Military Technology

Chapter 2479 Hunting Weather Satellites (End)

Military Technology Chapter 2479: Hunting Weather Satellites Completed

As the command was issued, a white object was launched from a tubular launcher on the front side of the satellite. The object dragged out of the tube, grew larger and larger in shape, and quickly expanded into a giant net fifty meters in diameter.

The entire web unfolds in space. Some of it looks like a spider web, but it is very different from a spider web. Behind the entire web, there are some umbilical cord webs. The outside of the web gradually becomes smaller towards the inside. The whole structure is a bit like It's a parachute rope system, but each rope is so thin that it looks more like fishing line than rope.

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The fully unfolded net quickly spread over the entire meteorological satellite, covering, entangling, and bonding it together. The entire satellite seemed to be wrapped in layers of spider webs, like a rice dumpling.

This reminded many people at the scene of the situation in the Pansi Cave in Journey to the West, where Tang Monk and Zhu Bajie were wrapped in spider webs by the spider spirits.


Bang bang bang bang...

A burst of warm applause and cheers broke out at the scene to celebrate the successful capture by the satellite.

Start collecting!


As the command was issued, the cable floating in space began to tighten.

The engines ignited and began to derail.


Can such a thin parachute rope drag a satellite weighing several tons? Luo Kai asked.

Yu Chengwu responded with a smile: "Of course there is no problem. This single cable can drag an object weighing 500 kilograms, and there are more than fifty cables in total, which is enough to drag this satellite."

Although space is a state of weightlessness, the satellite itself has weight. If you want to drag this object, you must also have a rope that can withstand the gravity of the object. That's why Luo Kai asked this question, and Yu Chengwu's answer made him nod with satisfaction.

As the engine on the Environmental Sanitation-1 satellite ignited, the cable of the net quickly tightened, and the reversible satellite also stopped wrapping and began to be dragged closer and closer by the cable. When the cable stopped about ten meters away from the satellite, Sanitation-1 began to drag the defunct weather satellite into a maneuverable orbit.

Seeing this, everyone at the scene burst into warm applause again. Although it has not been announced yet, this result basically no longer needs to be announced. Everyone knows that this satellite capture experiment was a complete success.

Luo Kai clapped his hands and asked Yu Chengwu: "Is this weather satellite just dragging on like this?"

Yu Chengwu smiled and shook his head, and then explained to everyone: "No, dragging it like this is too time-consuming. We will drag the satellite to change its orbit, then accelerate, and wait until the appropriate angle to disconnect the cable. In this way, the satellite will It can accelerate towards the earth along the orbit we have set, and eventually burn up in the atmosphere.

On the one hand, this is also to get rid of the baggage and encumbrances, so that Environmental Sanitation 1 can travel lightly in subsequent experiments, so as not to affect the normal development of subsequent experiments.

On the other hand, it is also to experiment with the orbit change and release performance of Sanitation-1. We cannot drag this scrapped satellite into the atmosphere randomly. We must plan an orbit for it and let it crash in a predetermined area, preferably in the satellite graveyard in the South Pacific.

This also ensures that after these satellites fall into the atmosphere, some things that have not been burned by the atmosphere will not fall down and sting people or other objects on the ground. Although this probability is very small, and there has been no case of a human being being hit so unluckily, we cannot take this risk and let the people fall into such panic.

Therefore, Environmental Satellite 1 will automatically calculate the re-entry orbit of these space debris and garbage, so that their re-entry position into the atmosphere will avoid the road as much as possible, and then our Environmental Satellite 1 will adjust its orbit for the next mission. "

After hearing Yu Chengwu's introduction, Luo Kai, Wan Hongfei and other experts present all nodded in praise. Indeed, this is also one of the factors that must be considered. You must know that the controversy and panic caused by space debris falling into the atmosphere has become a topic of concern to many international and public people. Some people with ulterior motives will even use this stuff to attack our growing aerospace industry.

By doing this, Wu Hao and the others blocked the tongues of these people, leaving them with nothing to say. And this kind of treatment is indeed very correct, which can prevent these debris, debris and garbage from harming and affecting the ground to the greatest extent.

"When will this satellite be released into the atmosphere?" Wan Hongfei asked.

This requires calculation. Let’s open it around three or four o’clock tonight. If it’s quick, the satellite can re-enter the atmosphere and burn up tomorrow morning.

Hearing Yu Chengwu's words, Wan Hongfei nodded, and then said to Wu Hao: "I'll stay here tonight, no problem."

Of course there is no problem, but there is still some time before re-entering the atmosphere. I suggest you go to the lounge to rest for a while and come back when the time comes.

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Wan Hongfei waved his hand and said: "It's not that particular. We often stay up late and are used to it."

Hearing Wan Hongfei's words, Luo Kai nodded and said to Wu Hao: "Okay, it seems I'm going to spend the night here too. You don't have to worry about us, go back when you should, it's good here." "

Wu Hao nodded after hearing Luo Kai's words. He knew that Luo Kai was accompanying Wan Hongfei this time. Since Wan Hongfei couldn't leave, he naturally couldn't leave either. But as Luo Kai said, he has nothing to do here, and it doesn't make much sense for him to stay here any longer. He can just leave when it's time to leave.

"Okay, then I'll go back."

Wu Hao responded, and then said to Yu Chengwu: "Hello everyone."

Don't worry, leave it to me. Yu Chengwu responded with a smile.

Wu Hao nodded, then thought for a moment, and then said to Yu Chengwu: "Although this experiment was conducted in secret, we still can't hide it from those who are interested. Rather than being exposed by the other party and making a fuss, we should take the initiative to announce it. This can also show that we are open-minded.

In this way, after the satellite re-enters the atmosphere and burns up tomorrow, you will immediately arrange for someone to issue an announcement. "

"Aren't there these reporters here? Do we still need to publish it ourselves?" Yu Chengwu asked a little puzzled.

Wu Hao glanced at the reporters over there, then shook his head with a smile and said: "They are them, we are us. Remember, be brief and organize your words as well as possible. Our experiment this time is to reduce the space pollution. Garbage, protect the environment, and protect the safety of human life on earth, do you understand?”

"Understood!" Yu Chengwu responded with a smile. How could he not understand what Wu Hao meant? If they said this in advance, it would be difficult for those who want to find trouble to make a fuss.

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