Military Technology

Chapter 2465 Showing affection, so cute

After bidding farewell to Zou Xiaodong and Tong Juan, Wu Hao went to several departments to visit and express condolences to employees.

Finally, at the urging of Lin Wei's phone call, he ended his condolence work and then drove to his father-in-law's house.

Early this morning, his father Wu Jianhua and his stepmother took Wu Tong to his father-in-law's house to help. As for Lin Wei, she also needs to visit the employees in China who are still on duty at the company.

However, her job is relatively easy, and she goes home to help after giving her condolences.

By the time Wu Hao arrived at his father-in-law's house, it was already afternoon, and the entire community seemed a little lively. There were lights and colors everywhere, and there was a happy and peaceful atmosphere.

After sending away the driver and security personnel, Wu Hao came to the yard. Wu Tong, the girl, had already walked out when she heard the sound. Also coming out was his brother-in-law Lin Lei.

"Brother, brother-in-law!"

The two greeted Wu Hao warmly.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded, then looked at Lin Lei who was no different from a normal person, smiled and patted his shoulder and said, "Okay, he's recovering well."

This is all thanks to the help of my brother-in-law, otherwise I would not have been able to survive this. Lin Lei said with a smile upon hearing this.

Wu Hao greeted the two of them to go home and said with a smile: "This is your good luck. Let me tell you, if there was any problem in that link at that time, you had to finish asking.


Wu Hao looked at Lin Lei and then continued: "This is closely related to your hard training and recovery after surgery. How about it? Can you move freely now?"

certainly! Lin Lei immediately responded after hearing this, then walked a few steps very neatly and said excitedly to Wu Hao: "Not only can I walk now, but I can also run and jump, no problem. I feel like I have to do it except when sleeping. Except that it’s troublesome to take it off, the rest of the time is just like normal people.”

Wu Hao looked at Lin Lei who looked excited, nodded with a smile, then pointed at his left eye and asked with a smile: "Are you used to it?"

"I'm used to it. I'm very used to it. Now I feel that this eye is easier to use than the original one. In addition to being able to see more clearly, it can also be zoomed in and out, and can see things that are difficult to see with the naked eye from a distance. It's like a built-in telescope.

In addition, in dark conditions, I can also switch to low-light night vision mode, so I can see very clearly without turning on the lights. And it also has smart VR eyes implanted in it, so it is very convenient for me to use.

There's just one thing, it consumes too much electricity. Brother-in-law, can you improve this aspect? "Speaking of this, Lin Lei complained to Wu Hao.

When Wu Hao heard this, he looked at Lin Lei and said angrily: "This is because you are using it too ordinary and using too many functions. If you use it normally, there will be no problem in supporting it for a day.

But isn’t this problem easy to solve? As long as you bring a super wireless remote power bank, you can charge your eyes in real time. "

Yes, it's possible, but it's troublesome, sometimes I forget to bring it. Lin Lei said to Wu Hao: "One time, I forgot to charge it, so the entire eyeball entered the power saving mode and turned into black and white.

Brother-in-law, if it doesn’t charge, will it shut down directly? "

"Of course I can. It's just an electronic device. It won't work without charging." Wu Hao rolled his eyes at the guy and said angrily.

By the way,,,..version. 】

So if a blind person with this smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye implanted in both eyes would be really blind if the power ran out. Lin Lei asked curiously.

Wu Hao heard this and said angrily: "You think they are like you. They keep reminding you to charge when the battery reaches 20%, but you turn a blind eye. Then who is to blame when the battery runs out?"

"That's right." Lin Lei nodded slightly and responded.

Wu Hao ignored the boy, took off his coat and hung it up, then came to the living room. The father-in-law was sitting there drinking tea with his father. Seeing Wu Hao coming, the father-in-law Lin Honghan smiled and greeted him.

"Xiao Wu is here, come and have tea."

Wu Hao smiled and walked to the tea table and sat down. Lin Honghan also poured him a cup of tea. Wu Hao took the tea and took a sip with a smile. Father Wu Jianhua on the side asked: "The company is finished."

Yes, I have already sent condolences to those who should be condoled, and there are still some who will go for a walk tomorrow morning. Wu Hao smiled and nodded.

Wu Jianhua nodded and asked with a smile: "Isn't there a vice president over there? I need you to go there in person."

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "The meaning is different. She is just a vice president after all. At this time, it is better for me to come forward, which is more representative."

Lin Honghan, the father-in-law on the side, also nodded and said with a smile: "Xiao Wu has a huge influence in the company, and many employees only recognize him, so you must come out more often to express condolences at this time. Just like those leaders, they also need to express their condolences during the Chinese New Year. Go down and take a walk.”


Hearing Lin Honghan's words, Wu Hao and his father Wu Jianhua also laughed.

Wu Hao put down his tea cup, said hello to the two of them, and then came to the kitchen.

At this moment, the kitchen was very hot, and my mother-in-law, stepmother, and Lin Wei were busy in full swing. His mother-in-law was holding the spoon, his stepmother was chopping vegetables, and Lin Wei was doing the cooking.

Seeing Wu Hao coming, they all smiled: "The work is over."

Wu Hao smiled and nodded and said, "How can I help?"

No, no, there are enough people here. If you squeeze in again, you won't be able to turn around. It's been a busy day. Go and take a rest. The food will be ready soon. The mother-in-law waved her hands repeatedly.

Wu Hao showed a helpless expression when he heard this, glanced at Lin Wei who was washing vegetables, and walked out of the kitchen with a smile.

Feeling helpless, he had to return to the living room. At this moment, Wu Tong and Lin Lei were sitting in the living room watching TV, which contained some messy programs.

Seeing him coming, Lin Lei quickly handed over the snack box. Seeing this, Wu Hao grabbed a handful of pistachios, sat there and ate them happily.

Not long after, Lin Wei walked over with a smile while wiping her hands, came to sit down next to Wu Hao, and leaned over.

Wu Hao fed a peeled pistachio into Lin Wei's mouth, and then asked with a smile: "You came back very early today."

Lin Wei smiled and nodded: "It's okay. There are few people over there, so I just expressed my condolences and went through the motions and came back. Give me another one."

Wu Hao nodded, peeled another pistachio and fed it to Lin Wei's mouth. When Wu Tong saw this scene, he couldn't help but shuddered and said, "I said, you two shouldn't show off your affection here. There are two children here."

Go, you are too young there, stop pretending to be cute here. Wu Hao was angry when he heard this.

Cackling...Lin Wei, who was leaning on Wu Hao, chuckled, which earned Wu Tong and Lin Lei both eye rolls.

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