Military Technology

Chapter 2458: Your own strength is the last word

After hearing Zou Xiaodong's words, everyone present nodded. Indeed, the stocking of five million units was also their previous consensus. Even this number seemed very risky to them at the time. Although it is said that the products released by Haoyu Technology are all popular, there are differences in popularity, and not all products may be able to exceed their tone.

So before the sale, when you don’t know the market reaction, how dare you take such a big risk and stock up in large quantities? What if it happens to you?

This is also the reason why so many digital product manufacturers will open pre-sale channels after the press conference, and then launch sales every half a month and a month. They release the product first and start pre-sales to see how the market reacts. If the product is popular and pre-sales are good, then mass production of the product will begin. If the pre-sales situation is not good and the product is not popular with consumers, then you will have to give up reluctantly. We may produce some for some users and to protect our own brand, but we will definitely not produce more. After all, if you produce this thing at a loss for each one, how can you produce so many to make a profit at a loss?

"Okay, we all know about this matter. Let's talk about your solution." Wu Hao said in time.

Hearing his words, Zou Xiaodong nodded, opened his folder, and then nodded to the assistant next to him. The assistant conference then controlled the computer and started projecting to the big screen.

After finishing all this, Zou Xiaodong said to everyone: "Yes, although we only have 5 million units in stock, two hours after we started online sales last night, we immediately increased the number of major products based on the online sales. The production capacity of the manufacturing plant was determined, and we quickly communicated with the foundry we cooperated with to start adding production lines and personnel to expand production capacity.

At present, the production capacity of our huge smart manufacturing factories has reached saturation, and the major foundries are also operating at full capacity. Taken together, our daily output can now reach more than 400,000 units, which means that in only five days, we can obtain more than two million units of products. "

But this is still not enough. According to this time, our product orders may reach 20 million units in five days. Your two million units are just a drop in the bucket and won't quench your thirst at all. Tong Juan shook her head when she heard this.

Hearing Tong Juan's words, Zou Xiaodong glared and said angrily: "Then what should we do? Now where do you want me to get you so many production lines and such high production capacity?"

Speaking of this, Zou Xiaodong gritted his teeth and said to Tong Juan: "Two million units in four days at most. This is my limit. You won't be able to get one more unit out of me."

Hearing Zou Xiaodong acting rogue like this, everyone present couldn't help laughing.

Tong Juan also pursed her lips and smiled when she saw this, and said to Zou Xiaodong: "The achievement of two million units in four days is indeed very remarkable, but for us at this stage it is still not enough, and it will directly affect consumers' enthusiasm for purchasing. of."

Can we change the method and accept the reservations from consumers first, and then we will send them to them one after another in the order of their reservations? Zhang Jun asked at this time.

Hearing this question, everyone nodded and looked at Tong Juan. Indeed, this method should be the best method at present.

Hearing this, Tong Juan looked at Zhang Jun and sighed and replied: "This is indeed a better way at the moment, but doing this means that we will definitely lose some sales.

After all, consumers’ patience is limited, and shopping is often done on impulse. As time goes by, consumers will more rationally evaluate the necessity and necessity of these products, so naturally some will give up purchasing.

To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates, switch sources, read aloud with many sounds, and it can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

In addition, those friendly merchants cannot just treat us as swallowing up the entire market. They are obviously unwilling to do so, so they will inevitably take a series of measures to block us, gather us, or even discredit us.

There is a saying in the business circle that destroying people's wealth is like killing their parents. How could these people just watch us cut off their financial resources and not take action?

Therefore, we try to find ways to eliminate this adverse impact as much as possible and actively respond to these possible problems and various crises. "

"Mr. Tong is right, we really can't be careless in this regard." The person who spoke was Liu Yufeng, the head of the publicity department. The current publicity department is a comprehensive department covering all external publicity businesses of Haoyu Technology. Its current responsibilities are a bit like the public relations departments of other companies.

Seeing everyone looking at him, he immediately continued: "This kind of competition and these despicable methods are actually very common in the entire industry, and can even be said to be rampant. It's just that big companies may be more shameless and do things more covertly. It's passable. As for small and medium-sized enterprises, they are completely barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes, and they often use various methods.

Although the news about our company's press conference has been popular all over the Internet in the past two days, they are basically relatively positive. But we have also detected some people who are trying to fish in the water.

For example, we detected two troll groups early this morning, and they began to follow a lot of news about us, and there were even some malicious smear campaigns.

But don’t worry, we have forwarded the relevant information to the Internet Police, and I believe they will handle it properly. "

"It's so outrageous. Needless to say, there must be someone behind it." Zhang Jun said with an angry expression.

Zhang Jun's words aroused the tension in the conference room, and everyone began to express their indignation one by one.

Wu Hao, on the other hand, did not speak, but smiled and listened to the voices of everyone present. After a while, he gently knocked on the table.

Although the sound of his knocking was very small, everyone at the scene stopped and turned to look at him.

"If we want to prevent others from finding loopholes and attacking us, we must be strong enough to make it impossible for the other party to attack." Wu Hao glanced at the crowd and then said, "I'll give you all my ideas. Let's take a look.

First of all, we must be honest with consumers and tell the truth to maintain the company's credit image. To put it simply and directly, let's just say that the product sales are booming, and the 5 million units in stock have been sold out. The company is currently organizing to step up production, increase production capacity, and strive to deliver the products to everyone as soon as possible.

Secondly, in order to increase credibility, I think we can do a live broadcast. "

"Live broadcast?" Everyone couldn't help but look puzzled after hearing this.

Tong Juan said thoughtfully: "You mean bringing goods?"

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "No, just live broadcast the final assembly line of our smart manufacturing factory, so that all consumers can see how our products are produced and how much we produce. In addition, the live broadcast room must be marked with the current we The amount of orders obtained, the gap, and our production. These data must be updated in real time to let the public know our production status."

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