Military Technology

Chapter 2481 Media Interpretation (2)

Military Technology Chapter 2481 Media Interpretation 2

So many people think it is a pity why the first and second stages of this rocket cannot be recycled and fully used. Wouldn't this save costs greatly?

So there is rocket recyclability and reuse technology, such as the famous Falcon rocket, and the Jianmu series rockets of our country's Haoyu Technology.

As for the Jianmu-2 series rockets, as Haoyu Aerospace’s first recyclable and reusable technology rocket, it can realize the recovery of the first-stage rocket and the fairing.

Can’t the second stage rocket be recycled? the host asked.

After hearing the host's words, Professor Zhou smiled and explained: "That's right, both the first-stage rocket and the fairing work in the atmosphere, so the entire recovery work is carried out in the atmosphere.

As for the second-stage rocket, it needs to break through the atmosphere and enter space. In this way, the difficulty of recycling will increase, and the cost will naturally rise linearly. Unless the cost can be reduced, it will not be worthwhile to recycle the second-stage rocket and make full use of it. It is better to build a new one.

The overall recovery just introduced is a technology that Haoyu Aerospace successfully experimented last year. That is, they mastered the secondary recovery technology of the rocket and successfully tested the secondary rocket recovery last year.

In this way, the transportation cost of the rocket can be greatly reduced, reaching the level of 1,000 yuan per kilogram. If we ordinary people want to enter space in the future, this technology will be the key. "

Because it's cheap enough? the host asked.

Professor Zhou nodded and said: "Yes, because it is cheap enough so that ordinary people like us can afford the tickets to space."

You continue. the host said.

Professor Zhou nodded and continued: "In addition to mature and low-cost launch vehicles, Haoyu Aerospace also has a very mature ground measurement and control network, including the aerospace measurement and control center in the northwest, landing sites, etc., which can not only Providing convenience to them can also greatly save task costs.

Finally, there are satellites. Haoyu Aerospace has been deeply involved in the field of aerospace technology for many years. It has mastered a series of core technologies from satellites to spacecrafts to extraterrestrial detectors and manned spacecraft. It has very strong technical strength.

As for this satellite, the reason why it was able to capture this retired and scrapped weather satellite so quickly was due to their excellent satellite sub-control system.

And through this draggable and detachable catching method, one satellite can capture multiple scrapped satellites and orbital debris, which invisibly greatly reduces costs.

In this way, the overall cost of cleaning up space orbital debris can be controlled within a very low range, which is conducive to the continuation of this technology. "

Mr. Chen, you said that this technology is difficult, so what is the difficulty and why is it so difficult? The host turned to Master Chen and asked.

Chief Chen nodded and responded: "That's right. First of all, the earth's low-Earth orbit is very huge. One hundred kilometers above the ground is the famous Karman line, which is known as the boundary between the atmosphere and space. From the Karman line, that is Anything within the range of 100 kilometers to 2,000 kilometers above the ground can be called low-Earth orbit.

At present, 99% of the earth's satellites and spacecraft are active within this altitude. This range is also the area where the most space debris floats, basically covering 99% of the garbage debris.

Currently, there are approximately 500,000 or more pieces of garbage larger than one centimeter in regional low-Earth orbit space. Except for some natural celestial bodies, most of these fragments are various fragments left over from human activities.

Among them, there are tens of thousands of large pieces of debris, many of which are various satellites and spacecraft that have been launched by various countries in the past and have been retired.

Let's take the meteorological satellite to be captured in this experiment as an example. It is not large in size, only about ten meters including the solar wing sail.

To find this satellite in this busy and huge low-Earth orbit space and perform precise positioning, this will test the telemetry and observation capabilities of the ground. The satellite must be remotely observed from the ground and then calculated. The flight orbit and speed can be determined before the satellite can be launched.

When the capture satellite, the Environmental Satellite 1 in the experiment, is launched into a predetermined orbit, it will then need to automatically change its orbit to find the weather satellite.

There is a certain error in ground telemetry observations. The error may be a few kilometers at best, or more than ten kilometers or dozens of kilometers at worst.

Let’s not talk about how to find this satellite in the busy orbital space. Let’s just say that it is very difficult to find something ten meters in size within a few kilometers or a dozen kilometers.

Therefore, it is necessary to use the detection equipment carried on the Environmental Sanitation 1 to conduct scanning and detection, find the satellite, and then get closer to it.

It is said that it is approaching, but it is actually slowly approaching the past. This is comparable to the docking technology of our spacecraft and the space station, and is even more difficult than that. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

Because we know the precise location information of the space station, we only achieve precise docking after understanding this information. But Environmental Sanitation-1 is not the case. It does not know the precise data of this satellite, only approximate data information.

Therefore, it needs to adjust its attitude, speed, and approach angle based on the data information of the retired weather satellite in real time, so that it can safely approach the satellite.

We can see from some of the images released this time that this retired weather satellite is not stable. It is out of control and is turning over and running at high speed.

The risk of approaching such an object in space is very high. If you are not careful, you may collide with a retired weather satellite. At that time, we are no longer cleaning garbage, but creating garbage. "

Professor Zhou continued what Master Chen said: "We can see that Environmental Sanitation-1 is very flexible. It uses its own attitude engine to constantly control the speed, adjust the angle, and then slowly approach the planet. Decommissioned weather satellite. Then maintain a distance of about thirty meters from this weather satellite.

Then, the net is launched to capture and entangle the entire satellite, and then deorbit it. General space debris cleanup technology can only accomplish this step.

But Haoyu Aerospace is not the case. This Environmental Satellite 1 will push and drag the retired weather satellite out of its original orbit and clear the orbit. Then drag the retired weather satellite to change its orbit and speed, and enter the preset orbit for returning to the atmosphere.

After entering this orbit, Environmental Satellite 1 immediately cut off the cable and then voluntarily left the return orbit. The retired weather satellite will fall into the atmosphere along the return orbit and burn up. It is very difficult to achieve this, and there are very high requirements for satellite flight control. "

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