Military Technology

Chapter 2480 Media Interpretation (1)

Military Technology Chapter 2480 Media Interpretation 1

"my country completes space debris cleaning experiment in orbit for the first time

"Haoyu Technology has a big black technology unveiled, space junk cleaning may be possible

"Space junk cleaning artifact, Haoyu Technology successfully conducted a space junk cleaning experiment

Early in the morning, relevant news about last night's experiment was reported by these official media, which suddenly attracted the attention of the entire industry and even the entire society.

The news content of these media, including the relevant news released by Haoyu Technology on its official website, was quickly quoted by major media at home and abroad, and the news quickly spread throughout the country and abroad.

However, compared with domestic media that reported positively, foreign media, especially Western media, would not report it in this way.

They cannot see the positive significance of this experiment, but wantonly exaggerate, slander, and attack this experiment. Just like a news headline from a certain media.

"The space arms race intensifies, and China conducts another anti-satellite experiment

"Space is no longer safe. China's anti-satellite weapons may threaten space security around the world."

Regardless of how these media reported it, this experiment has attracted attention at home and abroad. Although some of these reports are unfairly reported by Western media, they cannot affect the high level of attention and appreciation for this experiment within the domestic and foreign industries.

Because of the high level of attention, domestic and foreign media have made special reports on this experiment.

First of all, it was CCTV. With such important news, they naturally invited relevant experts to give a special interpretation of the news.

Professor Zhou, as an expert in this field, how do you view this space debris cleaning experiment conducted by Haoyu Aerospace?

The supporter asked an old expert with glasses and white hair sitting in the guest gallery.

Upon hearing the host's question, Professor Zhou smiled and nodded, and then said to the host: "My first reaction after learning the news was definitely shock. I didn't expect that our domestic aerospace companies could achieve this step. "

Why, is this technology difficult? The host interjected and asked.

Professor Zhou nodded and responded: "It's difficult. This is a very difficult technology. It has very high requirements for rockets, satellite technology, and telemetry control technology. Therefore, only Haoyu Aerospace is such a leader in the field of rocket technology. Only companies with very strong capabilities in the fields of satellites and spacecrafts, as well as ground telemetry and control technology, can accomplish this.

Without one, this experiment cannot be completed. This is why so far, only a handful of countries, and even fewer companies, have been able to complete experiments in this area, because it is very difficult.

However, Haoyu Aerospace overcame these difficulties, faced them head-on, and finally achieved technological breakthroughs and experimental success. And we can see that Haoyu Aerospace has made many unique innovations in this technology, which also makes them currently in the leading position in the entire industry in this field. It can be said that both technically and conceptually Far ahead of other similar technologies. "

What about those aspects? the host asked.

Professor Zhou said with a smile: "The first thing is of course the cost. It can be seen that Haoyu Aerospace has reduced the cost of this experiment to a very low standard, reaching a standard that can be applied on a large scale.

This is very important. Only affordable technology is good technology. If it cannot be used, then this technology is meaningless and can only be shelved.

After all, everything we do must consider cost. If the cost cannot be controlled, then the project will not be successful. "

Mr. Chen, what do you think? The host asked another expert sitting at the guest table.

The somewhat balding General Master Chen nodded and smiled: "I agree more with Professor Zhou's statement. Indeed, this garbage cleaning experiment of Haoyu Technology has achieved very satisfactory results, which can be said to represent the progress of our country." Private aerospace, cutting-edge aerospace technology, and space environmental protection are all at the forefront of the world.

What Professor Zhou just said is very good. For this project to continue, cost control is crucial. Only when the cost is low, affordable, and cost-effective can this technology be successful in the market. "

Professor Zhou, how does Haoyu Aerospace control costs? They all capture space junk. Why is the cost of their technology relatively low? The host grasped the key points in the two people's words and asked in a targeted manner.

That's right. Professor Zhou maintained a natural smile and explained: "First of all, we know that the rocket that launched the satellite this time is Haoyu Aerospace's own."

Jianmu No. 2 changed. Chief Master Chen interjected.

Yes, Professor Zhou nodded and replied: "The Jianmu-2 rocket is the first partially recyclable launch vehicle developed by Haoyu Aerospace. Its first stage rocket and two halves of the fairing can be recycled and reused. Yes, look for Shuyuan In this way, the launch cost will be greatly reduced.

The Jianmu-2 modified rocket is an improved model of Jianmu-2 technology. It can have greater thrust. It is a very cost-effective and very reliable launch vehicle. It has not appeared once since its first flight. ACCIDENT.

Therefore, using this rocket to launch satellites can greatly reduce the cost of satellite launches. "

In fact, sometimes the cost of satellites is not expensive, but it is more expensive than the launch cost of the launch vehicle. Chief Chen interjected: "Conventional rockets are disposable and are gone after use. As for the Jianmu-2 rocket, through partially recyclable technology, the first-stage rocket and fairing can be recycled and reused. This Basically, it can save about 70% of the transportation cost, which can be said to save more than half of the cost.

And this is not the limit of Haoyu Aerospace. Last year, they experimented with a Jianmu-2 special series rocket. This rocket can realize the recovery of the entire rocket. "

Recycle them all? The host asked.

Yes, General Manager Chen picked up a Jianmu-2 rocket model on the table, and then introduced it to the host and the camera: "This is a model of the Jianmu-2 rocket. The main rocket is a two-stage single-stage rocket." body rocket.

From top to bottom are the payload compartments of the rocket, that is, the thicker part at the top, which is the fairing. Inside the fairing are satellites or other payloads, then the middle part is the second-stage rocket, and the bottom part is First stage rocket.

When a rocket is launched into space, it needs to be transported through a first- and second-stage rocket relay to transport the payload into space. Our conventional rocket, this entire rocket is disposable. After launching and transporting the satellite, the rocket will be useless. The first and second stages of the rocket will fall directly and be destroyed. "

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