Military Technology

Chapter 2462 5 times salary

With the arrival of the Lunar New Year, the entire Anxi is immersed in the festive atmosphere. The streets of the city are bustling with people buying new year's goods and tourists returning home in a hurry.

Haoyu Technology has begun to take a holiday, but because of the continued hot sales of new products, the first ones to take a holiday are naturally the scientific researchers. Except for some scientific research projects that are racing against time and need to be accelerated, researchers in other scientific research laboratories and institutes have already taken vacations. This can be regarded as a reward from Haoyu Technology for these scientific researchers who have worked hard for a year, that is, the Lunar New Year holiday is extended from the original seven days to fifteen days, usually from the 26th of the twelfth lunar month to the first lunar month. The tenth day of the lunar month.

In this way, everyone can have a comfortable Lunar New Year when they return to their hometowns. It can also take this opportunity to spend more time with their families and reunite with their loved ones.

For all those who work outside the home, this opportunity to go home may only come once a year. If we follow a normal holiday, the time is too short. Basically, we come back in a hurry and leave in a hurry. In total, we can't stay at home for long.

Therefore, Wu Hao decided to formulate this Lunar New Year holiday system with humanistic care. Except for those who need to be on duty and overtime, everyone else in the company can enjoy this long Lunar New Year holiday. As for those on duty and overtime, they can freely choose whether to have five times their salary or temporarily store their vacation and make up for it later.

However, for many employees, obviously this five times salary seems more attractive. We must know that the average salary of a scientific researcher is tens of thousands. If five times the salary is included, then half a month will be more than hundreds of thousands. Except for those middle and high-level leaders who have money and dividends, no one can spend more than 100,000 yuan to buy a half-month vacation.

So this also led to many people wanting to stay on duty, and there was even competition. However, this arrangement is mainly based on personal performance and work needs. It is useless to point out who is who, even if you want to stay voluntarily.

It should be said that the busiest this year is the production department and the marketing department. The popularity of new products has not subsided. In this hot sale for more than a month, Haoyu Technology has sold a total of more than 50 million units. And with the arrival of the Lunar New Year peak season, product sales continue to increase.

Therefore, the marketing operation department will not have a holiday this year and will work normally. As the leader, Tong Juan will not have a holiday this year and is personally responsible for the entire New Year peak season marketing work.

In addition to the market operations department, the production department that Zou Xiaodong is responsible for will not take holidays. They have accumulated so many orders that they are working hard to produce. There is no time to rest, let alone a holiday.

Although the production department has several fully automated smart manufacturing factories, no personnel are required to participate in the production process. However, the entire transportation of raw materials, including the transshipment of products, requires personnel to be responsible.

In addition to these fully automated manufacturing plants, there are also many foundries involved in the entire production process. In order to keep up with the schedule, they reached a new cooperation agreement with the foundry and added two new production lines for full production to ensure that these extrusion orders can be completed as soon as possible.

In addition to these two busiest departments, there are also some special departments and projects that are also rushing to progress, so naturally they cannot rest.

The same goes for Wu Hao. Although he is not involved in these projects, as the person in charge, he has a lot to do. He is often the busiest at the end of the year.

For example, the human thing he despises the most, it's the end of the year, and even if he is planning to despise the process, he still has to go through it. There is no way, who allows them to live in a humane society. If you want to interact, you have to blend in, and you can't be unconventional and different. Such people will not be successful.

In fact, since entering the twelfth lunar month, his father and stepmother from his hometown have called him to ask if he wants to go back this year. For the parents, they naturally hope that Wu Hao can take Lin Wei back, and then the family will have a lively Spring Festival. This is the expectation of all parents.

But Wu Hao couldn't give an answer. Logically speaking, he didn't go back last year and should go back this year. But he was too busy during this period and he wasn't sure if he would have time to go back.

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Another thing is that this year, my father-in-law's family suffered a sudden change, and Lin Lei was lucky enough to survive. Although I said I survived, I also paid a heavy price. Not only did he lose an eye, he also lost a leg. And the heart and facial skin have been repaired.

Although his original appearance has been restored, his left eye and left leg cannot be restored. Although Wu Hao and his team's smart bionic eyes and smart bionic limbs allowed him to return to normal, just like normal people, he is still a machine after all.

So Lin Wei tactfully conveyed her mother-in-law's intention, which was that she hoped they could stay and celebrate the New Year together and have a reunion.

After passing Lin Lei this time, the father-in-law and mother-in-law also looked away. Now the mother-in-law has handed over a lot of things to her father-in-law, and she has gradually stepped back to concentrate on running the family and taking care of her son.

So during the Spring Festival this year, the mother-in-law thought of calling Lin Wei and his son-in-law over for a lively reunion.

Of course Wu Hao understood and supported his mother-in-law's idea. However, the inquiries from his father and stepmother back home also made him a little embarrassed.

Just when he was hesitating, unexpectedly his father and stepmother brought Wu Tong to Anxi. After asking more carefully, I found out that it was Lin Wei who explained it to her father and stepmother, and their father and stepmother immediately expressed their understanding, and then rushed over with Wu Tong who was on vacation.

This also made Wu Hao and Lin Wei's home lively again.

Naturally, my parents brought a lot of New Year's goods when they arrived. In fact, none of them were expensive. They were local pork, bacon, sausages, local chickens and ducks, and other things that my father and stepmother bought from farmers' markets and farms. Great variety.

In addition to bringing these things over to eat themselves, my father and stepmother also packed them and gave them to Zhang Jun, Tongjuan and the others, which was a small gesture.

In fact, Haoyu Technology's New Year's goods are also very rich, and they are fully prepared for everyone. For executives like Zhang Juntongjuan and others, they are not short of money and can't buy anything they want. The key is that this care comes from the boss’s family, which makes them very warm. It can feel that the boss really cares about them, otherwise their family members would not know about them.

In addition to these friends and subordinates, my father and stepmother also sent many things to my father-in-law's house. And he took the initiative to say that this year’s New Year’s Eve dinner would be held at my father-in-law’s house.

This moved my father-in-law and his family very much, and they also got my father and stepmother busy together.

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