Military Technology

Chapter 2461 Wu Hao made a lot of money this time

"Haoyu Technology's five million units in stock were sold out within one day"

As soon as this news broke on the Internet, it immediately became a hot search topic all over the Internet. Logically speaking, selling five million units of a new product is not too much, but no one has ever said that five million units can be sold in one day. This is simply beyond everyone's imagination.

Although I knew that Haoyu Technology's new product would be a hot seller, I didn't expect it to be so popular, which surprised everyone. Especially the friends and businessmen whose faces were full of bitterness, envy and jealousy.

What may take them months or even a year to achieve is actually achieved in one day. This gap is unacceptable to these people.

Therefore, some people asked whether this data would cost money. After all, this result was too unreal, which made everyone suspicious.

But soon, this suspicion was broken, because Haoyu Technology directly launched a live broadcast room on social media platforms and major live broadcast websites. This live broadcast room provides 24-hour uninterrupted live broadcast of the production process of new products in a smart manufacturing factory owned by Haoyu Technology in Anxi.

The video footage of the entire live broadcast room is shot through various surveillance cameras located inside the smart manufacturing factory, so the footage in the live broadcast room will be switched from time to time. The content ranges from the assembly and testing of smart AR glasses to packaging, packaging, and then transshipment warehouse storage. Then it is transported out of the warehouse and then loaded into trucks and shipped away.

Through this series of live broadcasts, all viewers can have a more intuitive understanding of the entire product production process. Even though it’s only part of it, it’s shocking enough.

The first thing that shocked everyone was how clean these factories were. They didn't look like factories at all, but more like laboratories. The entire workshop interior is white and very clean. The lights will illuminate the surveillance coverage area brightly, so everyone can understand the entire product production process through these high-definition lenses.

In addition, it is the entire production line. It should not be said that there is not a single person in the entire production workshop. Therefore, except for the lights in the monitoring area that are automatically turned on, the lights in other areas are turned off, so it is very dim.

This also makes many netizens wonder why the lights are not turned on in the workshop. Is it to save electricity bills? However, some netizens soon pointed out that this was a black light factory. The so-called black light factory is a highly automated and unmanned chemical factory that does not require employees to participate in production, so naturally there is no need for lights.

Then comes the entire production process. Various robotic arms on the production line cooperate with each other and rotate very flexibly. In the assembly line, products flow rapidly one after another. The whole process is very fast and there is no pause. Moreover, this live broadcast room is open 24 hours a day, and the entire production process is uninterrupted 24 hours a day, which is really scary.

In the packaging workshop, products flow here one after another, and are packaged under the operation of these robotic arms. Then various robots will stack these packaged products as a whole and then pack them into boxes and transfer them to the warehouse.

It can be seen from the surveillance cameras throughout the warehouse that a large amount of goods have been stacked in the warehouse. And there are constant unmanned forklifts starting to transport these goods to and from the area, which is very busy.

At the cargo and equipment transportation points throughout the manufacturing plant, everyone finally saw people. Under the command of these personnel, trucks and containers enter here one after another. After filling the goods, they are sealed and then transported out of the factory. The whole process is also very busy.

In addition to these screens, real-time data information is also displayed in the upper left corner of the live broadcast room. Through this data information, we can know how many products are currently being sold, how many goods are left, etc.

Through these data, everyone can clearly understand how many products Haoyu Technology has sold in total. The actual sales volume is far more than the 5 million units previously rumored, and the current product sales have reached 16 million units. This number really shocked everyone. In just a few days, so much has been sold. This result is comparable to other people's product sales in a year or even several years.

By the way,,,..version. 】

In addition, they can also see from the data that the production capacity of Haoyu Technology's smart manufacturing factories and OEM companies has reached 530,000 units per day. Although this number is not as good as the sales growth figure, it is still very impressive.

You must know that this production capacity is already comparable to the production of others for weeks or even months. I am afraid that only those with their own intelligent unmanned manufacturing factories like Haoyu Technology can have such terrifying production capacity.

For ordinary people, what everyone is most concerned about is how much these products are sold for. Someone calculated that based on the current minimum product price of Haoyu Technology, which is 4,000 yuan, 16 million units would be 64 billion yuan.

And the output of 500,000 units a day is calculated to be 2 billion. This production efficiency may not be comparable to even a banknote printing factory.

You know, this is still calculated according to the minimum standard. Haoyu Technology's products are more than these, and some cost tens of thousands, so the real revenue is much higher than this. Some people believe that in the past few days, Haoyu Technology's revenue has exceeded 100 billion.

Such a terrifying ability to attract money really made everyone take a breath of cold air.

What makes it even more difficult for everyone to accept is that this is just the beginning. The sales of Haoyu Technology's new products are still growing, and the growth rate is very fast. According to this growth rate, it is expected that the sales volume of the new products released by Haoyu Technology this year may exceed 100 million units. According to the minimum price of 4,000 yuan per unit just now, this is 400 billion.

And this is still the most conservative estimate. In fact, it may reach 600 to 700 billion.

Oh my God, Haoyu Technology has made a lot of money this time, and Wu Hao has made a lot of money.

Those billionaires who appear on the list are nothing. Their sales of new products can exceed them. Those companies with a market value of trillions are nothing. The sales volume of a new product is close to them.

Who said that the industrial industry is no longer profitable, and who said that the technology industry is throwing away money? Not only is Haoyu Technology making money, but it is making a lot of money.

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