Military Technology

Chapter 2457 A business that can be called a money printing factory

A beam of sunlight shines through the glass. In the bright small conference room, the middle and senior leaders of Haoyu Technology gather together.

Dong Yiming, who had not been seen for a long time, also showed up. Even Zhang Jun and Tong Juan, who were very busy, were sitting calmly and calmly, waiting for Wu Hao's arrival.

While everyone was chatting, the conference room door opened. Wu Hao led Shen Ning into the conference room one after another. Everyone who was a little lazy just now started doing their job, and many people stood up. Only Zhang Jun and the others, who were sitting in the first seat, sat lazily and unscrupulously, with no intention of getting up.

Wu Hao pressed his hands to everyone who was getting up, and then sat on the main seat.

Looking at the people who were looking at him, Wu Hao nodded slightly, and then said: "Okay, let's have a meeting. Today's meeting is mainly aimed at discussing and negotiating the release and production of new products after our press conference. . In addition, it’s the end of the year and there are still a lot of noisy things. Let’s discuss them later today and implement them quickly. There are not many days left.”

After saying this, Wu Hao looked at Zou Xiaodong and Tong Juan and said, "Yesterday I asked each of you to prepare a solution. How are you preparing? Who can come first?"

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone looked at Zou Xiaodong and Tong Juan. The two men looked at each other and asked each other what they meant. After giving in for a moment, Zou Xiaodong was about to speak, but Tong Juan spoke first.

In this case, let me go first.

Hearing Tong Juan's words, Zou Xiaodong opened his mouth and finally nodded. Seeing Zou Xiaodong and Tong Juan, Tong Juan immediately waved, and all the glass in the conference room darkened, and a ppt appeared on the big screen opposite the conference room.

Our online sales channels for our new products will be opened at 0:00 on the 1st, while the offline channels will be opened at 8:00 a.m. on the 1st. However, due to different time differences around the world, the sales opening time of this offline channel varies. Here I have obtained the domestic offline sales opening time.

After explaining, Tong Juan continued to everyone: "As expected, the sales of our new products this time, both the flagship and youth edition series, are very hot.

As of 9 o'clock this morning, our global online channel sales of new products have reached 5 million units, and our offline channel sales have also reached 3 million units.

And as our publicity continues to ferment and the reputation of our new products among consumers continues to increase, our product sales will definitely reach a higher level.

According to preliminary estimates based on current market conditions, the total sales volume of our flagship and youth edition series products may reach 100 million units this time. "


Hearing Tong Juan's words, everyone present took a breath. The number reported by Tong Juan was too terrifying, 100 million units, which no one had ever thought of.

So for the number announced by Tong Juan, everyone's first reaction was that it was untrue. How could it be possible?

In contrast, Wu Hao was a little surprised by this number, but he behaved relatively calmly. Faced with the current situation, he did not rush to speak, but the author looked at everyone's reaction.

100 million units, is this number too exaggerated? Zhang Jun was the first to speak, and he obviously had some doubts about this number.

When Tong Juan heard Zhang Jun's words, she smiled and shook her head: "No, the estimate I gave is already quite conservative. According to some people's estimates, our new product sales may eventually reach two Billions of units.”

The more you say it, the more outrageous it becomes. After hearing Tong Juan's words, everyone shook their heads, obviously feeling that this number was too outrageous and not credible at all.

As for Tong Juan, she said with a smile: "So I was conservative and cut the number in half, estimating it to be about 100 million units. Moreover, we may also set a record, that is, the fastest sales in history Products reaching 10 million units.

According to the current growth rate, it is estimated that by the afternoon, our total sales volume through online and offline channels will reach 10 million units. "


Upon hearing this number, everyone present became noisy again. Different from the previous questioning, this time everyone smiled. The current sales volume has reached 8 million units, and it is only a matter of time before it exceeds 10 million units. In the eyes of many people, the time given by Tong Juan is already very conservative. According to the current growth rate, I am afraid that this record will not be set until noon or afternoon.

Zhang Jun was even more happy when he heard this figure. Calculated based on the minimum of 4,000 yuan per unit for these 10 million units, this is a revenue of 40 billion. Based on the minimum net profit of 25%, this can Net income of 10 billion. This money-making figure can be called a money-printing factory. No, this is more profitable than a money-printing factory. Even if a money-printing factory is operating at full capacity, how much money can it print in a day?


Just when everyone was smiling and talking, Tong Juan spoke: "Because our production capacity is insufficient, our five million reserves have been sold out. That means that as of nine o'clock this morning, we have accumulated three hundred A gap of 10,000 units. As sales continue to increase, this gap is also expanding.

The data reported to me by Mr. Zou was two million units in five days, which is obviously not enough at this stage. "

After hearing Tong Juan's words, everyone present looked at Zou Xiaodong who was sitting there with a serious expression on his face, waiting for his speech. In the eyes of everyone, this is now equivalent to putting money directly into our own arms. How much we can catch depends on our personal ability. And this personal ability is how many products Zou Xiaodong and his production department can produce.

So everyone wants to know how Zou Xiaodong responded to Tong Juan's words. I am also eager to know what the production capacity of the production department is and whether it can be increased.

Looking at Zou Xiaodong's dark face, Wu Hao looked at him and smiled and said, "It's your turn, let's talk about it."

Zou Xiaodong nodded slightly when he heard this, then glanced at everyone present, and then said: "The production capacity reserve of five million units is an insurance figure we estimated in the early stage. Before our products are released and sold, who dares to If we say that our products will definitely sell well.

Therefore, for the sake of insurance, we have controlled the inventory to about 5 million units. This way, we can make progress and retreat, which is relatively safe. But who would have thought that the sales of this product far exceeded expectations, so this has also led to our current production capacity and a lot of sales. This is an objective fact.

In fact, this kind of problem is not only encountered by our company, but also by other companies. It can be said that this is a common phenomenon in the digital industry.

To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates, switch sources, read aloud with many sounds, and it can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

For all enterprises, no one dares to blindly increase the stocking quantity, unless it is as specific as fruit. But even for fruits, they control their inventory within a certain range and will not blindly increase it. "

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