Military Technology

Chapter 2464 Red Envelope

On New Year's Eve, there were obviously fewer people on the streets, and most people in the city spent the New Year at home.

Of course, there are still some people who stick to their jobs. Among them are police, doctors, firefighters, and all kinds of people who work hard in all walks of life.

As the person in charge of Haoyu Technology, Wu Hao went to various places early in the morning to express his condolences to those who were still working in various positions in the company.

For example, some employees in the marketing department who are working hard, as well as all the responsible and dispatching personnel in the entire production department.

With the arrival of Wu Hao, warm applause erupted from the scene.

In order to better transport and utilize the various goods produced, the production department and the market operation department work together during the Spring Festival. Therefore, in the entire operations hall, in addition to personnel from the marketing department, there are also personnel from the production department. The heads of these two departments, Tong Juan and Zou Xiaodong, are taking command here at the moment.

Seeing Wu Hao's arrival, the entire operations hall burst into warm applause, and Zou Xiaodong and Tong Juan also responded with smiles.

Wu Hao smiled and greeted the two of them, then took the microphone and said with a smile to the people who were applauding in the hall.

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“Dear colleagues, Happy New Year to everyone!

Here, on behalf of the company and myself, I wish you all a happy New Year, good luck in everything, good health and good luck in the new year! "

good! Wu Hao's words naturally aroused a burst of applause and congratulations from everyone present. Obviously, everyone seemed a little excited on this special day.

Wu Hao, on the other hand, looked at these people with a smile and continued: "On such a special day for family reunion, I am sorry to have to leave everyone to work at their respective posts.

To be honest, I felt a little uneasy inside, and even more so, I couldn't bear it. After all, the Spring Festival is the most important festival of the year for us, and it is also the festival when our families look forward to our reunion.

But everyone is unable to go home to reunite with their families due to work reasons. This is indeed very cruel and makes me feel uneasy. "

These words naturally resonated with everyone present. Many employees responded to his words, and many expressed their voluntary wishes.

In response, Wu Hao nodded with a smile and continued: "Although we are forced to stay and work overtime because we have no other choice, we still hope to provide you with a more comfortable New Year overtime experience through our efforts. Let everyone feel less missing, less lonely, and more happy during this Spring Festival holiday.

Therefore, during the holidays, we have arranged many rich entertainment activities for everyone, and everyone can participate freely according to their own interests. It’s okay if you don’t want to participate. We have prepared a large number of snacks for everyone. You can splurge as much as you like, but be careful not to eat too much and you will gain weight. "


Amidst the laughter of everyone, Wu Hao continued: "In addition to snacks, various staple foods are naturally indispensable. During the entire Spring Festival holiday, everyone can dine freely in the company restaurant, and all meals are fully charged.

In addition, we will also arrange for chefs from various cuisines to take turns cooking New Year cuisine from various places, so that everyone can eat hometown dishes here.

Again, take it easy and be careful about getting fat. "

Ha ha ha ha……

There was a burst of laughter.

Wu Hao also took the opportunity to smile at everyone and said, "Okay, that's all. The restaurant has prepared a rich New Year's Eve dinner for everyone. Let's get ready and eat quickly.

Happy New Year to everyone again! "

With that said, Wu Hao took a stack of red envelopes from his assistant and began to distribute them to the people gathered. The money in the red envelopes is not much, only 500 each. It is just for the sake of celebration and good luck. Every employee who grabs the red envelope has a happy smile on his face.

After giving out the red envelopes, the employees dispersed under Tong Juan's greeting. Only Tong Juan and Zou Xiaodong stayed with Wu Hao.

Wu Hao handed the remaining two red envelopes to Zou Xiaodong and Tong Juan and said with a smile: "Here, thank you for your hard work."

Oh, we still have it. When Zou Xiaodong heard this, he took the red envelope with a smile, then opened it, looked inside and said with a smile: "Heh, there's quite a lot."

Tong Juan took the red envelope with a smile and smiled at Wu Hao: "We have made arrangements here. All staff will work in two shifts during the holidays, so the work intensity is not high. This way, everyone can also celebrate the New Year. .”

Hearing Tong Juan's words, Wu Hao nodded and then asked: "How is the sales situation during the Spring Festival holiday?"

Seeing his inquiry, Tong Juan replied with a smile: "It's pretty good. There was a small peak during the domestic period. Today and tomorrow on the first day of the new year may be less due to the holidays, but it will gradually recover on the second day of the new year. We expect that the whole Our domestic market sales before and after the Spring Festival are conservatively estimated to reach more than three million units.

As for the overseas market, there is basically no movement and the growth is very stable. The good news is that we have opened up many markets, including great market performance in South Asia, South America, including Eastern Europe, and Central Asia. There has also been some relaxation in Western Europe, and we are working hard to see if we can break the restrictions and return to the market. "

Well done, thank you. Wu Hao nodded when he heard this, and then looked at Zou Xiaodong: "Where are you here?"

Seeing that Wu Hao had asked about him, Zou Xiaodong also put away the casual look on his face and replied sternly to Wu Hao: "Several of our smart manufacturing factories here are already operating at full capacity. In addition, we have also cooperated with our agent. Two production lines were added to the factory, and they were running at full speed during the Spring Festival. This has also enabled our daily production capacity to reach 700,000 units. In the past, we could achieve the output in four days, but now we can complete it in less than three days. Also. That is to say, we can produce seven million units in ten days. At this rate, we can clear all the backlog of orders very soon.

At that time, we can stop the foundry and let our smart manufacturing factory be responsible for the next production tasks. "

Hearing Zou Xiaodong's answer, Wu Hao showed a satisfied smile. This is what he is most worried about. He is not afraid of not being able to keep up with production capacity, but that he is afraid that the production capacity will be exceeded and the brakes will not be braked in time, resulting in overcapacity and product backlog.

Therefore, Wu Hao also emphasized this aspect to Zou Xiaodong several times. Now it seems that Zou Xiaodong is still very concerned about this matter and has lived up to his trust.

Well, good work. Wu Hao smiled and nodded and said: "There is no need to be in such a hurry. We can produce for two more days, so that we can have a certain amount of stock to avoid the small peak that will occur when the school season arrives.

However, you must be careful not to accumulate too much to avoid waste and losses. "

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