Military Technology

Chapter 2478 Hunting Weather Satellites

Military Technology Chapter 2478 Hunting Weather Satellites

Wu Hao did not attend the technical seminar in the evening. On the one hand, he was busy with his own affairs and had no time. On the other hand, it was naturally because he did not need to attend such a meeting.

It was approaching nine o'clock in the evening, and when Wu Hao brought Zhang Jun and others to the Xinyuehu Aerospace Command and Control Hall, Luo Kai and Wan Hongfei were already seated, and they had obviously been here for a long time.

After saying hello to a few people, Wu Hao immediately took his seat and looked at the big screen. At this moment, the middle information on the big screen is an expanded world map, which shows the actual orbital path of the Environmental Satellite 1 high-speed orbital debris cleanup experiment satellite. There is also a red orbital path, which is the meteorological satellite that was scrapped due to malfunction and is about to be tested in an attempt to capture.

The left and right sides of this world map display content respectively. The right side mainly contains some data information, while the left side is the sky image shot and transmitted back by the high-definition camera on the satellite. In addition, there are various detection equipment carried by satellites, lidar, millimeter wave radar, and various image information transmitted back by optical detection equipment.

How's it going? Has it reached that stage? Wu Hao asked Yu Chengwu, the commander-in-chief of this experiment.

The two satellites are now one kilometer apart and can start capturing this retired satellite at any time. Yu Chengwu said to Wu Hao and everyone present.

let's start. Wu Hao waved his hand.

yes! Yu Chengwu responded and immediately began to issue instructions.

Satellite commands are issued,

The satellite system is operating normally, information transmission between the satellite and the ground is normal, and image transmission is normal.

The satellite begins to change orbit!

As the command was launched, the center of the large screen began to display the perspectives of various surveillance cameras on the satellite, as well as the impact information of the detection equipment. In the monitoring screen, gas was ejected from the engine nozzles of various parts of the satellite, and the attitude of the satellite was being rapidly adjusted. As the main engine of the micro-eruption ignited, the speed of the satellite became significantly faster, and the distance to the target satellite became closer and closer.

At this time, Yu Chengwu also introduced to everyone: "You must be extra careful when approaching this retired weather satellite, because the data we detect may be inaccurate.

This satellite has been out of service for seven or eight years due to malfunction. We have no way of knowing whether its orbit has changed. What we got was the relevant detection data in front of Qiba, as well as ground telemetry data information.

It is unclear how far this data information differs from the actual position of the satellite. In addition, seven or eight years have passed, and we have no way of knowing what condition the satellite is in now.

Therefore, this requires us not to rely solely on ground data support. We need our Environmental Satellite 1 high-speed orbital debris cleanup experimental satellite to use its millimeter-wave radar, lidar, and image recognition systems to autonomously detect and identify targets.

Please take a look at the target object information detected by our lidar. Judging from the current lidar detection data information, this meteorological satellite is relatively complete as a whole and should not have suffered much damage, so it is relatively easy to capture. "

While Yu Chengwu was speaking, the large screen showed that the Environmental Satellite 1 high-speed orbital debris cleanup experimental satellite was getting closer and closer to the meteorological satellite.

However, because it was over the day hemisphere at this moment, the image was completely black. Smart detected its general shape through lidar and millimeter-wave radar.

Turn on the searchlight.


As the command was issued, the searchlight on the Environmental Satellite 1 high-speed orbital debris cleanup experimental satellite lit up. However, what everyone sees is still the dark universe, and the damaged and decommissioned weather satellite has not yet been seen.

Lidar shows that the Environmental Satellite 1 high-speed orbital debris cleanup experimental satellite is very close to the weather satellite, only three to four hundred meters.

Environmental Sanitation 1 begins to slow down!

The deceleration is successful and gradually approaches the center.

Suddenly someone in the hall shouted excitedly after seeing it.

Sure enough, everyone finally saw a bright spot in the dark picture, which was very small. It was the light of the satellite's reflected searchlight, and everyone got excited about it. In such a dark space, it is basically impossible to see any bright spots. This bright spot must be because there is an object in front. Comparing the lidar detection data, this must be the scrapped weather satellite.

"Watch your speed!"

Although Yu Chengwu was excited, he ordered very calmly. He understood that the more critical the situation is, the less one should take it lightly.

Under the command of Yu Chengwu, the Environmental Satellite 1 high-speed orbital debris cleanup experimental satellite is getting closer and closer to the scrapped meteorological satellite. Under the illumination of the searchlight, everyone finally saw the satellite in full view.

Because the satellite has been scrapped, it maintains a normal attitude. The entire satellite is in a rolling and flying state, which is basically a CNC state.

Come closer, pay attention to your speed, pay attention to your distance, and slow down!

The Environmental Satellite 1 high-speed orbital debris cleanup experimental satellite continues to approach, getting closer and closer to the defunct weather satellite. Under the illumination of the searchlight, the insulation film wrapped on the satellite still retains its shining golden appearance. This is a weather satellite with a cylindrical shape, a large antenna, and two solar wing sails.

It's such a pity. If our Savior 1 is the one that goes up this time, then the satellite has a good chance of returning to normal. Wu Hao looked at the weather satellite on the screen and said regretfully.

Wan Hongfei did not speak after hearing what he said. The person who spoke was Luo Kai. He smiled and said: "This satellite was launched almost 20 years ago, and it has been decommissioned for seven or eight years. Even if it is repaired, it will not be able to withstand it." It’s of great use. It’s better to capture it, clear the orbit, and launch a more advanced satellite.”

makes sense. After hearing Luo Kai's words, many experts present also nodded.

This is indeed the case. It has been 20 years since this satellite was launched. Its related technologies have fallen behind, its performance cannot meet current needs, and it has lost its use value. It was officially because of this that the relevant departments approved their experiment.

Even though this satellite has been out of service for seven or eight years due to malfunction, it actually still has a certain value. As long as it exists, this track exists. And this satellite can also play some other roles, such as becoming a good target for certain anti-satellite or anti-missile weapons.

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Therefore, if it were not for the support of the military, they might not be able to carry out this experiment.

"Reporting that Sanitation-1 is at a synchronized position thirty meters away from the target satellite, the satellite systems are operating normally and the capture experiment can begin."

No. 1 capture net is prepared.

Capture net No. 1 is ready!


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