Military Technology

Chapter 2460 Abundant liquidity


Everyone present debated this issue, and then turned to look at Wu Hao, waiting for his opinion.

Wu Hao faced everyone's gaze, smiled, and then said to Lin Jianliang: "If you meet a relatively outstanding talent, you can give the green light, but you must grasp the scale in this regard, and you cannot absorb every talent. We can Not that big of an appetite.

As for the turnover of personnel within the company, it still needs to remain stable. For the people you mentioned, you can first conduct training or talk and admonish, and pay attention to observation and strengthen assessment. If there is still no change, then persuade them to quit.

After all, we are a company, not a charity. Keeping some people hanging around in the company is a disservice to those who work hard. The company's internal training still needs to be strengthened. The lecturers are not only limited to the company's internal managers and experts, but can also invite some well-known expert professors from major universities or experts in the industry to give lectures.

In the future, internal training will not only provide excellent talents within the company, but also provide various excellent talents for the entire industry and even the entire society.

What I hope is that our company’s employees will be excellent within our company and will become outstanding talents in the entire industry when they go out and become the targets of competition for major companies.

We must make all employees feel that working in Haoyu is a very unforgettable and proud experience, rather than becoming a painful memory that everyone does not want to mention. "


After hearing his words, everyone present laughed.

After everyone had laughed, Wu Hao looked at the financial director Qu Qingqing and asked: "How much liquidity does the company currently have?"

After hearing Wu Hao's inquiry, Qu Qingqing immediately replied seriously: "The company's current liquidity is about 260 billion, and with the hot sales of new products, there will be more revenue in the account, and then the liquidity on the book will be It will exceed 400 billion.

However, after deducting some expenses and payments to upstream supply chain manufacturers, the funds we can use may only be more than 100 billion. "

Hearing Qu Qingqing's words, Wu Hao nodded and said: "Several of our medical device products will be approved for sale soon, so I plan to build a new medical device intelligent manufacturing factory specifically for the production of high-end medical device products. It is expected that The investment for the entire factory in the first phase is about 5 billion yuan.

In addition, we also need to invest in the construction of a two-nanometer wafer fab, and we will invest 10 billion yuan. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao glanced at Zou Xiaodong: "Next year we will build a new super solid-state battery manufacturing factory, and the total investment will be about 4 billion yuan.

Is there any problem with the funding guarantee for these new projects? "

After hearing Wu Hao's inquiry, Qu Qingqing thought for a moment, then shook her head: "No problem. The company currently has ample funds in its books and can fully support these projects."

Speaking of this, Qu Qingqing said with a smile: "With Haoyu Aerospace becoming independent, the company no longer needs blood transfusions, so the company's financial pressure has been reduced a lot, which makes us feel relieved."

Hearing what Qu Qingqing said, Wu Hao couldn't help but smile and said: "If that's the case, then I will give everyone more money this year so that everyone can have a good year."

"Thank you, Mr. Wu!" After hearing his words, everyone present thanked him one after another.

Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand, looking at Dong Yiming who was sitting on the side like an old monk in trance. Since he was stripped of the management and operation responsibilities, Dong Yiming's current job is mainly responsible for the company's logistics and infrastructure work. Although he is the vice president, he actually does not have much power and is only responsible for a bunch of things.

Despite this, Dong Yiming still works very seriously and is responsible for all projects well. Long-term exposure to the sun and rain has also made Dong Yiming's skin darker than ordinary people. He is less than fifty, and his hair is also somewhat gray.

Feeling Wu Hao's gaze, Dong Yiming turned to look at Wu Hao and said with a smile, "Mr. Wu, do you have any instructions here?"

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head, then looked at Dong Yiming and said: "These new projects I just mentioned, whether it is a medical device manufacturing factory or a wafer factory, you are always a super solid-state battery manufacturing factory. This is a major project led by us, so I ask Mr. Dong to take extra care.

Originally, I planned to let you take a break after finishing these projects, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Now there are several projects again, which will require you to work harder. "

"No problem. This is what I am responsible for. I will do my best to complete these projects and live up to the company's trust in me." Dong Yiming agreed very neatly.

Dong Yiming's answer also made everyone at the scene admire him. This man who is nearly fifty years old actually still has so much energy. And this spirit of not being afraid of difficulties and active dedication is worthy of everyone's praise and learning.

As for Dong Yiming, he definitely couldn't figure it out when he was first asked to take charge of this aspect, and he even had a lot of resentment. But as time went by, he gradually gained experience in this industry, and even became a bit like a fish in water. In particular, seeing a series of major projects and buildings rising from the ground under his hands gave him a great sense of accomplishment.

For him, who is nearly 50 years old, he doesn't have much career ambitions now, and he doesn't have the ability and experience to compete with this group of young people. He has now figured it out, that is, before retiring, he should do a good job in what he is doing and perform to warm up.

Anyway, being able to reach his position is already very remarkable. He never imagined that a small company he worked for would become a technology giant with global influence.

So for him, it was all worth it. As long as Wu Hao doesn't fire him, he plans to work at this job until retirement. Now while your energy is still good, let’s take on more projects.

As an old man of the company, he can be regarded as witnessing the development and growth of Haoyu Technology. He even watched Wu Hao and the others grow up little by little and became famous entrepreneurs at home and abroad.

The generous treatment in the company, as well as everything he has built with his own hands, give him a strong sense of belonging. For him, this company and this park are his family. He was extremely familiar with every plant and tree here.

He knew that his current ability could no longer keep up with the company's development and could not help Wu Hao. So what he can do now is do his best to do the things Wu Hao told him and not let him worry about it. This is the greatest support for him.

Hearing Dong Yiming's words, Wu Hao nodded slightly, and then said with concern: "You should take it easy and don't be tired. Just grasp the overall situation and leave those trivial matters to me.

Dong Yiming smiled and nodded when he heard this: "I know, don't worry, I won't be tired."


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