Military Technology

Chapter 2472 High-speed Orbital Debris Cleanup Satellite

Anxi Linghu Headquarters Park, Xinyuehu Aerospace Command and Control Center.

When Wu Hao arrived, the place was already packed. As a major scientific research achievement of Haoyu Aerospace in the field of aerospace technology, this project attracted a lot of people's attention. In addition to some experts in the aerospace field, there are also military personnel. Of course, several media outlets are indispensable.

However, these were all heavy-hitting official media reporters, and no other media reporters were invited to the scene. This is mainly because this experiment is still at an undisclosed stage, so it is not appropriate to have too many complicated reports.

After quickly shaking hands with the experts and military representatives who came, Wu Hao came to his seat and sat down. Sitting on his left is Yu Chengwu. As the person in charge of Haoyu Aerospace, Yu Chengwu also sits here and gives personal command.

Of course, in addition, he will also act as a commentator, explaining the relevant situation of this project to Wu Hao and other guests.

Sitting on Wu Hao's right hand was Luo Kai, the leader of the military delegation. Sitting next to Luo Kai was a military representative in his fifties who was carrying a star on his shoulder. , named Wan Hongfei, belongs to a certain department of the war branch, and is a director-level engineer.

Wu Hao knew very well what the Zhanzhi troops did, and naturally he also knew the purpose of his coming here. The aerospace field also falls within the combat scope of the war branch, so it is natural for them to come to watch this experiment.

On the big screen is a rocket that is about to be launched. This is a Jianmu-2 rocket modified from an ordinary rocket. There is only one satellite on board the rocket, which is the Sanitation-1 rocket newly developed by Haoyu Aerospace.

Sanato-1 is an orbital cleaning satellite. Its role is to clean up space floating objects and debris in a specific orbit, thereby clearing out valuable orbits for reuse.

At present, there is a large amount of space junk floating in the low-Earth orbit above the earth. These space junk are filled with medium and low orbits, which not only seriously threaten the safety of other spacecraft, satellites, manned spacecraft, and space stations. A large number of base stations also use up precious orbital resources.

Orbital resources in space are limited, and orbits with important and special locations are even more precious. Once occupied, it cannot be used again.

These spacecraft and satellites launched by humans have a lifespan. Once their lifespan is exhausted, these satellites and spacecrafts become space junk and float in space.

For example, Dongfanghong-1, the first satellite launched by our country, is still flying in space orbit even though its lifespan has long been exhausted. Its orbital altitude has only dropped by twenty kilometers. If it is to fall into the atmosphere and burn up naturally, it will take at least several hundred years.

And it occupies a precious space orbit. Because of its existence, spacecraft and satellites cannot use this orbit later, otherwise there will be a risk of collision.

In addition to our country’s first satellite, the first satellites from the United States and the Soviet Union are also still floating in space. Up to now, humans have launched tens of thousands of satellites into space, including the famous Starlink.

Regarding the actual role of Starlink, there is a great debate in the industry and society, but one thing everyone can agree on is that Starlink occupies a large amount of low-Earth orbit space, and many damaged Starlink satellites make the entire near-Earth space drift. It is full of debris, which greatly increases the risk of near-Earth space collisions.

Except for some of these tens of thousands of satellites that are still operating normally in space, most of them have exhausted their lifespan and become garbage floating in orbit in the sky.

Because these garbage floated in space for a long time and were hit by microgravity and drinks, as well as stars and garbage fragments, a large number of garbage fragments of different sizes were separated.

Preliminary estimates indicate that there are currently 500,000 pieces of debris in Earth's space orbit with a diameter of more than 0.5 inches. And with the frequent increase in human space activities, this number is also growing rapidly.

How to eliminate the impact of these debris fragments on current and future space activities and how to remove these space debris have also become a topic studied by space agencies in various countries.

Now, Haoyu Aerospace is trying to hand over its own answer sheet to the world.

Sanitation-1 will be launched as the first professional orbital garbage cleaning satellite to carry out relevant orbital garbage cleaning experiments.

This move is of great significance. If successful, it will bring huge economic benefits to Wu Hao and others. You know, some tracks in important locations are very rare and therefore of high value. If it can be cleaned up and sold, the income will be very considerable.

Compared with its civilian value, the military value of Sanitation No. 1 is more eye-catching.

Since Ringo-1 can clean up orbital floating debris and space debris, does that mean it is also capable of cleaning up spacecraft and satellites in orbit?

This ability may not be so conspicuous in peacetime, but it can play a significant role in wartime. Using this kind of Sanitation-1 satellite, we can clean up all kinds of enemy reconnaissance and communication satellites in orbit on a large scale, and even intercept some high-orbit ballistic missile warheads. Its strategic value is huge.

It is also because of this that it not only attracted some experts in the domestic aerospace field, but also relevant representatives from the military. It can be said that these people came uninvited due to smell.

This made Wu Hao very happy. They didn't need to spend any more effort to invite these people. Sure enough, the aroma of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley. As long as you return the things, you are not afraid that no one will come.

As the person in charge of this experiment, Yu Chengwu also acted as a commentator, following the demonstration animation on the big screen and introducing it with a smile to everyone present.

Sanitation-1 is a high-speed orbital debris cleaning satellite developed on the basis of our new powered satellite platform. The total weight of this satellite is 2.3 tons, which is 2,300 kilograms.

We placed eight small aerospace engines on it, allowing it to freely shuttle in space orbit and achieve precise orbit changes.

In addition, we have also equipped this satellite with millimeter wave radar, lidar, and an image recognition system equipped with a compound eye high-definition lens.

Therefore, this satellite can not only realize orbital maneuvers and perform tasks through ground telemetry and real-time remote control, but also detect some orbital floating objects and orbital objects through the detection information transmitted back by the millimeter wave radar, lidar and image recognition system on the satellite. Garbage can be accurately captured.

Accurate capture!

Upon hearing this word, the eyes of Luo Kai and Director Wan Hongfei Wan of the War Branch sitting next to him lit up, and then they shone brightly. As soldiers and experts in this field, they have been keenly aware of the huge military value contained in this satellite.

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