said, everyone nodded and started talking. This kind of worry is not unreasonable. This kind of self-printed medicine has not gone through clinical trials and has not been reviewed. It is not known whether it is safe. It is too risky to take it rashly.

Mr. Zhao and Mr. Chen also nodded and then looked at him.

Upon seeing this, Wu Hao smiled at everyone and said: "Don't worry, everyone, if there are risks, we will not use it in the prescription drug treatment for the public's exhibition experience stage.

First of all, I have to correct everyone's concept. What our drug 3D printer prints is not the new drug that everyone understands in the narrow sense.

We have indeed used this drug 3D printer to print customized new drugs, but the ingredients that make up these printed drugs are not new, but are ingredients in current conventional drugs.

In fact, it just mixes different pharmaceutical ingredients and prints them on a medicine.

And we can mix different drug ingredients with different contents according to the patient's specific condition, and add or subtract drug ingredients according to the condition, so that it can be more specific to the patient's condition.

The pharmaceutical 3D printer in front of you now does exactly this, and the raw materials it uses are also ordered directly from major pharmaceutical companies. "

Everyone present looked surprised when they heard this. In addition, many people had a look of disappointment on their faces. I originally thought that this drug 3D printer could directly print out new drugs, but I didn't expect that it was just a drug synthesis printer that just synthesized and printed the ingredients of different drugs together without any thought.

Of course, some people also gave praise after showing the original expression. You know, just this point can directly omit the hospital's dispensing process, allowing patients to receive more precise symptomatic treatment, and also saving a lot of waste. Avoid the psychological and physiological burden caused by too much oral medication, and provide patients with a better medication treatment experience.

Wu Hao naturally saw the reaction of these people. He was not in a hurry to explain, but let everyone discuss it for a while, and then said: "Of course, this drug 3D printer can also be used in hospitals and experiments. According to the relevant needs of the room, new drugs are printed out.

Everyone knows that each drug is synthesized from different ingredients. The biggest advantage of this drug 3D printer is that it can simplify the complex production line. This is the advantage of the 3D printer.

Just like in the past, when we wanted to print a complex part, we needed to go through many steps for precision processing. But now we only need a 3D printer to print the part in one go. This is the case with this pharmaceutical 3D printer.

The practicality of this technology may not be strong in some daily treatments, but in some environments it can play a huge role.

Another example is that in some remote and grassroots areas, the types and reserves of medicines are very limited. When there are some difficult diseases that require some special drugs, no. For example, the most common orphan drugs, and some less commonly used drugs, such as snake venom serum. These things are usually not used, but once they are used, they are really waiting for help.

But now, we can completely print out these drugs directly on site in this way, without the need for hospitals to stockpile drugs.

For another example, when there are emergencies in a certain place or some emergencies require a large amount of medication, drugs from other places cannot be brought in. Then we can make medicines on-site according to local needs and print what is needed. In this way, we can greatly respond to and solve these crises.

In addition, during the drug development process in the laboratory, we can also experimentally manufacture drugs in this way without the need for manual manufacturing, which is also conducive to the development of new drugs. "

After hearing Wu Hao's explanation, everyone present couldn't help but nodded. Indeed, the production of drugs is not just the synthesis of various ingredients. Since that kind of mixed medicine can be printed out, then new medicines can also be printed out. Why didn't they react?

Mr. Chen also smiled at Wu Hao at this time and said: "How dare you use this 3D printer for people to experience medical treatment without conducting large-scale clinical trials and approvals? It turns out that this is Something happened.

In that case, there's no problem. These drug ingredients originally exist, but you just synthesize these ingredients together according to your needs, and do not affect or change these drug ingredients, so there is no need to conduct rigorous large-scale clinical trials. This made a jingle ring out to me. "

What advertising slogan? After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look at Mr. Chen.

Mr. Chen smiled slightly and said: "We don't produce water, we are just porters of nature!"


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