Military Technology

Chapter 2471 Unprecedented Candidate

Mr. Wu, Mr. Zhang is here. Su Ho's voice came from the speaker. Although Shen Ning gradually began to shift his focus to Haoyu Agriculture, the company in the office was gradually handed over to Su Ho.

Of course, Shen Ning is still the director of the Secretariat Office, and Su Ho is still just an ordinary secretary in Wu Hao's office, just taking over Lin Wei's related work. This is indeed because her qualifications are limited and not enough to convince the public. Shen Ning needs to guide the gradual transition from the side. On the other hand, this is also a test for herself.

After all, not just anyone can be the secretary in the office of Chairman Eo of Haoyu Technology Co., Ltd. The importance of this position is no less than that of some department heads, and people in this position basically become princes, so for this position, everyone is very hot, naturally very.

In the midst of so much attention, Su Ho's ability to hold on to this position and do his job well has become a hotly discussed topic. Because the controversy is relatively large, this position has not been established. Now it depends on Suho's performance to win everyone's approval.

Of course, it doesn’t really matter whether everyone recognizes it or not. What matters is Wu Hao’s approval. This is his secretary, equivalent to his assistant and housekeeper, so Wu Hao is the one who makes the final decision.

In fact, in Wu Hao's opinion, the girl Su Ho is still somewhat spiritual, but she is just too young, too immature, and a bit weak-tempered. It should be said that after a few years of training, it is still possible, but it is a bit hasty to get to the top now. But this is the person nominated and recommended by Shen Ning after all. Although Wu Hao has some opinions in his heart, he will not say them out. This is to give Shen Ning face and out of his consistent trust in her.

Shen Ning naturally knew this, so he was particularly concerned about Su Ho. No matter how busy I am every day, I will still check in with the secretary and give her guidance. This has also made Suho's recent performance a little better. As for how long it can last, I don't know.

As Su Ho's voice fell, the office door opened automatically, and Zhang Jun walked in from the outside with a smile. Also coming in was Su Ho, who had a bun, minimal makeup, a white shirt, slim trousers, and high heels.

Busy now? Zhang Jun asked Wu Hao.

When Wu Hao heard this, he stood up, shook his head and said with a smile, "No, why are you here?"

Just come and take a look. Zhang Jun walked to the rest area and sat down with a smile, and Wu Hao also walked over and sat down next to him. At this time, Su Ho handed over Wu Hao's tea cup, and then brought Zhang Jun an energy drink.

Zhang Jun glanced at Su Ho, nodded, then picked up the energy drink, opened it and took a sip.

As for Su Ho, he turned to Wu Hao's desk and started packing up the documents.

Zhang Jun looked at Su Ho who was packing up documents, smiled at Wu Hao and asked, "How are you using this new secretary?"

Not bad. Wu Hao said with a smile.

Su Ho, who was packing up the files, paused when he heard this and then returned to normal. He quickly packed up the files on the table, then walked out quickly holding the files.

She just heard it. Zhang Jun glanced at the closed door and gloated to Wu Hao.


As for Wu Hao, he was a little unmoved and said: "Just hear it, what's the big deal? In this position, why do you expect her to do anything important if you can't even bear this grievance?"

After Zhang Jun heard what he said, he nodded, and then looked at Wu Hao with doubts: "I don't see what's good about her. Apart from being beautiful, there's nothing special about her. I don't think you are. Such a superficial person keeps her around just because she is beautiful.

If that's the case, there are many more beautiful people in the company than her. And Shen Ning and Zhang Xiaolei don't look bad either. "

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao smiled and said, "She does have some spiritual energy and still needs to grow. Mainly due to Shen Ning's strong promotion, I have to give her a chance. How she performs depends on herself. If it really doesn’t work, then we have to replace him.”

"If you ask me, Shen Ning is a pretty good girl. Her achievements in the promotion position in the past few years are obvious to all. I don't think there is any problem in letting her stay in this position.

question. If you are worried about her promotion, you can definitely upgrade her level. In a few years, there will be no problem at all in giving him a department head or deputy general manager. Zhang Jun said a little puzzled.

Wu Hao nodded and said, "It's good, and precisely because it's good, I want to give her more opportunities to perform. Now I have Keke here, so in the position of secretary, the space for her to perform is too small. It's better to put her in a wider space, let her grow up, and display her talents to her fullest.

And she has her own good ideas in agriculture, so I also want to see how she can develop this area.

As for this side, if Su Ho is not qualified for this position, then I will have to replace him. "

Substitution, who do you plan to replace? Zhang Jun couldn't help but asked curiously. In his opinion, there were only a few qualified people in Wu Hao's secretarial office company. Except for Su Ho, there was really no suitable person. So he was curious about who would replace Su Ho if he wasn't suitable.

After thinking about it, Zhang Jun suddenly had an idea and asked: "You probably want to recall Zhang Xiaolei back. She has done a very good job in her current position. It would be a pity to recall her like this."

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "Since she was sent out, how can she be recalled again? Besides, she did a good job, and I have more important work for her to do."

Then who do you plan to replace? There are not many suitable people in the secretarial office. Zhang Jun said doubtfully.

Wu Hao smiled slightly and then uttered a few words: "Isn't there Chen Ke'er?"

Chen Keer?

Zhang Jun opened his mouth when he heard the name, and then showed an expression of disbelief: "She is a robot, no, it is Coco. Artificial intelligence, how is this possible."

Why is it impossible? Wu Hao asked in return, and then said: "It has been responsible for a lot of the work of the Secretary's Office in the past two years. In terms of work ability, Shen Ning may not be its opponent.

What's wrong with choosing such a person to be my secretary? "

But, it is a robot. Is it appropriate to choose a robot as a secretary? It is unprecedented. Zhang Jun said hurriedly.

Regarding Zhang Jun's reaction, Wu Hao smiled slightly and said calmly: "Why is it inappropriate? Aren't we doing unprecedented work? Since it is unprecedented, let's start with us.

I believe this will be a very exciting start. "

Crazy, crazy, I think you are absolutely crazy. Zhang Jun shook his head, still a little hard to accept.

Zhi Tian Ge



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